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Designing a Stack Memory Calculator: A Simple Computer Project Example

Learn to develop a stack memory calculator with a control unit in this project, using single-port RAM and modified datapath elements. Utilize a dual-port RAM stack for easy implementation and efficient operation. Includes a basic design example and block diagram explanation.

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Designing a Stack Memory Calculator: A Simple Computer Project Example

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  1. Lab 7: A Calculator Using Stack Memory • A simple computer design example • A control unit (FSM) • Stack memory - dual-port RAM • Design project (an example) • use single port RAM • modify the datapath • a more complex control unit

  2. Motivation Computer Design as an application of digital logic design procedure Computer = Processing Unit + Memory System Processing Unit = Control + Datapath Control = Finite State Machine Inputs = Machine Instruction, Datapath Conditions Outputs = Register Transfer Control Signals Instruction Interpretation = Instruction Fetch, Decode, Execute Datapath = Functional Units + Registers Functional Units = ALU, Multipliers, Dividers, etc. Registers = Program Counter, Shifters, Storage Registers

  3. Structure of a Computer Instruction Types Data Manipulation Add, Subtract, etc. Data Staging Load/Store data to/from memory Register-to-register move Control Conditional/unconditional branches subroutine call and return

  4. A stack computer • stack: a last-in-first-out queue • operand registers: the top of the stack • simple instruction encoding • easy implementation • Instruction/data format • 9 bits • bit 8 = 1 • bit 7-0: operation code • bit 8 = 0 • bit 7-0: data (127~-127, two’s complement) • postfix format • 3, 5, 8, 6, - (3’H100), +, + (3’H101), EOF (3’H1FF)

  5. Block Diagram and Basic Function • Basic components • dual-port RAM (stack) • one port for instruction access; the other for stack operation • IR, BREG, AREG, ALU Dual-port RAM stack inst. IR B A ALU

  6. An example: 3, 5, 8, 6, -, +, + Dual-port RAM Dual-port RAM Dual-port RAM Dual-port RAM 3 6 5 8 5 8 B 3 A 3 5 A ALU ALU ALU ALU An example 3

  7. Dual-port RAM Dual-port RAM Dual-port RAM Dual-port RAM + + EOF - 2 10 6 7 3 x 5 8 ALU ALU ALU ALU 3, 5 10 2 3 x 7

  8. The block diagram Stack pointer Dual-port RAM stack inst. Program counter IR B A mux mux ALU

  9. Dual-port RAM 16 * 9 bits inputs DI: data input WE: write_enable (active high) WCLK: synchronous RAM - positive-edge triggered A: primary port r/w address DPA: dual port read address outputs AO: primary port output DPO: dual port output primary port: stack access for data stack pointer: an up-down counter dual port: program access program counter: an up counter

  10. Stack pointer push/write operation address = stack pointer ++ pop/read operation address = -- stack_pointer 4-bit up down counter input: ACLR, CLK, CLK_EN, UP_DWN_ output: CNTI: stack pointer CNTO: stack pointer for push stack pointer - 1 for pop possible problems longer propagation delay -1 + RAM access

  11. Data Flow

  12. Pipelining Fetch Exec Fetch Exec Fetch Exec Execution operation code execute the operation if available, pop data from the stack to A register (a memory read) data if A register contains data, push to the stack (a memory write) if B register contains data, shift to A register shift the data in IR to B register a dual-port memory is required one for fetching one for execution Operations

  13. States S0 S1 one operand S2 two operands S3 >= two operands S4 >= three operands Error Halt Operations fetch shift push/pop execution OPR Fetch, sh_AB ,push FSM for the Control Unit

  14. Inputs RESET: power-on reset IR: instruction register STP: stack pointer Outputs AB_SEL: select the inputs for registers A and B 0/1= push/pop A_CLK_EN, B_CLK_EN Latch regs A andB EOF_ = ~(IR == 1FF) ERROR_: syntax error IR_CLK_EN: latch IR STP_up_dn_: 0/1 = pop/push STP_CLK_EN: real push/pop Controls

  15. Operations and Controls • fetch: IR_CLK_EN • shift: B_CLK_EN, (A_CLK_EN), !AB_SEL • push: STK_UP_DN_, STK_CLK_EN • pop: !STK_UP_DN_, STK_CLK_EN,A_CLK_EN • execution: AB_SEL, B_CLK_EN • halt: !HALT_

  16. Final Design Check symbol info Add 7seg output to show result

  17. Lab • Download an example project • The control-unit is incomplete • You can do timing verification • Perform timing verification • Answer a couple of questions • Design the control-unit • An FSM • Implement the calculator on the demo board • Display the result using the 7-seg LEDs

  18. assign AO = q[A] ; assign DPO = q[DPA] ; always @(posedge WCLK or posedge RST) if (RST) begin q[0] = 9'h002 ; q[1] = 9'h003 ; q[2] = 9'h007 ; q[3] = 9'h002 ; q[4] = 9'h009 ; q[5] = 9'h100 ; q[6] = 9'h100 ; q[7] = 9'h101 ; q[8] = 9'h002 ; q[9] = 9'h008 ; q[10] = 9'h100 ; q[11] = 9'h100 ; q[12] = 9'h101 ; q[13] = 9'h1ff ; end else if (WE) q[A] = DI ; Dual Port RAM

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