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Inspiring Stories of Successful Disabled Individuals

Discover the remarkable achievements of disabled people like Steven Hawking, Beethoven, and Helen Keller who have overcome their disabilities and made significant contributions to society.

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Inspiring Stories of Successful Disabled Individuals

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  1. 英语课件 人教课标版 高二选修7 Unit 1

  2. Warming up & Reading

  3. How many different types of disabilities do you know?

  4. disabled people lame blind deaf-mute paralytic

  5. disabled people handless legless armless hunchbacked

  6. Types of Disabilities can’t see blind deaf can’t hear can’t speak mute Physically disabled lame can’t walk normally have no feeling in a certain part of the body paralytic

  7. Types of Disabilities armless lose a certain part of the body legless Physically disabled handless have a hump (驼峰) on the back hunchback can’t behave properly or normally Mentally disabled

  8. Goddess of Mercy of a thousand hands

  9. 中国残疾人艺术团的经典节目《千手观音》

  10. Can you name some great disabled people? And what have they tried to do to overcome these difficulties?

  11. Steven Hawking England 肌萎缩性侧索硬化症 amyotrophic Speech impaired, can only move one of his fingers physicist / mathematician, research into the beginning of space, matter and time. (Black holes theory)

  12. Beethoven (1770-1827) deaf Composed Symphony of Fate

  13. Helen Keller 1882—1968 United Kingdom blind, deaf and dumb learn to read Braille (盲文), to speak and write. Finished the studies in Radcliff College. educator and writer “Three days To See.”

  14. Zhang Haidi: paralytic, in a wheelchair writer, translator

  15. Sanglan: a famous gymnast (体操运动员). She hurt herself seriously in a competition and can’t stand. She helped to bid 2008 Olympic Games and helped organize the Paralympics (残疾人运动会).

  16. What do you learn from these disabled? Think it over They’re broken in body but firm in spirit. (身残志坚)

  17. the disabled people What spirits and characteristics make the disabled successful? optimism belief will patience confidence independence determination

  18. We are going to read an entry on a website called "Family Village". It gives ordinary young people with a disability a chance to tell their personal stories. Glance at the title and picture, then discuss with a partner what kind of thing you think people would write about and why disabled people find the website beneficial. Pre-reading

  19. The “Family Village” is a _______. website The purpose of the website: 1. To give young disabled people the chance to share their stories with others. 2. To inspire other disabled people. 3. To get non-disabled people to understand more about the challenging life the disabled people lead.

  20. Reading MARTY'S STORY Let’s read Marty’s Story which is from the family village website. Then do the following exercises.

  21. An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease. How his disability developed. Skimming Sum up the main idea of each paragraph. Para. 1 Para. 2

  22. Marty met a lot of difficulties at school. How his life has become easier. The advantages of his disease. Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 5

  23. Scanning Para.1 A muscle disease __ ______ _______ makes him very weak. disease ______ and can’t ___ or _____ stairs as quickly as other people. run Clumsy difficulties climb motto live one day __ _ ____. at a time What does “live one day at a time” mean? Live a rich and full life every day.

  24. Paras.2&3 • Why did the doctors cut out a piece of muscle from Marty’s leg? • Because they could cure the disease by cutting it out. • Because they wanted to use it as a specimen (标本). • Because they would transplant (移植) the new muscle. • Because they wanted to find out the cause of the disease.

  25. What are the Marty’s ambition, achievement and hobby? Para.4 1) Marty’s ambition _________________________________________________________________ 2) Marty’s achievement __________________________________ __________________________________ 3) Marty’s hobby __________________________________ work for a film that develops computer software when he grows up. invented a computer football game and a big company has decided to buy it. movies, football matches; look after pets.

  26. Para.5 Marty’s advice: 1. Don’t feel sorry for them. 2. Don’t make fun of them. 3. Don’t ignore them. 4. Accept them for who they are. 5. Encourage them to live as rich and full a life as you do.

  27. Further understanding (1) the change of Marty’s feelings: hopeless stupid hopeful not getannoyed good/busy

  28. Further understanding (2) We can see that Marty is a ____ person. optimistic optimistic, brave, stupid, pessimistic, independent, strong-minded… brave independent strong-minded

  29. Choose the right answer. 1) When Marty says “I am one in a million”, he really means _____. A. he is unique B. he has a rare disease C. he has a muscle disease D. he lives a hard but happy life

  30. 2) Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? _______ A. While at high school, not all Marty’s classmates accept him. B. A big company bought the computer game from Marty. C. The doctors know Marty’s disease well but they hide the truth. D. Marty looks quite different from others because of his disease.

  31. 3) From the passage we can infer that ____. A. Marty asks others to feel sorry for him. B. Marty never loses heart. C. Marty is afraid of being made fun of. D. Marty will not accept any encouragement because he has grown stronger.

  32. 4) What’s Marty’s dream? A. Being a famous football player and representing his country in the World Cup. B. Being a doctor. C. Being a college student. D. Being a basketball player.

  33. 5) Which of the following is false? • Although there are a few students who look down upon him, Marty never gets annoyed. • B. Marty leads a meaningful life and does not feel sorry for being disabled. • C. Marty only spends time with his pets and never with his friends. • D. Marty disability has made him more independent.

  34. 6) What is the tone of the text? A. sad. B. happy. C. positive. D. negative.

  35. Comprehending (Questions on textbook) Read Marty’s story and fill in the table. 1

  36. Problems caused by his disability weak • _____ and can’t run or climb stairs as quickly as others • ______ and often drop things or bump into furniture • 3. can’t play football and can only enjoy football matches from a bench at a stadium • 4. has missed a lot of school • 5. feels stupid because of being behind the others clumsy

  37. What Marty does in spite of his disability 1. enjoys ______ and computer programming 2. invented a computer football game. 3. looks after pets 4. Disability has helped him grow psychologically and become more independent. writing

  38. laughed at accept stupid sorry independent

  39. 3 Discuss these questions. 1. What kind of person do you think Marty is? Marty seems to be a fairly positive person who considers he has a good life. He is realistic about his disability, but does not let this stop him doing as much as he can. He is a psychologically strong, independent boy.

  40. 2. What do you think is the most difficult thing that Marty has to deal with in his life? Missing lots of school, not being able to run around and play sports like other boys at his age, people not understanding that he has a disability.

  41. 3. What kind of thing does Marty do in order to make his life happy and satisfying? Marty keeps busy doing things that do not require physical strength, like computer programming. He has friends with whom he can go to movies and football matches and he has lots of pets. He also studies hard.

  42. 4. What can other people do to help Marty and others like him live a good life? They can accept people with disabilities like Marty for who they are rather than focus on their disability. They can encourage them to live rich and full lives.

  43. 5. Why has his fellow students’ conduct changed towards Marty? Because they found that Marty was able to live as rich and full a life as everyone else.

  44. What’s the main idea of the text? Though he is a ________ person, Marty never feels sorry for himself and he enjoys his life. disabled

  45. 根据课文内容用合适的单词填空。 Marty Fielding suffered from muscle ______ when he was 10, which sometimes made him ______ and drop things or bump into furniture. disease clumsy

  46. The doctors don’t know exactly what is wrong with him, so they don’t know ___ to make him better. But he has to learn to _____ to his disability. When some people cannot accept him for who he is, he doesn’t get _______ . He just______ them. how adapt annoyed ignores

  47. All __ all, he has a good life. His ________ is to work in the computer ________ when he grows up. He has a very happy life and doesn’t have time to sit around ______ sorry for himself. He is ______ to have found many things he can do really well. in ambition industry feeling happy

  48. In many ways his disability has made him grow stronger and more ___________. He has had to work hard to live a _______ life, but it has been _____ it. From him, we can learn more: Just having a ________ doesn’t mean your life is not ________. independent normal worth disability satisfying

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