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Ch 15 The New Frontier & The Great Society

Ch 15 The New Frontier & The Great Society. 1960-1963. The Election of 1960. Senator John F. Kennedy (D) Mass. Vs Vice- President Richard M. Nixon (R) People worried about JKF’ youth and his religion ( Roman Catholic ) First Televised Debates – Sept .1960

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Ch 15 The New Frontier & The Great Society

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  1. Ch 15 The New Frontier & The Great Society 1960-1963

  2. The Election of 1960 • Senator John F. Kennedy (D) Mass. Vs Vice- President Richard M. Nixon (R) • People worried about JKF’ youth and his religion (Roman Catholic) • First Televised Debates – Sept .1960 • JFK’ look and confidence impressed voters • JFK and RFK gained African American voters in their efforts to free Dr. MKL from jail • JFK won the 1960 election by less than 119,000 votes

  3. JFK Vs Richard Nixon

  4. The Kennedy Mystique • Wit and Charm bolstered the image • Camelot in Washington • Jackie, John, and Caroline

  5. The Kennedy Cabinet • “The Best and the Brightest” • McGeorge Bundy – NSA • Robert McNamara – Secretary of Defense • Dean Rusk- • Sec. of State • RFK- Attorney General

  6. The New Frontier • JFK lacked a mandate after the election • Many proposals he sent to Congress were shot down: Medicare, Federal Aid to Education, Public Housing, Increased Social Security, higher minimum wage, and anti-poverty measures • Southern Democrats and Republicans blocked many plans

  7. New Frontier Victories • The Economy – JFK pushed through the use of deficit spending (FDR) • Minimum Wage increase to $1.25 HR • Lowered taxes on businesses and targeted tax cuts for individuals • He lowered tariffs to increase International Trade • In 1961 and 62 he intervened in the steel industry to keep wages low and management to lower price increases

  8. New Frontier Victories II • Peace Corps – 35,000 volunteers in 60 nations • Alliance for Progress – offered economic and technical assistance to Latin American countries (12 billion in aid)

  9. New Frontier-Race to the Moon • In April, 1961 the USSR put the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin ( Alan Sheppard) • JKF increased funding to NASA, $33 billion by 1969 • Cape Canaveral and Houston Space Center were built • JFK pledged to go to the moon by the end of the 1960’s • Universities expanded science programs, new industries and technologies emerged • Space Industries in the Southern and Western US

  10. Domestic Focus • By 1963 JFK sent a Civil Rights Bill to Congress • He called for “a national assault on the causes of poverty” (Harrington’s The Other America) • RFK was ordered to investigate racial injustices in the South • Presidential Commission on the status of Women – Equal Pay Act of 1963 • Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act 1963- Led to the Special Olympics in 1968. • He proposed $10 billion in new tax cuts

  11. The Warren Court • Chief Justice Earl Warren • Brown vs. The Board of Education – 1954 Banned Segregation in public schools • Banned state sanctioned prayer in public schools • Declared Loyalty Oaths unconstitutional • Baker Vs Carr 1962 and Reynolds Vs Simms 1964 stated that Federal Courts could tell states to redivide their districts for more equal representation (Reapportionment – the drawing of election districts) “One Person, one Vote.”

  12. Rights of the Accused • MappVs Ohio (1961) Evidence seized illegally could not be used in state courts • Gideon Vs Wainwright ( 1963) Free legal council to those who cannot afford it • Escobedo Vs Illinois (1964) Accused person has the right for a lawyer to be present during questioning • Miranda Vs Arizona ( 1966) All suspects must have their rights read • Liberals praised the decisions, Conservatives hated the decisions because they impeded police officers

  13. Kennedy and The Cold War1960-1963

  14. JFK’s Military Policy • Kennedy built up the conventional and nuclear weapons systems to deter the USSR and to close the missile gap with the Soviets • Between 1960-1962 military spending increased 30%, $43 billion to $56 billion • The Special Forces or Green Berets were created • Kennedy expanded the CIA and and Black Operations * He wanted a Flexible Response

  15. The Bay Of Pigs Invasion • Fidel Castro had led a revolution in Cuba and seized power from Batista in 1959 • JFK learned of a CIA planned approved by IKE to train Cuban exiles and allow them to attack Cuba, and overthrow Castro • In April 1961, 1,500 Cuban exiles never reached the beach • The air strike failed and Castro waited with 25,000 troops and Soviet Weapons • Kennedy, CIA, and the US were embarrassed on the world stage, total fiasco

  16. The Berlin Crisis • In 1961 Khrushchev and JKF met in Vienna, Austria • JKF felt he looked weak and second best • Khrushchev threatened to force the Western powers out of West Berlin • 3 million East Germans had fled to West Berlin since the end of WWII • JFK told Americans we stay in Berlin • August 13th, 1961 Khrushchev responded by allowing East Germany to construct The Berlin Wall

  17. The Cuban Missile Crisis • In the summer of 1962 the Khrushchev began shipping Soviet Offensive Nuclear Missiles to Castro In Cuba • The US had Offensive Missiles in Turkey • In October 1962 U-2 Spy planes took pictures of the weapons that could reach the US in minutes and destroy American cities

  18. Kennedy’s Options • Invade Cuba? Soviet Troops were present • Bomb the Sites? Sneak Attack? • Naval Blockade around Cuba, or a “Quarantine”

  19. JFK Addresses the Nation

  20. Brink of Nuclear War • The US was on DEFCON 3, 100,000 US troops readied in Florida to invade Cuba • The Naval Blockade was in place around Cuba • The Soviet Cargo Ships stormed to the blockade, but then turned around • Days later Khrushchev pledged to remove the missiles if we pledged not to invade Cuba, and secretly months later we removed our missiles from Turkey • RFK was instrumental in dealing with the Soviet ambassador

  21. Outcomes of the Crisis • Khrushchev prestige was damaged, JFK looked stronger, but he was criticized for brinksmanship • The Hot-line was established between Washington/Moscow • JFK wanted to relax Cold War Tensions • In 1962 the US and the USSR agreed to the Limited Test Ban Treaty which banned nuclear testing in the atmosphere

  22. Tragedy in Dallas • On November 22nd 1963, JFK was shot and killed while riding with Jackie and Gov. Connally through Dallas, TX • Lee Harvey Oswald a disgruntled ex- Marine who lived in the USSR for a time was charged with the crime • Oswald was later killed by nightclub owner Jack Ruby • LBJ took the oath of office on Air Force One • The Warren Commission investigated and found Oswald acted alone (Magic Bullet)

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