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ATM Transaction System | OOAD Example

A detailed example of an ATM transaction system designed using Object-Oriented Analysis and Design principles. Includes diagrams, scenarios, and specifications for account, ATM, services, and more.

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ATM Transaction System | OOAD Example

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  1. OOAD An Example

  2. ACCOUNT Static OOAD Diagram acct # balance sec-code state TRANS_REC trans_type date_time amount teller_ID has withdrw dep prov_balance (0,N) (1,1) ATM atm # req_withdrw req_dep req_balance req_int_rate STD_ACCT SAVINGS_ACCT int_rate add_on_interest prov_int_rate

  3. Scenario 1 ACCOUNT acct # balance sec-code state TRANS_REC trans_type date-time amount teller_ID withdrw dep ATM atm # req_withdrw req_dep withdrw / deposit create

  4. Scenario 2 ACCOUNT acct # balance sec-code state prov_balance ATM req_balance prov_balance

  5. ACCOUNT Scenario 3 acct # sec-code state ATM req_int_rate SAVINGS_ACCT int_rate prov_int_rate prov_int_rate

  6. OBJECT SPECIFICATION atm STRUCTURES EXTERNAL INPUTS / OUTPUTS INPUT request-for-withdrawal (atm #, acct #, amount, sec-code) INPUT request-for-deposit (atm #, acct #, amount) INPUT request-for-balance (acct #, sec-code) INPUT request-for-int-rate (acct #, sec-code) OUTPUT message-for-customer OUTPUT cash ATTRIBUTES atm # := identifies atm STATE-DIAGRAM

  7. SERVICES <atm> - SERVICE req_withdrw ( ) VARIABLE ok:= withdrawal possible? TRIGGERED BY INPUT request-for-withdrawal SEND MESSAGE TO account(acct #).withdrw (IN atm #, amount, sec-code; OUT ok) IF ok equal TRUE THEN BEGIN WRITE OUTPUT message-for-customer USE OUPUT cash(amount) END ELSE WRITE OUTPUT message-for-customer END-SERVICE req_withdrw.

  8. SERVICES <atm> - SERVICE req_dep ( ) VARIABLE ok:= deposit successful ? TRIGGERED BY INPUT request-for-deposit SEND MESSAGE TO account(acct #).dep (IN atm #, amount; OUT ok) IF ok equal TRUE THEN WRITE OUTPUT message-for-customer ELSE WRITE OUTPUT message-for-customer END-SERVICE req_dep.

  9. SERVICES <atm> SERVICE req_balance( ) VARIABLE ok:= access to balance possible? TRIGGERED BY INPUT request-for-balance SEND MESSAGE TO account(acct #).prov_balance (IN sec-code; OUT balance, ok) IF ok equal TRUE THEN WRITE OUTPUT message-for-customer (balance) ELSE WRITE OUTPUT message-for-customer END-SERVICE req_balance.

  10. SERVICES <atm> SERVICE req_int_rate( ) VARIABLE ok:= access to int-rate possible? TRIGGERED BY INPUT request-for-int-rate SEND MESSAGE TO savings_acct(acct #).prov_int_rate (IN sec-code; OUT int-rate, ok) IF ok equal TRUE THEN WRITE OUTPUT message-for-customer (int-rate) ELSE WRITE OUTPUT message-for-customer END-SERVICE req_int_rate. END SPECIFICATION atm.

  11. OBJECT SPECIFICATION account STRUCTURES account has (0,N) trans_rec account specialized_into std_acct account specialized_into savings_acct EXTERNAL INPUTS / OUTPUTS ATTRIBUTES acct # := identifies atm balance := current balance on account in $ sec-code := authorization code state := active, closed STATE-DIAGRAM active closed

  12. SERVICES <account> - SERVICE withdrw ( IN atm #, amount, req-sec-code; OUT ok) IF (state = active) & (req-sec-code = sec-code) & (amount < balance) THEN BEGIN <transaction ok> ok <= TRUE balance <= balance - amount SEND MESSAGE TO trans-rec.create (IN “withdrawal”, current date&time, amount, atm #; OUT) END ELSE ok<= FALSE END-SERVICE withdrw.

  13. SERVICES <account> - SERVICE dep ( IN atm #, amount; OUT ok) IF (state = active) THEN BEGIN <transaction ok> ok <= TRUE balance <= balance + amount SEND MESSAGE TO trans-rec.create (IN “depositl”, current date&time, amount, atm #; OUT) END ELSE ok<= FALSE END-SERVICE dep.

  14. SERVICES <account> - SERVICE prov_balance ( IN req-sec-code; OUT result_balance, ok) IF (state = active) & (req-sec-code = sec-code) THEN BEGIN <transaction ok> ok <= TRUE result_balance <= balance END ELSE ok<= FALSE END-SERVICE prov_balance. END SPECIFICATION account.


  16. OBJECT SPECIFICATION savings_acct STRUCTURES savings_acct is-a account EXTERNAL INPUTS / OUTPUTS ATTRIBUTES int_rate := currently valid interest rate STATE-DIAGRAM

  17. SERVICES <savings_acct> - SERVICE prov_int_rate ( IN req-sec-code; OUT result_int_rate, ok) IF (state = active) & (req-sec-code = sec-code) THEN BEGIN <transaction ok> ok <= TRUE result_int_rate <= int_rate END ELSE ok<= FALSE END-SERVICE prov_int_rate.

  18. SERVICES <savings_acct> - SERVICE add_on_interest ( ) VARIABLE interest := used to calculate interest TRIGGERED BY TIME (end-of-month) calculate interest from ( balance & int-rate ) balance <= balance + interest END-SERVICE add_on_interest. END SPECIFICATION savings_acct.

  19. OBJECT SPECIFICATION trans_rec STRUCTURES trans_rec has <belongs to> (1,1) account EXTERNAL INPUTS / OUTPUTS ATTRIBUTES trans_type := withdrawal or desposit date_time := date & time of transaction amount := amount used in trans_type teller_ID := ID of accessing entity (teller, atm) STATE-DIAGRAM SERVICES - SERVICE create is standard create. END SPECIFICATION trans_rec.

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