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correct. rectify rect (right) + fy (make). loud; noisy. vociferous voc (voice) + fer (carry). having hidden meaning. cryptic crypt (hidden). faking righteousness or holiness. sanctimonious sanct (holy) + mony (condition). loud; noisy. vociferous voc (voice) + fer (carry).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. correct • rectify rect (right) + fy (make)

  2. loud; noisy • vociferous voc (voice) + fer (carry)

  3. having hidden meaning • cryptic crypt (hidden)

  4. faking righteousness or holiness • sanctimonious sanct (holy) + mony(condition)

  5. loud; noisy • vociferous voc (voice) + fer (carry)

  6. orbital point nearest the sun • perihelion peri (around) + helio (sun)

  7. disease-causer • pathogen patho (disease) + gen (origin)

  8. having two equal sides • isosceles iso (equal) + scel (legs)

  9. government of the wealthy • plutocracy pluto (wealth) + cracy (government)

  10. essential element • sine qua non sine (without) + non(not)

  11. diseased • pathological patho (disease) + logy (science)

  12. fat, obese • corpulent corp (body)

  13. softener • emollient ex (out)+ moll (soft)

  14. change of shape • metamorphosis meta (change) + morph (shape)

  15. backward • retrograde retro (backward) + grade(step)

  16. rock carving • petroglyph petr (rock) + glyph (carving)

  17. orbital point nearest the sun • perihelion peri (around) + helio (sun)

  18. extreme sadness • melancholy mela (black) + chol (bile)

  19. a-ha moment • epiphany epi (on) + phan (appearance)

  20. fat, obese • corpulent corp (body)

  21. two-part division • dichotomy dicho (two parts) + tomy (cut)

  22. within the skull • intracranial intra (within) + cran (skull)

  23. correct • rectify rect (right) + fy (make)

  24. change of shape • metamorphosis meta (change) + morph (shape)

  25. a-ha moment • epiphany epi (on) + phan (appearance)

  26. of the heart and vessels • cardiovascular cardio (heart) + vas (vessel)

  27. of the heart and vessels • cardiovascular cardio (heart) + vas (vessel)

  28. to outline • delineate de (down) + lin(line)

  29. built-in • inherent in (into) + here (stick)

  30. having hidden meaning • cryptic crypt (hidden)

  31. rock carving • petroglyph petr (rock) + glyph (carving)

  32. extreme sadness • melancholy mela (black) + chol (bile)

  33. faking righteousness or holiness • sanctimonious sanct (holy) + mony(condition)

  34. study of living tissues • histology hist (tissue) + logy (science)

  35. backward • retrograde retro (backward) + grade(step)

  36. built-in • inherent in (into) + here (stick)

  37. disease-causer • pathogen patho (disease) + gen (origin)

  38. twisting • tortuous tort (twist) + ous (full of)

  39. study of living tissues • histology hist (tissue) + logy (science)

  40. forming a straight line • rectilinear rect (right) + lin (line)

  41. government of the wealthy • plutocracy pluto (wealth) + cracy (government)

  42. two-part division • dichotomy dicho (two parts) + tomy (cut)

  43. essential element • sine qua non sine (without) + non(not)

  44. twisting • tortuous tort (twist) + ous (full of)

  45. forming a straight line • rectilinear rect (right) + lin (line)

  46. diseased • pathological patho (disease) + logy (science)

  47. softener • emollient ex (out)+ moll (soft)

  48. within the skull • intracranial intra (within) + cran (skull)

  49. to outline • delineate de (down) + lin(line)

  50. having two equal sides • isosceles iso (equal) + scel (legs)

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