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College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

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College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

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  1. College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

  2. Please Note Although this slide presentation addresses key safety issues that apply to all CNSM personnel, it only provides a general overview. Your supervisor provides detailed, task and material-specific training. Detailed information about each issue presented here is contained in the CNSM Safety Manual under the “Safety Guides” and supplementary procedures. The link to our safety website is http://www.csulb.edu/colleges/cnsm/safety/. Please visit the website often since it is constantly updated. For more detailed information, you are encouraged to follow this link to the Manual, and do a “key word search” to read detailed, current information on any given topic. Thank you, and welcome to California State University, Long Beach College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

  3. Safety Office Staff John de la Cuesta Email: john.delacuesta@csulb.edu Cell Phone: (714) 222-0963 Chris Frost Email: chris.frost@csulb.edu Cell Phone: (562) 577 - 0504

  4. Safety Office Information Office Location Micro - 006 Phone On Campus x55623 Off Campus (562) 985-5623 Office Hours Monday thru Friday 7:30 am – 5:30 pm Closed for Lunch 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

  5. Flow Chart of Who’s Responsible President of CSULB Environmental Health and Safety CNSM Dean CNSM Safety Dept. Chair Faculty Staff Student Worker Students

  6. Please add the CSULB Police Department’s phone number to your cell phone’s address book in case of an emergency • (562) 985 – 4101 Also, please add the CNSM Safety Office’s phone number (562) 985 - 5623

  7. CNSM Employee Bulletin Board • The CNSM Employee Bulletin Board is located adjacent to HSCI 160 • Information about Workplace safety, Phone Numbers, and Annual Injury Reports can be found here

  8. Chemistry Issue RoomHelpful Resource People are Here MLSC Chemistry Issue Room MLSC - 305

  9. General Safety Matters • Right – to – know / Hazard Communication and Labeling • Safety Data Sheets (SDS) • Goggle Policy • Laboratory/Workplace Attire • No Eating / Drinking / Food / Smoking • Housekeeping • Conduct • Reporting Accidents / Incidents • Medical Costs

  10. Right – to – Know / Hazard Communication and Labeling • You have the right to know (and are expected to know) about all chemicals used in the workplace. • All unattended materials are labeled following the CNSM Label Policy • Name (no abbreviations) • Hazard (e.g. flammable, corrosive, oxidizer, etc.)


  12. CNSM LABEL POLICY Include full name and hazard of any chemical You leave unattended.

  13. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) • Are a source for information such as the hazards, safe handling and disposal method for chemicals/products used in the workplace. • May be found at • Chemistry Issue Room • CNSM Safety Office and their website • Environmental Health and Safety Office • Google

  14. Goggle Policy • Chemical splash goggles with indirect vents must be worn by EVERYONE as soon as anyone in the class or laboratory handles hazardous materials such as corrosives, poisons, carcinogens etc. NO EXCEPTIONS • Required when even using small quantities of hazardous materials • If wear glasses, MUST wear goggles over glasses • Contact lenses are allowed when worn under goggles

  15. Goggle Policy (cont.) • Wear appropriate eye protection when working with anything that can injure the eyes • e.g. Flying particles, laser light, UV light, electric arc, etc. • ONLY those with proper goggles will be allowed in the lab / workplace

  16. Safety Eyewear Chemical Splash Goggles – Good for protection from liquids and solids. Safety Glasses Not for hazardous liquids use!

  17. Laboratory / Workplace Attire • Close-toed shoes must be worn at all times in any lab class that will EVER use hazardous chemicals at any point • Must also wear a lab coat or apron if hazardous materials are used or upon direction of the supervisor • Gloves (even if clean) should not be worn outside the laboratory.

  18. Laboratory / Workplace Attire

  19. No Eating / Drinking / Food / Smoking • No food or drink is allowed in laboratories or any other location where toxic materials could be present • Must leave these outside • THIS INCLUDES PERSONAL WATER BOTTLES!

  20. Housekeeping / Conduct • Promptly clean up broken glass, trash and chemical spills when safe to do so • Never throw chemicals in trash or into broken glass box and never pour down the drain • If water is spilled on the floor, clean up immediately to prevent slip/fall injuries • Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated

  21. Housekeeping / Conduct Extension cord (Temporary, <90 day use OK) Daisy Chain with 2 Power Strips Metal 2 – wire lamp on wet concrete

  22. Reporting Accidents / Incidents • Please report all injuries, dangerous failures, chemical spills, noxious odors, floods etc. to the safety office or lab instructor • The CNSM Incident Report Form is available from the Chemistry Issue Room and on-line • Injured students should go to the Student Health Center for medical evaluation • Do not clean up any blood, the CNSM Safety Office will perform this task once notified

  23. Medical Costs • WARNING – The University does not reimburse students for treatment sought for injuries or illnesses (even if the student is injured in class) • Treatment for students is available at the Student Health Center but may be limited and subject to reduced hours of operation • Notify your instructor or supervisor if you think your health might be adversely impacted by any class or workplace activity • Employees are covered by Worker’s Compensation Insurance. Go to CNSM Safety Office for authorization forms and instructions.

  24. Safety Equipment and Procedures • Safety Shower / Eyewash • Fire Extinguishers • Emergency Evacuation Procedure • Emergency Phone Boxes • CNSM Safety Supply Cabinet • Chemical and/or Biological Hoods

  25. Safety Shower / Eyewash • Must be “ten seconds” away when working with hazardous materials that can injure the eyes and skin • Path to shower must be clear • Shower turns ON when handle is pulled • Will not turn off until handle is pushed UP • The injured/exposed person must stay in the shower for a minimum of 15 minutes • Contaminated clothes may have to be removed during shower • MOST SHOWERS DO NOT HAVE A DRAIN • Don’t worry about the flooding, health of person is more important

  26. Safety Shower / Eyewash • NEVER apply sodium bicarbonate or any other treatment to the injury – flush with water only • When using the eyewash, follow same rules as safety shower • During the 15 minute flushing, the injured person should use his/her fingers to hold eyelids open • CNSM Safety should be called when an eyewash or safety shower is used • Call 911 as necessary • Inert absorbant is available in the Safety Cabinet to put on the wet floor

  27. Safety Shower / Eyewash Shower Eyewash in use Shower and Eyewash handles Eyewash

  28. Fire Extinguishers • MLSC Fire Extinguishers are in the hallways • HSCI and MICRO Fire Extinguishers are in laboratories and in the hallway • Should only be used by trained people • DON’T BE A HERO • Evacuate the building and pull the fire alarm as appropriate

  29. Fire Extinguishers

  30. Emergency Evacuation Procedure • Be aware of the fastest/safest exit • If alarm sounds, or authorities order an evacuation, leave promptly and • Take personal items • Turn off Bunsen burners etc. (if possible) • MUST KEEP 200 FEET away from the building upon evacuation

  31. Emergency Phone Boxes • Located on the walls in the science building hallways and in elevators • Use them to speak directly to CSULB police • Dial 911 from a standard campus office or payphone • Use cell phone if campus phone unavailable • Dial campus police at 562 985-4101 • 911 May connect to Highway Patrol and slow down response

  32. Emergency Phone Boxes Science Building Hallways Wall Emergency Phone Boxes Elevator Emergency Phone Box University Emergency Phone Box

  33. CNSM Safety Cabinet • There are two Safety Cabinets • HSCI Room 385 • MLSC 300 level hallway • A supply of items is available to help make lab safe • Notify CNSM Safety if you use the cabinet so they can keep it stocked

  34. CNSM Safety Cabinets examples MLSC 300 level Safety Cabinet HSCI 385 Safety Cabinet

  35. Chemical and/or Biological Hoods • Hoods are used to protect people when lab work may produce harmful or bad-smelling/smoky emissions • Gas masks, respirators, or dust masks are usually not allowed for use on campus • To use hood for protection • Sash MUST be at or below the sash “stop” catch • If arrow stickers are in place, sash MUST be at or below those markers

  36. Chemical and/or Biological Hoods 2 • Never put your head inside the fume hood when chemicals are present • Cluttered hoods with excess equipment and bottles should not be used due to impeded air flow. • Do not use if air flow velocity is below 100 linear feet/min • Report defective/alarming hoods to CNSM Safety promptly. DO NOT USE!

  37. Chemical and/or Biological Hoods 3 Biological Hood Chemical Fume Hood

  38. Chemical and Equipment Hazards • Chemical Storage and Incompatibilities • Chemical Wastes • Acids and Bases • Toxins • Carcinogens • Radioactive Materials • Biohazards • Scientific Glassware • Handling and Reporting of Chemical Spills • Broken Glass and Other Sharp Items

  39. Chemical and Equipment Hazards 2 • Reactive Chemicals • Oxidizing Chemicals • Reproductive Toxins • Use and Handling of Compressed Gas and/or Liquefied Gas • Equipment Hazards

  40. Chemical Storage and Incompatibilities • Always return chemicals to their proper place and store them compatibly. • Hazardous liquids must be stored in secondary containers such as trays or buckets • Remember to store incompatibles in separate trays. • Separate acids from bases, oxidizers from organic materials such as combustibles/flammables/reducing agents etc. • It is CRITICAL that you remember nitric acid will react violently with organic materials such as acetic acid! • Always use a “bottle carrier” or other secondary containment carrier when transporting any chemicals to or from the lab.

  41. Chemical Storage and Incompatibilities 2 • Watch out for flammable materials such as alcohols, acetone, ethers etc. and keep them away from ignition sources. • NEVER store them in standard refrigerator/freezers! • Regular refrigerators contain ignition sources (interior lights defrost cycles) that can ignite flammable vapors. • If you must keep your flammables cold, store them ONLY in special “Flame-rated” refrigerators. Read the labels on the refrigerator so you know what kind it is. If you open a bottle of ether, THF, etc., don’t forget to write the “opened” date on it as old ether may form explosive compounds.

  42. Chemical Wastes • Most labs have several DIFFERENT waste containers. • MUST make sure you know which container is the correct one for your waste! • Otherwise you could cause a fire, explosion or some other unwanted chemical reaction. • Containers must not be overfilled or accumulated for greater than 6 months. • Waste containers must be kept closed when not in use. • DO NOT FILL A WASTE JUG MORE THAN ¾ FULL!!! • It is everyone’s responsibility to NOTIFY CNSM SAFETY WHEN A CONTAINER IS ¾ FULL. • A replacement waste container may be available through CNSM Safety.

  43. Double Containment Use for storage, transport of Chemicals, including Waste

  44. Chemical Wastes-You must affix a yellow label to all waste containers Incorrect application Correct application

  45. Acids and Bases • Watch out for these corrosives as they can cause severe burns and blindness. • Never mix acids and bases in a common waste container, or it may blow up! • Use caution when adding concentrated acids or bases to a solution. • "Do what you ought'er, add acid to water". • Neutralize tiny acid spills/drips (NOT injuries) with bicarbonate solution.

  46. Toxins • Many of the reagents used in the lab are toxic poisons. • Ingestion, inhalation, and skin contact must be avoided. • Even small amounts of some chemicals can kill immediately. • Instructors will provide specific safety/handling warnings as these materials are introduced into the lab

  47. Carcinogens • Some chemicals may be classified as carcinogenic (capable of causing cancer) in addition to the other hazardous properties • e.g. Benzene is a flammable liquid, is toxic, but also can induce leukemia with extended exposure • CAL/OSHA designates which chemicals must be labeled as Carcinogen. See the CNSM Safety Manual for the current list.

  48. Radioactive Materials • Typically not used in teaching labs • Use of Radioactive Materials requires special training through the Radiation Safety Office

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