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Join us at the Hurricane CBLAST Science Meeting to discuss observations, modeling, air-sea fluxes, and more. Explore the latest research on hurricane dynamics and collaborate with experts in the field.
WELCOME CBLAST-Hurricane SCIENCE MEETING 4-6 April 2005 Virginia Key, Florida RSMAS/University of Miami SLAB 103 Co-Chairs: Peter Black,NOAA/HRD Hurricane CBLAST Chief Scientist Shuyi Chen, UM/RSMAS, Hurricane CBLAST Modeling Leader
Session Summary 1. Observations of Air-Sea Momentum, Heat and Moisture Fluxes 9:00-10:15 Mon Session Chairman: Kerry Emanuel, MIT Rapporteur: Jun Zhang, UM/RSMAS/AMP 2. Surface Waves and Effects of Sea-Spray on Surface Fluxes 10:30-12:30 Mon Session Chairman: Chris Fairall, NOAA/ ETL Rapporteur: John Cangelosi, UM/RSMAS/MPO 3. Air-Sea Flux Parameterization and Coupled Modeling 1:30-3:15 Mon Session Chairman: Bill Frank, Penn State Rapporteur: Melecie Desflots, UM/RSMAS/MPO 4. Atmospheric Boundary Layer Structures 3:30-5:30 Mon Session Chairman: Ralph Foster, U. Washington/ APL Rapporteur: Peter Dodge, NOAA/AOML/HRD 5. Observation and Modeling of the Upper Ocean 8:50-12:00 Tue Session Chairman: Eric D’Asaro, U. Washington/ APL Rapporteur: Eric Uhlhorn, UM/CIMAS
Working Groups Working Group deliberations- 1:30-3:30 Tue Working Group reports, Plenary Session- 3:30-5:00 Tue Working Group PPT summaries- 9:00-12:00 Wed A. Air-sea fluxes and coupling in high winds Group leaders: Kerry Emanuel, Chris Fairall and Bill Frank Rapporteurs: Eric Uhlhorn and Jun Zhang B. Hurricane boundary Layer Group leaders: Ralph Foster Rapporteur: Chris Landsea and John Cangelosi C. Upper ocean structure in hurricanes Group leader: Eric D’Asaro Rapporteur: Melicie Desflots
I. Workshop Goals: 1. Define key Hurricane CBLAST results to date: where we are, where we are going and what remains to be achieved with existing data sets. 2. Develop tasks, plans, schedules and collaborations necessary to achieve initial draft science papers for peer-reviewed journals (Nature, GRL, JGR, BAMS, J. Phys. Oceanog., MWR, JTECH, etc). Target groupings of papers for specific journals at appropriate times rather than ‘Special Issue’. 3. Define schedule of deliverables to operational modeling centers at EMC and NRL: a) Initial parameterizations, b) mature parameterizations and c) initial and validation data sets for model intercomparisons.
II. Charge for each topic area- Session Chair and Rapporteur summarize science content of each topic area. Working group leaders Define: Objectives, motivation and rationale. Statement of the problem being addressed and fundamental science hypothesis. Most important results to date. Error bars and deficiencies in the results. Unknowns that have been addressed, and degree to which they have been successfully addressed. Unknowns that have not or cannot be addressed. Topic areas that should be consolidated. Topic areas requiring more emphasis in order to maximize productivity.
Sample questions to be considered for each topic area: What are the most important results to date to come from the CBLAST data sets and resulting analyses? Has the problem been adequately and accurately defined? What is the measure of success? What are the error bars and to what degree has the problem been solved? What analysis tasks remain to be done with existing data sets? What additional topics need to be addressed with the data sets in hand? What questions will likely remain unanswered with existing data sets? What new data sets might be acquired to address unanswered questions? What focus areas and collaborations need to be established in order to maximize results and new insights? What are the short term deliverables to the operational modeling community? What is the schedule for deliverables and peer reviewed publication?
IV. Sample science questions for each topic area: session chairs are to contribute their own questions Consult Handout
The Roadmap • CBLAST 2003 Field Experiment • Third CBLAST Workshop 2004- Virginia Key, Feb, 2003 • AMS 26th Hurricane and Tropical Cyclone Conference, Hurricane CBLAST special Session I- Miami Beach, May, 2004 • CBLAST 2004 Field Experiment • Fourth CBLAST Workshop 2005- Virginia Key, Apr, 2004 • EMC Air-Sea Workshop on Tropical Cyclones- Camp Springs, May, 2004 • AMS National Meeting Air-Sea Interaction Conference, CBLAST special session (possible)- Atlanta, Jan, 2006 • AMS 27th Hurricane and Tropical Cyclone Conference, (Hurricane) CBLAST special Session II, New Orleans, Apr, 2006
The CBLAST/Ocean Winds/Surveillance/Reconnaissance Data Set, 2003: 26 total flights Fabian03- 7 core, 13 total flights 030902H, 030902I, 030902N, 030902AF 030903H, 030903I, 030903AF1, 030903AF2, 030903AFJ 030904H, 030904I, 030904AF1, 030904AF2 Isabel03- 6 core, 13 total flights 030912H, 030912I, 030912AF 030913H, 030913I, 030913N, 030913AF1, 030913AF2 030914H, 030914I, 030914N, 030914AF1, 030914AF2
The CBLAST/Ocean Winds/Surveillance/Reconnaissance Data Set, 2004: 61 total flights Frances04- 7 core, 25 total flights 040830I, 040830N, 040830AF1, 040830AF2 040831I, 040831AF1, 040831AF2, 040831AFH, 040831AFJ 040901I, 040901N, 040901AF1, 040901AF2 040902I, 040902N1, 040902N2, 040902AF1, 040902AF2, 040902AF3 040903I, 040903N1, 040903N2, 040903AF1, 040903AF2, 040903AF3 Ivan04- 8 core, 24 total flights 040912I, 040912H, 040912N1, 040912N2, 040912AF1, 040912AF2 040913I, 040913H, 040913N1, 040913AF1, 040913AF2, 040913AF3 040914I, 040914H, 040914N1, 040914N2, 040914AF1 040915I, 040915H, 040915N1, 040915N2, 040915AF1, 040915AF2, 040915AF3 Jeanne04- 6 core, 12 total flights 040922I, 040922H 040924I, 040924H, 040924N1, 040924AF1, 040924AF2, 040924AF3 040925I, 040925H, 040925N1, 040925AF1
Key Observational Accomplishments • Stair-step flux profile measurements • New Cd and Ce estimates to 34 m/s • Budget estimates to 65 m/s • Concurrent drift buoy, float, wave obs • PBL and OML structure obs via multi-GPS sonde and float profiling
CBLAST-Hurricane Investigators Peter Black (HRD) 1A.1, P1.55 Flight Planning, Dropsondes Shuyi Chen (UM/RSMAS) 1A.2 MM5 Coupled modeling Eric Uhlhorn (HRD) P1.79 Hurricane surface flux, SFMR, AXBT Kerry Emanuel (MIT) 2A.1 Theory, dropsondes, high wind flux Paul Chang (NESDIS/ORA) 1A.3 IWARAP, SATCOM, Satellite applications Stephen Frasier, Dani Esteban (UMass) 1A.3 IWRAP, USFMR, web, data archive James Carswell (RSS) 1A.3 IWRAP Jeff French (ARL) 1.A6, P1.42 BAT probe Richard Eckman (ARL) ET Probe (landfall) Will Drennan (UM/RSMAS) 1.A.7 Moisture flux (LICOR) Eric D’Asaro (APL/UW) Lagrangian Floats Jeff Nystuen (APL/UW) Acoustics of wave and precipitation Eric Terrill (Scripps) 2A.5 ARGO/SOLO Floats, sonobuoys, laser altimeter Pearn Niiler (Scripps) Drifters Ken Melville (Scripps) 3A.1, 3A.2 MASS, IR wave cameras, Wave breaking Ed Walsh (NASA) 2A.3 SRA Robert Black (HRD) Sea Spray, Precipitation DSD (FSSP, CIP, 2DP, 2DC) Chris Fairall (ETL) 3A.3 Sea Spray (CIP) Bill Asher (APL/UW)) Sea Spray (PDA) Gustavo Goni (AOML/PHOD) 1A.4, 1A.5 Ocean heat content
Fab 0904 Along Fab 0903 Along Isa 0912 Along Fab 0903 Cross Fab 0902 Cross Fab 0902 Along
WW3 CWW Emanuel Fairall X X 60 70
Emanuel X Fairall X 50 70
Emanuel Fairall
Flux measurements during 2003 season • - 6 flights: 3 during Fabian, 3 during Isabel • - Focus so far on Isabel, starting with 14 September • - u,v,w from BAT probe; q from LICOR
Ongoing/planned HRD CBLAST analyses • Sonde profile normalization- Zo estimation via Powell method • SRA wave height analysis- composite of slow and fast movers with Walsh • Eyewall PBL analysis via composite of IWRAP, TA Doppler and GPS sonde with Emanuel/ Montgomery/ UMASS/ Gamache • Storm relative buoy/float SST OML currents • Surface flux analysis/ sensitivity tests • SFMR surface wind analysis