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Smart Cities World Forum Expo 2016 on 13-Dec-2016
INTERNET OF THINGS WORKSHOP Dr. Mazlan Abbas CEO - REDtone IOT Sdn Bhd Email: mazlan.abbas@redtone.com Dec. 13, 2016
AGENDA Introduction to Internet of Things – Definition – Benefits IOT Applications Introduction to Smart Cities – Building Your Smart City Solutions – Challenges • • •
TECHNOLOGIES THAT ENABLE IOT IPv6 Cheap sensors (50% cheaper) Cheap bandwidth (40x cheaper) Big data (unstructured data) For the Past 10 Years Cheap processing & smarter (60x cheaper) Ubiquitous wireless coverage (free wifi) Smartphones (personal gateway)
[Source: http://postscapes.com/what-exactly-is-the-internet-of-things-infographic ]
[Source: http://postscapes.com/what-exactly-is-the-internet-of-things-infographic ]
[Source: http://postscapes.com/what-exactly-is-the-internet-of-things-infographic ]
Monitoring of Assets – Typical Everyday Questions THE NEED TO CONNECT ASSETS I need to maintain the quality of my goods. Am I healthy? Who is the intruder? When is my next bus? Can I reduce my electricity bill? Where can I park? What IF we can connect ALL these assets and get the answers to ALL these questions?
IOT MATURITY Autonomous Control Optimization Monitoring
MONITORING Vehicle Tracking
CONTROL Security Lock Immobilizer
OPTIMISE Best Route Safe Fuel Optimize Engine
AUTONOMOUS Self-Driving Safe-Driving
How to Start Building Your First IoT Solution DEFINE YOUR DATA… BUT WHAT DATA?
DATA OWNERSHIPS Personal / Household Private Public Commercial Sensor Data Provider
VALUE IS CREATED BY MAKING SENSE OF DATA More Important Wisdom Evaluated understanding WHY Appreciation of Understanding Knowledge HOW Answers to questions. Answers to WHO WHAT Information questions WHEN WHERE Less Symbols Data Important
VALUE PYRAMID FOR SMART PARKING More Important Wisdom N/A Why my parking utilization is low? Understanding How to implement a tiered charging? How to find “overstayed” Knowledge vehicles? Who park at this lot? What kind of vehicle? Where is the empty parking lot? When is the peak Information Less period? Data Important Empty (0), Full (1)
DELIVERING THE WHOLE IOT PUZZLE Biometric Ultrasonic Temp Humidity Pressure Motion Position Light Image WiFi Sensors SigFox IOT Platform Internet Applications Motor Switch Lighting Valve Actuators LoRa 2G/3G/4G An IoT platform is able to connect to devices and sensors in real time, process data and drive big-data analytics in the cloud. Analytics
IOT MAKE SENSE WHEN YOU BLEND THE DATA Waste Home Health Transport Office Creating New Compound Applications
According to Whirlpool, life balancers are young millennial women who live on an active lifestyle with a family and career. Life balancers don't have time to learn how (they're far too busy) to use their home appliances, they just want something that works.
• Tell what materials your clothes are made from – kinds of detergent, temp, etc • Weather reports – outdoor or drier • Visual timeline – time to complete • Feedback to Whirlpool’s engineers and retailers – maintenance and supply
PHOTO FINISH The new Scan ‘O’ Vision MYRIA cameras from Omega captured the photo finishes as runners cross the line. The camera can take 10,000 digital photos per second.
LAP COUNTER Swimmers benefited from new underwater lap counters that helps them keep track of how much of the race is left. The lap count would update each time a swimmer touched the wall—helping them focus on the race.
ARCHERY New sensors placed under the classic paper targets. These located the exact spot where an arrow hit the target within an accuracy of 0.2 mm, and would instantly display them on the screen within one second for spectators.
IOT SECURITY The IoT camera system set in place by Altave Security provided the Rio Olympic security team with comprehensive coverage of the facilities throughout the Games.
EXAMPLE -HOT DESK MONITORING http://www.occupeye.com
OTHER EXAMPLES • Washroom: Consumables Tracking – (Hand towels, Soap Dispensers, Air Fresheners, Hand Sanitiser etc). Proximity sensors on dispensers can monitor consumable levels, and replenish based on real-time data. This can optimise (and often reduce) the number of checks and refills carried out by the maintenance team. • Waste Bin Levels – Proximity detection sensors can be used to monitor and create a work schedules when bins need emptying. This provides cleaning efficiency improvements, as well as better client satisfaction. • Asset Maintenance – Condition based maintenance for building assets such as air handler / fan units. Regular maintenance service checks are manually intensive and costly – often in hard to access areas that are not convenient to inspect, or hook up to traditional BMS systems. There is an increased risk to lone workers with ladders often required for access. Using simple retro-fit vibration/pressure differential sensors, it is possible to monitor the efficiency of an asset, predict time-to-failure, and service/replace parts only when necessary.
VARIOUS INDUSTRY VERTICALS FOR IOT Manufacturing 35% of manufacturers already use smart sensors. 10% plan to implement them within a year, and 8% plan to implement them within 3 years, according to PwC Oil, gas, and mining In five years, it is predicted that 5.4 million IoT devices will be used on oil extraction sites. BI Intelligence said that these devices will primarily be internet- connected sensors used to provide environmental metrics about extraction sites. Transportation Connected cars are a top IoT device. We estimate there will be over 220M connected cars on the road by 2020. Insurance A survey has found that 74% of insurance executives believe the IoT will disrupt insurance within the next five years. 74% also plan to invest in developing and implementing IoT strategies by 2016, according to an SMA Research survey. [Source: http://www.cbronline.com/news/internet-of-things/m2m/smart-connected-always-on-10-huge-iot-impacts-on-10-huge-sectors-4709736v]
ENVIRONMENTS Defense We estimate spending on drones will reach $8.7B in 2020. In addition, 126K military robots will be shipped in 2020, according to Frost & Sullivan. Connected Home smart meters are already a reality, and from the 313 million installed in homes worldwide in 2013, Navigate Research predicts that number to jump to 1.1 billion by 2022 Agriculture We estimate 75M IoT devices will be shipped for agricultural uses in 2020, at a 20% CAGR. These devices are primary sensors placed in soil to track acidity levels, temperature, and variables that help farmers increase crop yields. Food Services With the world population on the rise, IoT will help to keep food production levels at good pace. BI Intelligence estimates 75 million IoT device installations for agricultural uses by 2020, at a 20% CAGR. [Source: http://www.cbronline.com/news/internet-of-things/m2m/smart-connected-always-on-10-huge-iot-impacts-on-10-huge-sectors-4709736v]
ENVIRONMENTS Infrastructure We estimate municipalities worldwide will increase their spending on IoT systems at a 30% CAGR, from $36B in 2014 to $133B in 2019. This investment will generate $421B in economic value for cities worldwide in 2019. Utilities Energy companies throughout the world are trying to meet the rising demand in energy. To do this, they will be installing nearly 1 B smart meters by 2020. Retail Beacons, paired with mobile apps, are being used in stores to monitor customer behavior and push advertisements to customers. In the US, we estimate $44.4B will be generated from beacon triggered messages. Hospitality 31% of hotels use next-generation door locks, 33% have room control devices, 16% have connected TVs, and 15% use beacons throughout the hotel, according to Hospitality Technology’s 2015 Lodging Technology survey. [Source: http://www.cbronline.com/news/internet-of-things/m2m/smart-connected-always-on-10-huge-iot-impacts-on-10-huge-sectors-4709736v]
ENVIRONMENTS Logistics Tracking sensors placed on parcels and shipping containers will help reduce costs associated to lost or damaged goods. In addition, robots such as Amazon Kiva robot, help reduce labor costs in warehouses. Healthcare We estimate 646M IoT devices will be used for healthcare by 2020. Connected healthcare devices can collect data, automate processes, and more. But these devices can also be hacked, thereby posing a threat to the patients who rely on them. Banks There are nearly 3M ATMs installed globally in 2015, according the World Bank. Some teller-assist ATMs provide live-stream video of a teller for added customer support. Smart Buildings 43% of building managers in the US believe the IoT will affect how they run their building within the next 2 to 3 years, according to a survey from Daintree Networks. [Source: http://www.cbronline.com/news/internet-of-things/m2m/smart-connected-always-on-10-huge-iot-impacts-on-10-huge-sectors-4709736v]
CLASSIFICATION OF PEDOMETER-DETERMINED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY < 5000 steps/day - "sedentary lifestyle index” 5,000-7,499 steps/day - "low active" 7,500-9,999 steps/day - "somewhat active” 10,000 steps/day - "active” > 12,500 steps/day - "highly active" • • • • • The recommended 10,000 steps a day originated in Japan in the early 1965. Japanese researchers led by Dr Yoshiro Hatano determined the average person took 3,500 to 5,000 steps per day, and that if they were to increase their steps to 10,000 steps per day, the result would be healthier, thinner people!??Dr. Hatano’s calculations also showed that we should walk 10,000 steps a day to burn about 20% of our caloric intake through activity.
LIFELOGGING TAKE A STROLL DOWN A VIRTUAL MEMORY LANE “How much more IOT can do is only left to your imagination and to your budget. You can do as little or as much with IoT as you want.”