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This presentation discusses the first results of the EC information request on groundwater threshold values, including methodology, background level considerations, content of questionnaire, and a detailed list of substances and member states at risk. The analysis covers 191 substances nominated, highlighting the relationship between contaminants and poor status in groundwater bodies. The study emphasizes the need for threshold values for different substances to protect groundwater quality and ecosystems.
WG C Groundwater Threshold Values First results of the EC information request Andreas Scheidleder Prague – 28 April 2009 (amended on 30 April 2009) European Commission - DG Environment Unit D.2: Water and Marine
COMMENT • Thispresentation was amended after therecent WGC plenarymeeting (Prague, 28 April 2009) due to an important update ofdata. • Pleasebeawarethatthenumberof MS and GWBs whichareatriskoratpoorstatusare not complete, asanswerfornitrate was not explicitlyrequestedifthe Quality standardof 50 mg/l was applied in the MS.
Groundwater TV request Aimofinvestigation • Enable COM toproduce a report on TVs by End 2009(GWD Art 3.7) Procedure • Drafttemplateforcomments (12.1.2009) • Final templatewithrequestforcompletion (13.2.2009) • Deadline 27.3.2009 Currentstate • 21.5 delivered / 2.5 later(LU, FI, 0.5 DK) / 3 norespond(GR, LV, MT)
Groundwater TV request Methodology / Relationshipof TVs toenv. objectives • DW mostimportantTVs based on DW standards(TV=DWS, TV=75%DWS (2)) • In caseofdependentecosystems: Ecotoxstandards (EQS surfacewaters) • In caseofsalineintrusion: BL • Most stringent (EQS, DWS) was considered • But also mineralwaters, cleanupvalues,… • Attenuationanddilutionfactors • applied / not applied
Groundwater TV request Background levelconsideration • Based on BRIDGE, based on national approaches • Percentileapproach (90, 95, 97.7) • No BL takenintoaccount(2)
Groundwater TV request Relationship TVs and NBL • If BL < CV: • TV=BL, TV=LOQ (synthetic) • TV=(CV+BL)/2, • TV=CV • If BL > CV: • TV=BL, no ‚epsilon‘ • TV=1.2*BL (1)
Groundwater TV request Contentofquestionnaire • Parameter (in additionto Annex II) • TV (value / range / no + reason) • Unit • Level ofestablishment (MS, RBD, GWB) • Codes of RBDs • Responsibleforrisk • # GWB atrisk • Responsibleforpoorstatus • # GWB poorstatus
Groundwater TVs 191 substances • 10 from GWD Annex II • 6 Indicators (acid cap., hardness, pH, t, TOC, AOX) • 21 Metals (heavy) • 7 Nutrients (NO3, NO2, P (oPO4, PO4, P, molybdate reactive P), DOX • 10 others (B, Ca, Mg, Na, K, F, Bromate, Cyanide) • 80 Pesticides • 56 Synthetics 134 Responsible for risk 69 Responsible for poor status
Groundwater TVs 191 Nominatedsubstances (>10 Member States)
Groundwater TVs GWB atrisk– 134 substances, 22 MS (24 due to 3xBE)
Groundwater TVs GWB poorstatus- 69 substances, 22 MS (24 due to 3xBE)
Groundwater TVs 10 GWD Annex II substances – TVs needed
Groundwater TVs 10 GWD Annex II substances – no TVs needed
Groundwater TVs 21 Metals 10 furthermetalsnominatedonce
Groundwater TVs 7 Nutrients
Groundwater TVs 10 Other substances
Groundwater TVs 80 Pesticides 11 pesticidesnominated 2 times, 57 pesticidesnominatedonce
Groundwater TVs 56 Synthetics 18 syntheticsnominated 2 times, 31 syntheticsnominatedonce