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Tyranny of the urgent

Unit two. Tyranny of the urgent. • Do you always have a lot of urgent things to do? Give examples. • Will the urgent things always be the priorities in your life? How do you understand the word “tyranny” in the title “Tyranny of the urgent”?. Lead-in questions.

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Tyranny of the urgent

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unit two Tyranny of the urgent

  2. • Do you always have a lot of urgent things to do? Give examples. • Will the urgent things always be the priorities in your life? How do you understand the word “tyranny” in the title “Tyranny of the urgent”? Lead-in questions

  3. 1.Why does the author use "a trail of “in paragraph 1line 2? 2. What does “the problem” in paragraph 2 line1 refer to? 3. Why did the author use parallelism at the beginning of paragraph 2? 4. Why did the author say "Greater experience brings more exacting assignments"? Won't the experience help us handle things more easily? 5. What does an “important task” in paragraph 3 line 3 mean? 6. What does the maxim in paragraph 4 mean to you? More Questions

  4. 7. According to paragraph 5, what is the difference between the urgent and the important? 8. What will the urgent tasks lead to? 9. Can a man get away from urgent tasks? What will be the consequence of us becoming slaves to the “tyranny of the urgent”? More Questions

  5. Important words relieve/relief haunt evaluate Useful phrases wish for under the pressure of /that a trail of Sentence patterns Surely… We desperately need relief. (You need relaxation badly.) Paragraph one

  6. wish for It’s no use wishing for things you can’t have. I can understand her wish for secrecy. Relieve Drugs helped to relieve the pain. relief I felt a huge surge of relief and happiness. Sentences

  7. haunt The pub is said to be haunted by the ghost of a former landlord. The memory of that day still haunts me. A headless rider haunts the country lanes. That decision came back to haunt him in later life. a trail of He left a trail of broken hearts. The hurricane left a trail of destruction behind it. Sentences

  8. New words allotment (allot) passage (pass) exacting Useful phrases catch up (with) grow in (number and age) Sentence patterns Wouldn’t we be/do… …, neither is … Nor will … We find ourselves doing… Paragraph two

  9. allot The profits have been allotted equally to all the Shareholders. We all finished the exam in the allotted time. allotment Nobody knows the allotment of the company’s shares to its employees. Sentences

  10. Important words dilemma priority weariness (weary) misgiving sense confess Useful phrases go deeper than be involved in be matched by a sense of be oppressed by leave…undone Paragraph three

  11. confession He made a full confession of his crimes. I always go to confession on Fridays. confess I must confess that she is really a beauty. He confessed that he had murdered her. He finally confessed to having stolen the money. She confessed to having a dread of spiders. He confessed to the priest that he had sinned. Sentences

  12. dilemma Sentences He was in a dilemma./He was placed in a dilemma. priority Japan has priority over other countries in the field of microelectronics. I have priority over you in my claim. You must decide what your priorities are. Rebuilding the area is a top priority.

  13. weariness Sentences wearing wearily weary I have a wearing day. She was wearied by the constant noise. He was weary in body and mind. She began to weary of her companions. I am weary of hearing about your problems. It is a weary journey.

  14. Paragraph three • Important words crowd out rebuke

  15. crowd sb./sth. out Sentences I tried to keep my place in the queue, but they crowded me out. rebuke sb.(for…) We were rebuked for coming to class late. He had received a stern rebuke from his superiors.

  16. Useful phrases be in constant tension call for Paragraph Five

  17. constant Sentences The fridge keeps food at a constant temperature. Although the international situation is moving towards relaxation, tension still remains in some areas. call for The situation calls for prompt action.

  18. Important words breach imperious momentary irresistible (resist/resistance/resistant) perspective deceptive (deception/deceive) prominence (prominent) Useful phrases in the light of become slave to Paragraph six

  19. breach Sentences The storm had breached the sea wall in two place. They are in breach of Article. She made a breach of confidence. a breach in Franco-German relations The government is accused of breaching the terms of the treaty. The dam had been breached.

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