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Erosion: A Strategic Mountain Game - Learn, Play, Conquer and Thrive

Explore the depths of erosion with Erosion: Game Plan by Dr. John Douglass. Master the conceptual basis, rules, and examples to strategize your way through uplift, weathering, hillslope, and fluvial processes. Gain stones, maneuver river rocks, and create deltas. Earn points by eroding mountains or utilizing fossil cards for extra value. Test your skills and aim to become the erosion champion!

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Erosion: A Strategic Mountain Game - Learn, Play, Conquer and Thrive

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By Dr. John Douglass

  2. Erosion: Game Plan • Conceptual basis for Erosion • Conceptual diagram • Overview • Examples • Rules • Let’s Play!

  3. Erosion: Concepts

  4. Erosion: Concepts

  5. Erosion: Overview

  6. Erosion: Overview

  7. Erosion: Example 1

  8. Erosion: Example 1

  9. Erosion: Example 2

  10. Erosion: Example 2

  11. Erosion: Example 2

  12. Erosion: Example 3

  13. Erosion: Example 3

  14. Erosion: Example 4

  15. Erosion: Rules 1. Uplift - play uplift card and rock type cards to be uplifted (add cards to the base of the mountain), after discard face up 2. Weather - play a weathering card that shows which cards to be weathered from a particular mountain. Move one half width to the left all rock cards in the mountain to be weathered. Gain Stones (see chart) and discard face up. 3. Hillslope - play a hillslope card that shows which cards to be transported from a particular mountain. Move the rock to the center of the table to form the River. Gain Stones (see chart) and discard face up. 4. Fluvial - play a fluvial card AND rock type cards to be transported from the River. Move the transported cards to your “delta” face down. Discard example cards face down and place fluvial card face up on your discard pile. 5. Draw - cards back to 7, or dump 7 cards and redraw 7 cards

  16. Erosion: Rules cont. 1. WX or Hillslope Stone Values: 1 rock = 1 stone, 2 rocks = 2 stones, 3 rocks = 3 stones, 4 or more = 5 stones 2. If a player plays the same process as the previous player, +1 wild for that play. 3. Fossil cards are worth double their value in mountains and +5 extra if in a delta 4. Empty hand through play, automatic re-draw or drawing cards is one turn of play. 5. Most of each sediment type in delta at game end, +5 points 6. Process card not played in prime elevation, -1 power to the card. 7. Game ends: Mountain at 8,000 m, Deck Empty, A player earns 25 stones from WX and hillslope, or a player’s mountain becomes totally eroded. 8. Optional: Powers on cards stated above the rock type can be used if the card is in the player’s mountain, but only once and then must be covered. Used only following a specified action (stated in parentheses).

  17. Let’s Play

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