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ANTI NUTRISI PAKAN PROF. DR. ABDUL RAZAK ALIMON. ANTI-KUALITAS DALAM PAKAN. Pakan terdedah kpd bahan bukan nutrien yang bahaya kpd ternakan dan juga manusia Berasal dr dalam tumbuhan sendiri, kontiminasi dr lingkungan dan juga serangga dan mikroba
ANTI-KUALITAS DALAM PAKAN Pakan terdedah kpd bahan bukan nutrien yang bahaya kpd ternakan dan juga manusia Berasal dr dalam tumbuhan sendiri, kontiminasi dr lingkungan dan juga serangga dan mikroba Toksin dlm pakan bisa memberi kesan negatif kpd ternakan- anti nutrisi Pertumbuhan dan prestasi reproduksi terkesan
Penyebab Anti-Kualitas • Toksin dalam tumbuhan • Kandungan ADF yang tinggi • Kontaminasi atw pencemaran • Serangga dan chemicals • Degradasi oleh jamur • Auto oxidation
Klasifikasi anti-kualitas (1) in the natural feedstuffs by the normal metabolism of the species ; (2) artificial antagonists such as preservatives, chemical additives, toxic compounds,- during manufacturing processes, pesticides, herbicides and heavy metals and (3) natural contaminants such as mould, fungus and bacteria leading to the production of microbial toxins.
Indigenous in natural feedstuffs • Substances depressing digestion or metabolic utilization of proteins - protease Inhibitors, lectins, (haemagglutinins), saponins and certain polyphenolic compounds; (2) Substances reducing the solubility or interfering with the utilization of mineral elements – phytic acid, oxalic acid, glucosinolates and gossypol (3) Substances inactivating or increasing the requirements of certain vitamins - Anti-vitamins A, D, E and K and anti-B vitamins - thiamine, nicotinic acid, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin.
Bahan Anti-nutrisi dlm tumbuhan • -lectins beans, lima beans • -trypsin inhibitors soya bean • -antigenic proteins soya bean • -cyanogens cassava root/tapioca • -tannins acacia, lotus • -alkaloids lupins • -glucosinolates rapeseed, canola • -gossypol cottonseed • -saponins brachiaria, panicum • -mimosine leucaena • -phyto-estrogens clover, Lucerne, soyabean • Thiobromine cocoa pods
I. BAHAN PENYEBAB PENCERNAAN DAN PENGGUNAAN PROTEIN JADI RENDAH (a) Protease inhibitor/penghalang protease Banyak terdapat dlm legum/kekacang* Soyabeans – terdapat 2 kumpulan : Kunitz , trypsin inhibitor Bowman – Birk inhibitors, inhibitor trypsin dan chymotrypsin Efeknya: depressi pertumbuhan, disebabkan metionin lambat dibebaskan oleh enzim proteolitik. Ada juga semua asid amino tidak dibebaskan disebbkan oleh inhibitor.
Plant Toxins (b) Haemaglutinins (lectins): • found in both plant and animal tissues • mostly found in legumes. • protein in nature and have high affinity for certain sugar molecules. • Soyabeanhaemaglutinln is readily Inactivated by pepsin • animals with true stomach,- the haemaglutinins fraction' is inactivated before feed enters the intestine. • For fish (species with low peptic'activity) feed with haemaglutinln should be pretreated
Plant toxins (c) Saponins; • Occur in a variety of plants • Three important characteristics;, ...a bitter taste,, foaming in aqueous solutions and haemolysis of red blood cells. • On hydrolysis yield sapogenlns which are either steroids or triterpenoids and sugars. • effect is an interaction with cellular ajidmerabranal compounds* • Form complexes with cholesterol and has a blood-lowering effect in chicks. • Dietary cholesterol has also been shown to reduce the growth - depressing effect of saponins. • alfalfa saponins inhibit in vltro succinate oxidation by "rat liver enzymes Inhibit digestive enzyme beeretion
Plant toxins (d) Polyphenolic compounds: • The most important are the tannins, which are poly-- phenolic substances with a molecular weight greater than 500. • All cereals contain tannins some up to 5%. • Tannins seems to interfere with activity of trypsin and -amylase, • Growth depression has been reported in rats and chicks due to the reduced protein and dry matter digestibility. • Chlorogenic acid is found in occurs in sunflower seed meal (about 1,2%). • Depress growth, lower feed utilization due to inhibiting effect on the activity of proteinase, amylase and lipase. • However, these effects can be counteracted by compounds with methyl donors - for example, methionine and choline.
II. SUBSTANCES REDUCING THE SOLUBILITY OR INTERFERINGWITH THE UTILIZATION OF MINERAL ELEMENTS Phytic acid (phytate); • Plant phosphorus – in the form of phytic acid, a cyclic compound containing six phosphate groups. • Phytin forms a protein - phytic complex with zinc, manganese, copper, molybdenum, calcium, magnesium and lowers availability. • Protein digestibility and zinc availability is significantly affected by phytin. • High levels of vitamin D has been shown to improve the utilization of phytate phosphorus.
(b) Oxalic acid: Certain plants like beet, spinach and seeds of sesame contain oxalic acid, and its main antinutritional effect is through complexing with calcium. Growth depression and reduction in calcium retention have been reported in animals,
(c) Glucosinolates (thioglucosides); • Usually pungent flavours found in condiments, horse-raddish, mustard and rapeseed meal# • depress the synthesis of thyroid hormones. • reduce the incorporation of iodine into the precursors of thyroxine as well as interfering with its secretion. • In young chicken 0.15 percent causes depression of growth, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the thyroid. • Liver haemorrhage and enlargement of the liver and kidneys are also reported in some mammals.
(d) Gossypol pigments: • found exclusively in the pigment glands of cotton seed. • present in both oil and meal and exist in the free form or as a gossypol - protein complex, • whole seeds contain about 1.09-1.53 g/100 g, of which 0.19 g/lOO g exists in free form. • Decorticated seeds contain 0.15 g/100 g in free form. • causes depressed growth and decreased utilization of feed for weight gain.
Kuprum (Cu) • Terdapat dalam bungkil sawit (PKC) • 25-28 ppm • Toksik kepada ternakan, domba • Merusakkan ginjal dan liver • Boleh menyebabkan kematian • Utk menghalang – tambah natrium molybdate atau zinc sulfat dlm pakan
III. SUBSTANCES INACTIVATING OR INCREASING THE REQUIREMENT OF CERTAIN VITAMINS . ' • Anti-thiamine – found in rice bran, mustard seed, cotton seed and raw fish, esp fresh water fish. • Freshwater fish mussels and clams contain high levels of thiaminase, • Thiaminase can be inactivated by heat. • Anti-nicotinic acid - Niacinogen present in maize has been shown to combine with nicotinic acid thereby making it resistant to enzyme.digestion, leading to pellegra • ‘Pyridoxine antagonist – Linseed meal contains 0.005% Of a pyridoxine'antagonist, 1 - amino - D -proline, but is destroyed by autoclavlng. • Anti-vitamin B,2 in Soyabeans by autoelaying shown to contain a heat-labile substance which increase the requirement for vitamin B in rats, • Anti-vitamin E - Found in kidney-beans and cause muscular dystrophy in chicks and lairibs. It can be destroyed partially by autoclavlng^
Alkaloids : Pyrrolizidine alkaloids are toxins found in many plants. • At 100 ppm in the diet caused severe growth depression and mortality in fish and other animals . • When fed at 2 ppm these toxins caused severe hepatic lesions. • Cyanogens; low conc of Cyanide fairly widespread in form of glucosides, relatively high levels can be found in certain grasses, pulses and root-crops. • Tapioca contains relatively high levels (53 n^/100 g)
IV. ANTINUTRIENTS RESULTING FROM NATURAL CONTAMINATION OF FEEDSTUFFS • Animal by-products and fish meals are often contaminated with Salmonella. • There are approximately 1200 serotypes of Salmonella of which 80 serotypes have been associated with diseases in animals.
Microbial contamination (i) The microbes may be pathogenic and cause an infection ex: bacterium - Pathogenic serotypes of Salmonella, the yeast Candida spp, and fungus Aspergillus sp, (ii) Microbial action can alter the nutritional status of the product. growth can cause fustiness which results in reduced palatability. Microbial action can destroy or make unavailable to the animal certain Vitamins — for example the B complex vitamins or the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E (iii) Mould growth can result in the production of mycotpxins,which can cause a wide range of pathological and physiological effects in animals.
BACTERIAL CONTAMINANTS • Escherichia coli in animal feed- faecal contamination • When poultry waste products fed to cattle • Salmonella spp and Camphylobacter spp • Listeria monocytogenes in poor quality silage due to some aerobic fermentation • Listeria can cause abortion, meningitis, septicaemia
FUNGAL CONTAMINANTS • Aspergillus spp can grow in feed and produce toxins • Penicillium, Fusarium and Alternaria, in cereal grains • spores from fungi can cause mycosis can cause abortion, ringworm • contamination can be during processing and storage of products
mycotoxins common in feedstuffs • Aflatoxin Aspergillus sp. • Cyclopiazonic acid Asp. Sp. • Ochratoxin A Asp. spp • Citrinin Penicillium • Patulin Pen. • Citreoviridin Pen. • Deoxynivalenol Fusarium • T-2 toxin F. • Diacetoxyscirpenol F. • Zearalenone F.
ANIMAL TOXINS • -prion proteins of mammalian meat and bone meal, harmless tissue components but can transform into neurological lesions in many species • -BSE bovine spongiform encephalopathy
ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS • organic and inorganic compounds • pesticides, radionuclides, heavy metals • pesticides include organochlorine, organophosphate, pyrethroid compounds • -insecticide used in grain storage – • pirimiphos-methyl was frequently detected • industrial pollutants – dioxin, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) may pollute feed esp. herbage crops - can affect grazing cows
ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS • radionuclides contamination – after the Chernobyl accident in 1986, caesium 134, caesium 137 contaminate milk and meat • fertilizer can contaminate herbage eg cadmium, lead, mercury from factories
Biji benih rumpai • -bijibenih rumpai boleh menjadi masalah semasa prosesan dan pengilingan • -bisa menyebarkan benih rumpai merata ruang pastura lewat pengeluaran feces • Bahan lain- besi, dawai, batu, serangga
Kesimpulan • 1. pakan perlulah bersih dari toxin dan cemaran yng boleh menyebabkan keracunan dan ketoksikan pd haiwan dan juga manusia • Pastikan pakan bebas dr kontaminan • Harus mengetahui risiko terkait dgn penggunaan pakan yg tidak di ketahui kandungan toksin