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Beacon Hill Elementary School is dedicated to engaging students in high-level learning, building a supportive and collaborative community, and implementing effective reading intervention strategies. Our unique approach emphasizes excellence, collaboration, inquiry, and play to create lifelong learners.
Strategic Education Plan and Report 2018-2019 Beacon Hill Elementary School www.beaconhill.ca
About Us… • Beacon Hill Elementary School is the newest school in Chinook’s Edge School Division and is located in Sylvan Lake. • Beacon Hill is in its second year as a K-6 school. • We have a tremendous staff dedicated to the students in our care. • Beacon Hill has a little different look as compared to most traditional elementary schools. Our staff and students are fortunate to have large, open spaces, that allow us to work toward our school focus areas that have our students working in team and cooperative groups.
Our Guiding Principles Mission Beacon Hill Elementary School will engage every student in high level and meaningful learning, by believing in, encouraging and challenging them. BHES Vision Beacon Hill Elementary School will be recognized as a supportive and collaborative school community where learning is both personalized and cooperative to develop creative, confident and respectful life-long learners.
Systemic Professional Learning Communities At BHES the PLC concept represents, an ongoing process in which educators work collaboratively, in recurring cycles of collective inquiry and action research, to achieve better results for the students they serve. → BHES Model
What Makes Us Unique?We believe in excellence in the areas of academics, positive attitude,team work, building relationships, exploration and discovery, and having students engaged in ‘Play’ to learn . • Collaborative Groups • Inquiry • Play to Learn
Goals and Targets for 2018-2019 Goal #1: Developing High Staff Collaborative Efficacy Establish a school culture that expects High-Performance from students and teachers alike. This is accomplished by improving the collaborative efficacy among teachers. We will emphasize and build the capacity of teachers to work in collaborative settings. Focus Areas: - Develop the professional capacity of teachers relative to collaborative settings. - Continue to establish a school culture where High-performance is the norm. - Teachers will develop and implement ‘Best Practices’ as outlined in most current educational research.
Goals and Targets for 2018-2019 School Goal #2: Reading Interventions Strategies: * Develop and implement an Early Literacy Intervention program for Gr. 2 & 3. * Reading Intervention program for Gr. 4, 5, & 6. * ‘Joyful Literacy Blitz’ interventions for Gr. 1. * Use researched based materials to guide teachers in their everyday practice. * Know the critical elements of reading instruction in all subjects. * Continue to build leveled resources for Early Literacy and home reading programs.
Accountability Results Annually, parents, staff and grade 4 students complete surveys that provide feedback to Alberta Education. Schools can then reflect upon results to make improvements and develop programs. School overall 2017: 92.8% 2018: 97% School overall 2017: 72.6% 2018: 82.3% Educational Quality Continuous Improvement
Accountability Pillar Survey ResultsAnnually, parent, staff and grade 4-6 students complete this survey. Schools can then reflect upon results to make improvements and develop programs. Safe and Caring - Overall 2018: 92.3% Satisfaction Provincial Safe and Caring 2018: 89% Staff: Safety of School Environment - 95.7% Caring Atmosphere - 100% Students: Safety of School Environment – 89% Caring Atmosphere – 100% Parent: Safety of School Environment - 92.6% Caring Atmosphere – 100%
Accountability Pillar Survey ResultsAnnually, parent, staff and grade 4-6 students complete this survey. Schools can then reflect upon results to make improvements and develop programs. Quality of Education and Improvement: Overall 97.8% Staff: Overall Quality of Education - 97.6% Process for teachers to improve - 100% Students: Overall quality of Education – 100% School process for improvement – 95% Parent: Overall quality of Education - 95.8% School process for improvement – 75%
CESD Parent Survey Results 2018Annually, parent, staff and students complete this survey. Schools can then reflect upon results to make improvements and develop programs. My child is safe at school: 99% Satisfied with the overall quality of education: 96% Child’s teacher believes/challenges and encourages: 97% Communication between school and home: 93% Satisfied with teachers’ feedback: 88% My child has a positive adult relationship at school: 96% My child’s learning is moving forward: 100% There are appropriate literacy strategies in place: 99%
School Generated DataGenerated every second year. Safe and Caring – 100% Teachers care about students – 100% Students find school interesting – 99% Student encouraged to do their best work – 100% Student receive the help needing in reading – 100%
What We Accomplished in 2017-2018 • Reading Literacy Program • Collaborative Problem Solving Culture • A Play to Learn Culture • School Sports Camps • Kids in Action • Student Leadership Program Loose Parts Play Shed
Staff Development * Effective math teaching and assessment * Let’s Talk Science * Higher Level Thinking Skills
Literacy Practices Include • Allington’s Big Six components in classrooms and programming guide teacher practices. • Kindergarten, grades 1 and 2 use Jolly Phonics for consistent delivery of phonics and grammar • Daily 5 framework (Café, word work, stamina, listen to read, good fit books, etc) • Staff applying, showcasing and sharing/discussing the research based strategies introduced through PD days. • Student self-evaluation of their use and understanding of personal reading strategies presented in class. • Students can articulate their own reading progress toward their set goal, using common reading language. • All students have classroom access to books for daily home reading.
Reading Levels Reporting 85.8% of students are achieving grade level reading
Moving Literacy Forward • Continued use of CESD Reading Framework to guide teacher practices • Focus on comprehension strategies at all levels • Common assessment Tool (PM Benchmark, J Johns) • Reading Intervention, Early Literacy Intervention and Literacy Blitz • Daily Home reading encouragement • Using researched based literacy practices • to guide our planning.
Successes to Celebrate Student Leadership Opportunities Include: School Patrol, Reading Buddies, Lunch Canteen, Recycling Healthy Activity Opportunities: Choir, Skiing, Sports Day, Terry Fox Run, Kids in Action, After School Basketball, Volleyball and Badminton, Swim Lessons Family Rebels Night Social Activism Opportunities: Operation Everyone Deserves a Smile