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The Reluctant Learner

The Reluctant Learner. Shoumita Dasgupta, PhD Associate Professor of Medicine Angela Jackson, MD Associate Professor of Medicine Karen Symes , PhD Associate Professor of Biochemistry. Goals of the session:. Define Reluctant Learner “ Diagnose ” the reluctant learner

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The Reluctant Learner

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  1. The Reluctant Learner Shoumita Dasgupta, PhD Associate Professor of Medicine Angela Jackson, MD Associate Professor of Medicine Karen Symes, PhD Associate Professor of Biochemistry

  2. Goals of the session: • Define Reluctant Learner • “Diagnose” the reluctant learner • Discuss effective approaches to engage the reluctant learner

  3. The Reluctant Learner • Definition: • A learner who appears not to be eager, willing and ready to learn what you want to teach

  4. Reluctance is not a permanent personality “trait”, but a modifiable “state”

  5. Approach the reluctant learner as you would an experiment

  6. STEP 1- Generate a hypothesis • STEP 2 –Use intervention to test the hypothesis • STEP 3- If intervention is not working, modify the hypothesis

  7. 1- Generate a hypothesisYou are in the middle of facilitating a small group discussion when one student takes out her cell phone to send a text message. Later on, she appears to be staring out the window.

  8. The Learning Process Learners Teacher Content TEACHER LEARNER CONTENT

  9. The Learning Process TEACHER LEARNER CONTENT

  10. 1- Generate a hypothesis: • Diagnose the Learner: “ASK”

  11. Does the learner: • Have a problem with Attitude? - judgmental - “bleeding heart” who can’t set limits • Lack Skill? - unable to put knowledge to practical use - uncomfortable asking the questions • Lack Knowledge? - clinical relevance of material - missing some “background information”

  12. Generate a hypothesis for Educators:

  13. STEP 2 – Use intervention to test the hypothesis • It usually takes more than one try • Keep the focus on the behavior • Keep your goal realistic

  14. The Bored/Disinterested Learner: You are in the middle of facilitating a small group discussion when one student takes out her cell phone to send a text message. Later on, she appears to be staring out the window.

  15. STEP 3 – If intervention is not working, • modify the hypothesis • Seek help from other colleagues

  16. Take Home Points: • “Reluctance is in the eye of the beholder” • The same systematic approach and the same skills that work with challenging experiments, work with challenging (reluctant) learners

  17. Examples of reluctant learners… • Disinterested/Bored • The Shy Learner • The Know It All • The Minimizer • The Lazy Learner • Passive-Aggressive • The Head Bobber

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