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Approved Sugarcane Varieties, Their Characteristics and Varietal Planning for High Sugar Recovery. Dr Sanjeev Kumar Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding) Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow-226 002. Sugarcane Agro-climatic Zones in India. Tropical. Sub Tropical.
Approved Sugarcane Varieties, Their Characteristics and Varietal Planning for High Sugar Recovery Dr Sanjeev Kumar Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding) Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow-226 002
Sugarcane Agro-climatic Zones in India Tropical Sub Tropical Peninsular Zone East Coast Zone North West Zone North Central Zone North East Zone Maharashtra, Karnataka. Kerala, Parts of Tamilnadu and Madhya Pradesh Andhra Pradesh, Coastal region of Tamilnadu and Odissa Central and Western part of UP, Uttarakhand, haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan Eastern Part of UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal Assam and other parts of NE States
Distribution of sugarcane area & production Sub-tropical Tropical Zone Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Karnataka Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Punjab and Haryana State 67 % 33% Area 62 % 38 % Production
Origin of Sugarcane Saccharum Lineage Saccharumrobustum Saccharumspontaneum Domestication Saccharumbarberi Saccharumedule Saccharumofficinarum Saccharumsinense
Phases of Sugarcane Breeding • Based on breeding materials • Type of progeny produced
Breeding of Noble canes to produce the Noble cultivars. • Breeding through noblization to produce noblized cultivars. • Breeding of noblized canes to produce hybrid cultvars. • Breeding hybrid canes to produce the current cultivar. • Breeding to Broaden the genetic base.
Breeding of Noble canes to produce the Noble cultivars. • Open pollinated progenies selected from Noble canes (Saccharumofficinarum) e.g. EK Seedling from Lahaina (Java) Q 813 from Badila (Australia) H 109 (Hawaii) B 716 (Barbados)
Breeding through noblization to produce noblized cultivars. “Noblization is the pollination of Noble canes with its wild relatives followed by repeated backcrosses to the noble cane.’’ e.g.‘Co’ Seedlings (Noblized Tri-species Hybrids) POJ 2878 (Proefstation Oost Java)
Breeding of noblized canes to produce hybrid cultvars Crossing among noblized canes in 1930s NCo 310 (Co 421 x Co 312) selected in 1939. Co 419 (POJ 2878 x Co 312) for tropical India B 37161 and B 37172 in Barbados (1937)
Breeding hybrid canes to produce the current cultivar Commercial cultivars and hybrid canes have been main breeding materials for development of current cultivars. e.g. Co 1148, CoS 767 and CoJ 64 for subtropical India CoC 671, Co 740 and Co 86032 for tropical India
Current thrust areas in sugarcane breeding • Breeding for high Sugar and cane yield • Breeding for high fibre content and fibre quality for cogeneration, paper making. • Breeding for tolerance to abiotic stresses • Use of Erianthus for high yield and biomass • Breeding for resistance/Tolerance to biotic stress • Breeding for wide adaptation as well as specific adaptation
Steps in sugarcane breeding • Establishment of parental gene pool • Choice of parents • Hybridization • Raising of seedlings • Selection and evaluation of clones • Multilocation testing • Varietal release and Notification
Seedling of Sugarcane Germinated seedling from true seed
Recommended Sugarcane Varieties North West Zone
Recommended Sugarcane Varieties North Central and Eastern Zone
Recommended Sugarcane Varieties East Coast Zone
Recommended Sugarcane Varieties Peninsular Zone
गन्ना किस्मों की पहचान • 27 लक्षणो के आधार पर:- 1- पौधा बढ़वार स्वभाव (Plant Growth Habit) -सीधा (Erect) -अर्ध सीधा (Semi Erect)
2- पत्राच्छद: रोमिलता (Leaf sheath: hairiness) - अनुपस्थित (Absent) - विरल (Sparse) - सघन (Dense) 3- पत्राच्छद: जीभिका की आकृति (leaf Sheath: Shape of ligule) -पट्टी आकार (Strap-shaped) -त्रिकोणाकार (Deltoid) -पहाड़ी आकार (Crescent shape) -धनुषाकार (Arch shaped)
4- पत्राच्छद: आंतरिक पालि की आकृति (Leaf sheath: Shape of Inner Auricle) - इन्सीपिएंट (Incipient) -त्रिकोणाकार (Deltoid) -दंताकार (Dentoid) -अंकुशाकार (Unciform) -कैल्केरिफ़ार्म (Calcariform) -वल्लभाकार (Lanceolate) -हँसियाकार (Falcate)
Characteristic 26. Leaf sheath: shape of auricle 1 (fig.1, 2 and 3) incipient ; 2 (fig.4) deltoid; 3 (fig.5) dentoid; 4 (fig.6) unciform; 5 (fig.7) calcarifrom ; 6 (fig.8) lanceolate; 7 (fig.9) falcate.
(Leaf sheath: Colour of dewlop) 5- पत्राच्छद: डेव्लप का रंग - हरा (green) -हरित पीला (greenish-yellow) -पीला (Yellow) -पीलापन लिए हरा (Yellowish- Green) -भूरा (brown) -बैगनी (purple)
6- पत्रदल: घुमाव (leaf blade: Curvature) • सीधा (Erect) • मुड़ी नोक (Curved tip) • धनुषाकार (Arched) • संकरा • मध्यम - चौड़ा 7- पत्रदल: चौड़ाई (leaf blade: Width)
8- पौधा: पत्राच्छद का चिपकना (Plant: Adherence of leaf sheath) - निर्बल (Weak) - मध्यम (Medium) - सबल (Strong) -हरा, -हरा सफ़ेद, -पीला, -पीला हरा, -पीला सफ़ेद, -नारंग सफ़ेद, -धूसर हरा -धूसर पीला 9- अंतरगांठ का रंग (Exposed)(Colour of internode)
10- अंतरगांठ का रंग (Unexposed)(Colour of internode) 11- अंतरगांठ: व्यास -पतला -मध्यम -मोटा 12- अंतरगांठ: आकृति - बेलनकार - शंकुभाकार - फुलावदार -प्रतिशंकुभकार - अटेरन का आकार - वक्राकार
Characteristic 5. Internode: shape As described by Artschwager (1940) 5 obconoidal 3 bobbin-shaped 4 conoidal 6 concave-convex 1 cylindrical 2 tumescent
13- अंतरगांठ: टेढ़ामेढ़ा पन 14- अंतरगांठ: बढ़वार चटक 15- अंतरगांठ : छिलके की सतही दिखावट 16- अंतरगाठ : मोमियापन (Waxiness ) 17- गांठ : कलिका की आकृति (Bud shape) -अंडाकार -प्रति अंडाकार -गोल अंडाकार -गोल -पंचभुजाकार -त्रिभुजाकार -नुकीला
18- कलिका का आकार (Bud size) -छोटी -मझोली -बड़ी 19- कलिका खांचा -अनुपस्थित -उथला -गहरा 20- कलिका आधार - अनुपस्थित - उपस्थित
21 – वृद्धि छल्ले के संदर्भ मे कलिका शीर्ष 22- वृद्धि छल्ले की प्रमुखता 23- मूल पट्टी की चौड़ाई (कलिका के विपरीत दिशा मे) 24- अंतरगांठ : अनुप्रस्थ काट -गोल -गोल अंडाकार 25- अंतरगाठ मे गूदा 26- मिल योग्य गन्नो की संख्या 27- पौधे की ऊंचाई