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SMS - cash

SMS - cash. Method for mobile cash withdrawal and payment. The method is realized on the ground of already existing network of the mobile operators and the possibility to send and receive short text messages , multimedia messages and the realization of interactive connection for data transfer.

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SMS - cash

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SMS - cash

  2. Method for mobile cash withdrawal and payment

  3. The method is realized on the ground of already existing network of the mobile operators and the possibility to send and receive short text messages, multimedia messages andthe realization of interactive connection for data transfer.

  4. Technical description of the method.

  5. The method enables a client to withdraw cash from ATM or to pay through POS terminal not using his card and at the same time the terminal is managed remotely by SMS or through interactive connection.

  6. Advantages of the method • No need of cable infrastructure. • No need to take out a card for withdrawing or payment. • ATMand POSterminal are mobile and could be placed even in vehicles. • Increased security at withdrawing or payment. • It is not necessary that the client stands in front of a terminal for withdrawing cash or paying. • The method is attractive and user-friendly.

  7. Examples for realization of the method

  8. The client stands in front of an ATM or POS terminal on which is a number written towhich to send SMS. He writes his client’s number or the number of his account and sends to the terminal.The terminal Терминала receives that message and re-sends it to center for management and authorization. The center performs verification and identification of the client. The center activates the terminal with an SMS and the client enters his PIN code and the amount he wants to withdraw or pay, now using the keyboard of the terminal. The data entered by the client is sent to the center with SMS.After verification by the center, it orders payment of the amount, again with SMS to the terminal.

  9. Another example is when the client stands in front of ATM or POSterminal on which a unique number is written, and sends MMS with unique barcode to the management center, which along with CLIP of the phone is used for identification. The center send SMS with which they require that the client writes the unique number of the terminal, his client’s number or the number of his account and sends it to the center.After receiving SMS the center activates the terminal and, using the keyboard, the client enters the required information, PIN code and the amount he wants to withdraw or pay, like when working with card.

  10. At this example the client dials the number of the identification center and realizes interactive connection.The center manages the client through an operator or machine voice, telling him what operations he should do or what he should enter from the keyboard of his mobile phone in order to withdraw cash or to do a payment.In this case the client enters the unique number of the terminal, PIN code and the amount he wants to withdraw or pay only from the keyboard of his mobile phone.

  11. The method for mobile cash withdrawal and payment is an invention. Filed in the Patent office of the Republic of Bulgaria No. 108834/020804

  12. For contacts: Hristo Stoyanov +35964838341 +359886860578 E-mail: hss@abv.bg

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