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Explore the objectives and features of the ESSnet profiling project focusing on culture and processes. Discover how the project aims to consistently describe large and complex MultiNational Enterprises (MNEs) in EU countries and support efficient data collection across various statistical units. Dive into the changes in approach regarding operational and accounting analysis and learn about the negotiation process with MNEs for delineating economic entities. Delve into the method of profiling to analyze enterprise structures and ensure autonomy in decision-making. Experience the shift in cooperation for listing statistical units globally and the testing ability of enterprises to produce structural statistical data. Discover the priority variables and checks needed for successful profiling in a multinational context, emphasizing standardization and consistency in data collection. Join the ESSnet workshop in Köln to explore and contribute to the evolving landscape of profiling large and complex MNEs.
ESSnet on profiling: a project centered on «culture» and processESSnet Workshop in Köln
ESSnet on « profiling large and complex MNEs » • Objectives and main features of profiling slide 3 • The “cultural” changes slides 4 to 9 • « Process » changes incoming slide 10 • Consultation, dissemination and future work slide 11 • Annex slides 12 to 15 ESSnet Workshop in Köln
ESSnet on « profiling large and complex MNEs »the main objectives of the ESSnet Profiling project As it is presently not possible “to see the whole elephant”, the ESSnet has been assigned to: > describe consistently the same MultiNational Enterprises (MNEs) in all the EU countries => “enterprises” linked between countries through the EGR • > support efficient data collection in SBS, FATS, FDI & if possible in STS => a system of statistical units for all business statistics • > for direct dissemination and for indirect use (National accounts etc) => most statistical productions concerned ESSnet Workshop in Köln
ESSnet on « profiling large and complex MNEs »«Cultural» changes in the approach (1): operational & accounts analysisanalysis of structure replaces use of pre-existent units found in admin or legal background; the SUs must have collection capabilities Profiling is a method: • > to analyse the • legal –operational and – accounting • > structure of an enterprise group • > in order to • - establish the statistical unitswithin that group and • - their links and • - the most efficient structures • > for the collection of statistical data ESSnet Workshop in Köln
ESSnet on « profiling large and complex MNEs »«Cultural » changes in the approach (2): negociation with MNEs delineation, list, names of “enterprises” built with & agreed by the MNEs. Profiling : > uses the MNEs information system for accounting consolidation > takes the (organisational or management) operating segment as a starting point for delineation of economic “enterprises” (IFRS8), but can differ at the end > with the result that an enterprise is (can be): - a single legal unit (if independant) • - an enterprise group (i.e a set of legal unit under common control) • - a part of an enterprise group. > as “enterprises” are organisational units, theirautonomy(in decision making for allocation of their current resources) is an essential characteristic. ESSnet Workshop in Köln
ESSnet on « profiling large and complex MNEs »«Cultural » changes in the approach (3): ESS cooperation to list the SUsfrom bottom-up/national to top-down/global analysis Profiling : • > drops the previous “smallest combination of legal units”which is usually: - national • - bottom-up • - usualy non autonomous as basis of the enterprise; • > uses “a part of an enterprise group” called “global enterprise (GEN)” which is usually: • - top-down • - multinational • - compulsarily autonomous • > and complement it by “truncated enterprises” as national parts of GENs. ESSnet Workshop in Köln
ESSnet on « profiling large and complex MNEs »«Cultural » changes in the approach (4):testing ability Is the « enterprise » able to produce structural statistical data ? • > For most EU statisticians, a large change to the usual way: • - from surveying SUs (statistical units), predetermined in the BR, • - to a dialog with MNEs, • - using their common language: the standardised business accounting • > Leads to necessary pre-checkings, from BR staff: • - are the priority variables we need available in the MNE information system at the level of the “enterprises”? • - if yes, are they economically significant? • > The checkings are to be made uppermost at EU level • (then at national level): • - are there theoretically consistent data all over the EU? • - will we be able to gather them consistently from the truncated national parts of the “enterprises”? ESSnet Workshop in Köln
ESSnet on « profiling large and complex MNEs »«Cultural » changes in the approach (4) (continued) :Is the « enterprise » able to produce structural statistical data ? • > What are the priority variables to check, (statisticians view)? • - the usual BR variables (to identify, assess the continuity and link different kind of units, split the populations and stratify); • - the SBS variables; as such and as SBS are main providers of NA; • the NA themselves; • - special attention to outward-FATS statistics, that operate at the MNE level on “enterprises” • > How can the MNEs work on checkings (the business view)? • - they ask for a priority list; • - they want this list to be common to all European countries; • - they ask for common questionnaires for priority variables; • - they know better accounting data than any other. • => priority to components of value added (in an accounting shape), the “core variables” ESSnet Workshop in Köln
ESSnet on « profiling large and complex MNEs »«Cultural » changes in the approach (5): the languagetalking the business only common language: the « IFRS » • > What are the priority variables to check, (statisticians view)? • - the usual BR variables (to identify, assess the continuity and link different kind of units, split the populations and stratify); • - the SBS variables; as such and as SBS are main providers of NA; • the NA themselves; • - special attention to outward-FATS statistics, that operate at the MNE level on “enterprises” • > How can the MNEs work on checkings (the business view)? • - they ask for a priority list; • - they want this list to be common to all European countries; • - they ask for common questionnaires for priority variables; • - they know better accounting data than any other. • => priority to components of value added (in an accounting shape), the “core variables” ESSnet Workshop in Köln
ESSnet on « profiling large and complex MNEs »« Process » changes incoming: networking and platforming « networking » the global and national statistical units • > For the NSI of the UCI country of a MNE, the tasks are: No more registering SUs (statistical units), from admin or legal world, but: • - check the global perimeter of the MNE , • - visit the MNE, • - propose GENs (global enterprises in agreement with the MNE) and TENs, • - link the GENs with legal units (can be “m to n” links), • - test at world level the ability to produce adequate statistics, • - send the resulting TENs to partnering NSIs and discuss with them, • > For the partnering NSIs: • - receive proposed TENs (and links with legal units) from the leader NSI • - validate them (existence, ability, agreement from the national managers) • - accept or re-discuss them with the leader NSI • > Each NSI plays alternatively the 2 roles ESSnet Workshop in Köln
ESSnet on « profiling large and complex MNEs » consultation, dissemination and future work • Our project lasts until the end of 2013, now mainly on testing • We try to be in constant coordination with: • - the EGR ESSnet on methodological studies • - the ESSnet project on Consistency • - the EU studies on globalisation (e.g on value chains) and on MNEs • - the Eurostat groups on BR, SBS, FATS, NA etc • - other interested countries (US, Canada, China …) • - international bodies such as OECD, UNECE, etc • We will appreciate your comments: pierre.teillet@insee.fr ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your attention ESSnet Workshop in Köln
ESSnet on « profiling large and complex MNEs » AnnexCore variables: the highest priority to test ability for SBS & NA: ESSnet Workshop in Köln
ESSnet on « profiling large and complex MNEs » AnnexCore variables: reconciliation with the P&L ESSnet Workshop in Köln
ESSnet on « profiling large and complex MNEs » AnnexCore variables: where to find the right variables in the financial statement? ESSnet Workshop in Köln
ESSnet on « profiling large and complex MNEs » AnnexCore variables: what if a complete balance-sheet for the enterprise? ESSnet Workshop in Köln