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HEALTH AFRICA 2013-2015 North-South-South project Orientation November 8th, 2013 Helli Kitinoja, RN, MNSc Manager of International Affairs, Seinäjoki UAS Administrative Coordinator, NSS project Vice Chair, HADCO. Introduction.
HEALTH AFRICA 2013-2015 North-South-South projectOrientation November 8th, 2013 Helli Kitinoja, RN, MNScManager of International Affairs, Seinäjoki UASAdministrative Coordinator, NSS projectVice Chair, HADCO
Introduction The HEIs in Finland haveimportantrole in implementing the Finnishdevelopmentpolicy (MOFA+MOE) • The FinnishDevelopmentPolicywasrenewed in 2012 Internationalization is one of the mostimportantpriorities of the HEIs in Finland Strategy for the Internationalization of the HEIsin Finland (MOE 2009) - globalresponsibility is one of the fivepriorities Export of knowledge – developmentpolicy (11-2013)
HADCO NGO & Network of eight UASs from Finland & two Universities from Africa
NORTH-SOUTH-SOUTHHigher Eduction Institution Network Programme • The first North-South pilot programme opened in 2004, pilot phase until 2007 evaluation by the MFA • Health Africa project was one of the first North-South projects – the biggest one project in Finland • After the pilot phase the HADCO Network has got financing for three NSS projects (2007-2009), (2009-2011), (2011-2013) and (2013-2015) • The national programme got a new name: North-South-South • Second external evaluation 2009 by the MFA Health Africa project was evaluated; evaluation 2013
NSS programmeis a tool to applyfinancing for the student and academicstaffmobility NSS programme and developmentprojectssupporteach other • HEI ICI programme(HigherEducationInstitutionsCapacity Building Programme) is a new tool for the co-operationbetween the HEIs in North and South the programme is applicable to projects in allthose developingcountrieswhichareeligible to Official DevelopmentAssistance (ODA) as definedby the OECD * Developmentprojects(MFA in Finland)
NORTH-SOUTH-SOUTH Higher Education Institution Network Programme The North-South-South programme promotes partnerships between higher education institutions in Finland and in the countries of the South, fostering capacity building and human resources in HE through interaction and reciprocal mobility HE has a key role in development of societies – people will have a better chance to be part of the cultural, socio-economic and political life of their communities the NSS programme promotes the goals of the UNs Millenium Declaration
The aim is also to generate and disseminate new knowledge and to create sustainable partnerships between HEIs in Finland and in partner countries • The programme is coordinated by CIMO (The National Center of International Mobility in Finland) under the Ministry of Education • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs finances the programme together with the Ministry of Education • The finance will be given to the networks, Finnish HEI is always the coordinator, agreements are needed
PROGRAMME ACTIVITIES The programme is divided into 4 components: • Reciprocal student and teacher exchange between Finland and partner countries • Intensive courses at the institutions in the South • Dissemination activities in South and North • Activities that promote networking between Finnish and partner country institutions (administrative visits and network meetings)
Student and Teacher mobility • Teacher exchanges vary from 1 week to 6 months in length, the student exchange from 3 to 12 months • Students who have finished their first year of studies (undergraduate and graduate level) may participate in the student exchange, also some doctoral students • There is always a Finnish counterpart – either as a sending or as a receiving institution • Full-time studies, not only practical training, fully credited
Student and Teacher Mobility • Tuition fees will not be charged • Before the exchange, students must have a study plan and agree on recognition of studies in their degree in home institution • Finnish students should participate in orientation courses organised by CIMO and the HADCO • The host institution will arrange accommodation and orientation to students • Tuition given by the participating teacher should be part of the curriculum of the host institution
Intensive courses and Network activities • The intensive courses are arranged jointly by the member institutions of the network • Courses take place in institutions in the South • Intensive courses may last from 1 to 10 weeks • Participants are students and teachers from both Finnish and partner country institutions
HEALTH AFRICA 2009-2011 North-South-South projectINTENSIVE COURSEKisumu, Kenya October 25-29, 2010
Health Africa NSS project 2013-2015Ms Merja Seppälä, Academic CoordinatorMs. Helli Kitinoja, Administrative Coordinator Grants from the NSS Programme: • Student exchange • Teacher exchange • One Intensive Course in South (Autumn 2014) • One Network Meeting in South (Autumn 2014) • Dissemination activities Final report to CIMO: October 31, 2015 Interim reports to CIMO: before December 31, 2013 and Oct 31, 2014 • Student reports • Teacher reports • Financial report • Mobility report • Qualitative report