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Quantum Mechanical Operators in Schrödinger Equation: Postulates and Observables

Explore the fundamental principles of Quantum Mechanics through postulates and observables in the context of the Schrödinger Equation. Understand the linearity and Hermitian properties of operators, eigenvalues, symmetries, commutators, and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation.

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Quantum Mechanical Operators in Schrödinger Equation: Postulates and Observables

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  1. Operators Postulates

  2. Quantum Operators Quantum mechanical operators must be linear and Hermitian. For any linear combination of solutions y1 and y2 of Schrödinger Equation  Effect of  should be linear combination of individual effects Â(ay1+by2) = a Ây1+ b Ây2 Classical observables have real values  operators must have real eigen values (a* = a, Hermitian)  (Â-EF ya) same value Postulates Hermitian operator  “matrix element” Check this out for p This is actually true for all wf’s

  3. n times same coefficients same coefficients Functions of Operators Postulates

  4. Presence of i in p important !!! Hermitian and Anti-Hermitian Operators Transposed and complex conjugate ME Hermitian Postulates

  5. Symmetries of Matrix Elements Postulates

  6. y3 ++ y2 + y2 , y3, (y2·y3) - -- position x Expectation Values in Component Representation Solutions to PiB problem: a) LC of p-eigen functions Y generally not EF to p-operator  Observable not sharp (s ≠0) Solutions to PiB problem: b) LC of Ĥ-eigen functions y generally not EF to Ĥ-operator  Observable not sharp (s ≠0) Example: |cn|2= Probability(state yn) Postulates weighted average <E>

  7. Instant Problem: Calculate P(p) Particle in a box: Postulates

  8. Instant Problem: Calculate P(p) Particle in a box: Postulates

  9. Presence of i in p important !!! Hermitian and Anti-Hermitian Operators Transposed and complex conjugate ME Hermitian Postulates

  10. Symmetries of Matrix Elements Postulates

  11. Commutators Postulates

  12. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Relation Observed for PiB model: Is this general, for which observables A,B ? Postulates

  13. anti-Hermitian Hermitian<>=imaginary <>=real ≥0 Postulates Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation Example:  already derived for PiB

  14. The End -- of this Section Now, that was fun, wasn’t it ?! Postulates

  15. Presence of i in p important !!! Hermitian and Anti-Hermitian Operators Transposed and complex conjugate ME Hermitian Postulates

  16. Postulates

  17. Gaussian Wave Packet (discrete) k0=20, Nk=40 Postulates

  18. Gaussian Wave Packets Wave traveling to x>0 Normalization Postulates

  19. y3 ++ y2 + y2 , y3, (y2·y3) - -- position x Eigen Functions of Hermitian Operators Set of all eigen functions {ya} of Hermitian  form a complete set of orthogonal basis “vectors” Integral over overlap vanishes identical integrals (Hermitian) Postulates {|ya>}=complete: must cover all possible outcomes of measurements of A normalized ya:

  20. Wave Function. -a/2Position x +a/2 = math. solutions of PiB problem Particle-in-a-Box Ĥ-Eigen Functions Normal Modes All PiB energy eigen functions = orthonormal set Scalar product (Overlap) Integral over overlap vanishes j,c ≠ Ĥ-EF Representation of Y (PiB) Postulates All physical solutions can be represented by LC of set {yn} or {|yn>}

  21. z y Components:Projections x 3 2 Illustration: Representations of Ordinary Vectors z’ Normal vector spaces: coordinate system defined by set of independent unit, orthogonal basis vectors 4 Scalar Product Example Representation of r in basis {x,y,z} Representation of r in basis {x’,y’,z’} Postulates LC of basis vectors

  22. z y 4 x 3 2 Instant Problem: Find Components of a Vector z’ Independent unit basis vectors Example: Calculate cx, cy, cz of Postulates

  23. z y 4 x 3 2 Instant Problem: Normalize a Vector z’ Independent unit basis vectors Example: Calculate N such that Postulates

  24. y x Instant Problem: Find Orthonormal to a Vector Independent unit basis vectors x Postulates

  25. y3 ++ y2 + y2 , y3, (y2·y3) - -- position x PiB Wave Functions as Superpositions of Normal Modes General (all possible) solutions to PiB problem: LC of Ĥ-eigen functions {yn} (Y ≠ Ĥ-EF) Orthogonality/ Normality (<sin|cos> cross terms vanish) Constraint on cn & cm:Normalization of Y: Postulates “Fourier” Coefficients cn cn=<yn|Y>: Amplitude of yn in Y|cn|2: Probability of Yto be found in yn

  26. 3 2 Representations of Wave Functions/Kets Normal vector spaces: coordinate system defined by set of independent unit basis vectors j3 Express Y in terms of sets of orthonormalized EFs j2 3 different observables j1 Postulates All representations are equally valid, for any true observable.

  27. Symmetries of Matrix Elements Postulates

  28. Commutators Postulates

  29. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Relation Observed for PiB model: Is this general, for which observables A,B ? Postulates

  30. anti-Hermitian Hermitian<>=imaginary <>=real ≥0 Postulates Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation Example:  already derived for PiB

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