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Enablement of Moodle software to DB2 9.7

Join the IBM team to enable Moodle 1.9 and 2.0 to work with DB2 9.7, enhancing software engineering skills and community involvement. Collaboration, rapid decision-making, and technical writing emphasized.

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Enablement of Moodle software to DB2 9.7

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  1. Enablement of Moodle software to DB2 9.7 Raul F. Chong IBM Canada rfchong@ca.ibm.com Mario Briggs IBM India mario.briggs@in.ibm.com Gergana Markova SWG – Tivoli gmarkova@us.ibm.com Other Mentors: TBD for each team

  2. Agenda • Introduction • The IBM team • What is it there for you? • The Project • Conclusion • Questions 2

  3. The IBM Team • Project Lead: Gergana Markova • Project organization • Java, eXtremeProgramming, JUnit, Design Patterns • Project Lead: Raul F. Chong • Project organization, and technical assistance • DB2, Cloud computing • Technical writing • Lead Technical Mentor: Mario Briggs • Open-source enthusiast • Enablement of several open source projects to DB2 • PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby on Rails • Each team will have dedicated Lead Technical Mentor and Lead Project Mentor: TBD • Technical Mentors • The Go-To experts for any technical questions and challenges  • Project Mentors • Project environment, scheduling • Facilitation & collaboration • Team dynamics • Other • Open Source Moodle resources and forums • IBM Academic Initiative Student Forum • IBM Developer Works resources 3

  4. What is it there for you? • Software Engineering Skills • Team Project Planning and execution • Collaboration, Networking • Rapid Decision Making • Open source community involvement (process, resources..)‏ • Research and resources evaluation • Other benefits • Interact closely with IBMers • Showcase your skills. • You *may* be recommended for a position at IBM or an internship at the IBM Toronto Lab. • May be part of a book team to write your experiences working with open source and DB2. 4

  5. Moodle enablement to DB2 9.7 ProjectSub-projects:- Moodle 1.9 to DB2 9.7- Moodle 2.0 to DB2 9.7

  6. What is Moodle? • Moodle is an Open Source Course Management System (CMS). It offers: • Scalability (from elementary schools to universities) • Flexibility: Can be used for fully online classes or to augment face-to-face learning (blended learning) • Adaptability: Provides forums, wikis, databases • Allows for collaborative communities • Assess students through assignments and quizzes • Moodle 1.9 is the current release used in most institutions, however, Moodle 2.0 will be released this Feburary 2010. There are drastic changes in the code. • Moodle 1.9 - 732,726 lines; $11M lifetime cost - ohloh.net • ADOdb (abstraction layer used by Moodle) - 7,930 lines; $94K lifetime cost - ohloh.net 6

  7. General Project information • Goal • Enable Moodle to work with DB2 9.7 using DB2 Express-C edition (free version of DB2) • Moodle currently works with MySQL (and Oracle) • Two versions of Moodle to enable, 1.9 and 2.0. • Version 1.9 is partially enabled and running on the cloud at www.learndb2.org/moodle • General Project Technology/requirements • Open source, cloud computing for deployment • Programming Language: PHP • Eclipse or NetBeans (optional) • Project Repository of your choice (e.g., CVS)‏ • Recommend using SF.net • Defect Tracking (SF.net tracker, Bugzilla, bitbucket, etc…)‏ • Project Discussion Forum/Log of your choice (e.g., Wiki, Google Groups/Docs)‏ • Unit testing of your choice • In the end, it’s your decision what to do! 7

  8. Project Deliverables • Deliverables • Mandatory • Your project in a public repository, fully documented, contribute back to the Moodle community • Optional • An article/book that will be published on IBM DeveloperWorks detailing your experience 8

  9. Moodle 1.9 to DB2 9.7 details • Project started in Sep 2009 by a team of 3 students from CSULB • Moodle 1.9 environment: • PHP - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor: • HTML-embedded scripting language • Syntax is borrowed from C, Java and Perl • Goal: to allow web developers to write dynamically generated pages quickly • DB2 • IBM relational database management system • Offers industry leading performance, scale, and reliability on popular platforms (Linux, UNIX, Windows, z/OS, System i) • ADOdb • Database abstraction library for PHP • Used by Moodle; provides interface to DB2 9

  10. Moodle 1.9 to DB2 9.7 details • Non-contamination policy: • Since Moodle is an open source project, IBMers cannot see the code to avoid ‘contamination’ • Students can tell IBMers the problems they encounter, and IBMers will help with advise/technical assistance • Refer to CSULB powerpoint presentation with more details, and issues encountered. 10

  11. Moodle 2.0 to DB2 9.7 details • Students need to research what will be required for the enablement of Moodle 2.0 to DB2 9.7. • Moodle 1.9 used the ADOdb layer to interact with DB2. ADOdb is phased out in Moodle 2.0. • After performing an analysis of the code changes required, students can set up their testing environment, and proceed making the appropriate changes. 11

  12. Moodle 1.9 and 2.0 Enablement - Suggested Approach Review Moodle 1.9 to DB2 enablement project experiences Environment setup Research changes requires – determine the project scope Implement changes Test Deployment (Go Live – Use Amazon Web Services)‏

  13. Skills Required PHP Programming, nothing fancy DB2 skills (easy to learn if you already know other RDBMS) Basic web-application concepts Basic XML

  14. Conclusion • Thank you for your time! • We’re here for you! • E.g. Can provide learning materials to learn DB2 quickly  • Questions? • Project Ideas? 14

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