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Checkpoint Rights & Regulations: A Comprehensive Guide

This advisory opinion from the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology provides valuable information on the basic rights of individuals during military/police checkpoints. The ten outlined checkpoint rules are anchored on constitutional guarantees and supported by law. Definitions and guidelines are presented in an easy-to-understand language to ensure that human rights are upheld during searches and seizures at checkpoints. The rules cover important aspects such as proper identification of personnel, limitations of searches, and guidance on interacting with authorities during checkpoint stops.

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Checkpoint Rights & Regulations: A Comprehensive Guide

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  1. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology Regional Office 3 Advisory Opinion No. 1 Department of Justice Advisory On Rules on Military/Police checkpoints

  2. Reference: Advisory Opinion No.1 Department of Justice Advisory on Rules on Military/Police Checkpoints dated 15 March 2011.

  3. The Department of Justice (DOJ) released the first Advisory Opinion summarizing the basic rights of citizens in military/police checkpoints.  Advisory Opinion No. 1 signed by Secretary Leila M. De Lima is issued in line with the thrust of the Department to take a pro-active stance and dynamic approach in criminal justice concerns.  The ten (10) Checkpoint Rules outlined in the Advisory are anchored on the constitutional guarantee against unreasonable searches and seizures (Section 2, Article III). Each rule is supported by law and jurisprudence to ensure that in the implementation of proper search and seizure procedures at military and police checkpoints, human rights are not violated. Important definitions such as “checkpoint,” “visual search” and “probable cause” are included in the Advisory. The rules are couched in a language that is easy to understand and memorize. 

  4. Ten (10) Checkpoint Rules • CHECKPOINT MUST BE WELL-LIGHTED, PROPERLY IDENTIFIED AND MANNED BY UNIFORMED PERSONNEL.Checkpoint guidelines provide that all personnel manning legitimate checkpoints should be in service uniform with the name plates and other identification tags clearly visible and readable. • UPON APPROACH, SLOW DOWN, DIM HEADLIGHTS AND TURN ON CABIN LIGHTS. NEVER STEP OUT OF THE VEHICLE.In a checkpoint inquiry, the occupants cannot be compelled to step out of the vehicle.

  5. Ten (10) Checkpoint Rules • LOCK ALL DOORS. ONLY VISUAL SEARCH IS ALLOWED.The search which is normally permissible is limited to visual search where the officer simply looks into the vehicle and flashes a light therein without opening the car’s door. • 4. DO NOT SUBMIT TO A PHYSICAL OR BODY SEARCH.The search which is normally permissible is limited to an instance where the occupants are not subjected to a physical or body search.

  6. Ten (10) Checkpoint Rules • 5. YOU ARE NOT OBLIGED TO OPEN GLOVE COMPARTMENT, TRUNK OR BAGS.The personnel manning the checkpoint cannot compel the motorist to open the trunk or glove compartment of the car or any package contained therein. Such extensive search requires the existence of probable cause. • 6. ORDINARY/ROUTINE QUESTIONS MAY BE ASKED. BE COURTEOUS BUT FIRM WITH ANSWERS.Checkpoint involves only a brief detention of travelers during which the vehicle’s occupants are required to answer a brief question or two.

  7. Ten (10) Checkpoint Rules • ASSERT YOUR RIGHTS, • HAVE PRESENCE OF MIND AND DO NOT PANIC.The constitutional immunity against unreasonable searches and seizures is a personal right which may be waived. Affirmative acts of volition without being forced or intimidated to do so, shall properly be construed as a clear waiver of right. • 8. KEEP YOUR DRIVER’S LICENSE AND CAR REGISTRATION HANDY AND WITHIN REACH.To avoid delay and inconvenience, ready the car registration documents for inspection, in case requested by authorities.

  8. Ten (10) Checkpoint Rules • 9. BE READY TO USE YOUR CELLPHONE AT ANYTIME. SPEED DIAL EMERGENCY NUMBER.In case of violation in any these standards, cellphones can be used anytime to call emergency numbers:117 (PNP) or (02) 521-2930 (DOJ Action Center). • 10. REPORT VIOLATIONS IMMEDIATELY. YOUR ACTIONS MAY SAVE OTHERS.All violations shall be reported to the authorities to ensure steps are taken to investigate checkpoint violations.

  9. THANK YOU!! Atty Michael Angelo M Caceres Jail Senior Inspector

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