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Ophthalmology Manual for Medical Students |

Comprehensive guide on healthy eye assessment and patient case records. Authored by experts from Stavropol State Medical Academy. Includes detailed eye examination schematics. |

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Ophthalmology Manual for Medical Students |

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  2. Доступность Наглядность Взаимопонимание Методическое обеспечение учебного процесса


  4. THE MANUAL ON OPHTHALMOLOGY. (For Students of General Medicine in the English-speaking Medium). Stavropol. Ed.: StSMA. –36 p. УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКОЕ ПОСОБИЕ ПО ОФТАЛЬМОЛОГИИ. (Для студентов лечебного факультета англоязычного отделения). Ставрополь. Изд.: СтГМА. – 36 с. Authors L.P. Cherednichenko, D.M.S., professor, the Head of ophthalmology Department of Stavropol State Medical Academy, the academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. G.V. Korenjak ,C.M.S., associate professor of ophthalmology Department of Stavropol State Medical Academy. M.L. Cherednichenko, C.M.S., associate professor of ophthalmology Department of Stavropol State Medical Academy. Translated from the Russian by T.N. Finenko, the senior teacher of the Chair of the Foreign Languages with the Course of Latin of StSMA.

  5. ОПИСАНИЕ ЗДОРОВОГО ГЛАЗА THE DESCRIPTION SCHEME OF THE HEALTHY EYE Eyelids cover and shape the eyeball, the palpebral fissure is of the almond-shaped form, their mobility is not limited, closure of eyelids edges is firm and full all along, intermarginal space is not changed. Growth of eyelashes is correct: on an upper eyelid it is up and forward, on a lower eyelid it is forward and down. Lacrimal points at top of lacrimal hillocks are turned towards an eyeball and a lacrimal lake; lacrimal meat is of pale rose colour. There is no pathological discharge at palpation of projection areas of the lacrimal sac. The cartilages of palpebral conjunctiva and transitive folds of the eyeball are rose, shining, and moist; the path of vessels is not changed, the ducts of meibomian glands are clearly seen. The orbit is of usual form; at palpation, its edges are without deformation, smooth. Eyeball position in the orbit is correct, median; its mobility is in full. Sclera is of milky-white color, the surface is smooth all along, and the vessels are not changed. The limbus is translucent, 1-1,5 mm in width. The cornea is transparent, shining, spherical, reflecting; covered with pericorneal film, of the normal size, its sensitivity is preserved. Newborn’s horizontal diameter is 9 mm, by one year – 10 mm, by 7 years of age – 11 mm, in the adult – 11,5-12 mm. The anterior chamber is of mean depth, humor is transparent. Iris is not changed in colour (describe the colour), the pattern is in relief, its crypts are marked. The pupil is of a regular round form, its position is proper – median, reaction of the pupil to light is live; diameter of a pupil is 3-3,5 mm. The pupil area is black, the passing light from an eye fundus gives a uniform pink reflex. The eye fundus: an optic nerve disc is pale-rose. The borders are distinct; the vessels are proportional. Macular and foveal reflexes are well expressed. Peripheral parts of the eye fundus are without pathology. Intraocular tension is in norm at palpation (Tn).

  6. СХЕМА АМБУЛАТОРНОЙ КАРТЫ THE SCHEME OF THE OUT-PATIENT CASE RECORD Date ____________________ Complaints The anamnesis Visual acuity of the right eye: the left eye; Orbit, position of eyes, motility apparatus: norm (D.S.). Eyelids: norm (D.S.). Ciliary margin: thickening, flakes, ulcers, trichiasis (D.S.). Palpebral conjunctiva: norm, pathology (D.S.). Discharge: no, a little; mucous, purulent, foamy, etc. (D.S.). Lacrimal organs: norm (D.S.). Patency: active, passive (D.S.). Sclera: norm (D.S.). Cornea: transparent, opacity (D.S.). The anterior chamber: shallow, normal, deep, unequal in depth (D.S.). Aqueous humor: transparent (D.S.). Iris: norm (D.S.). Pupil: norm (D.S.). Lens: transparent (D.S.). Opacity degree (partially opaque, spokes of opacities, total opacity) (D.S.). Vitreous body: transparent, character of opacity (diffuse, floating) (D.S.). Eye fundus: the optic nerve (D.S.), vessels (D.S.), retina, macula, the central pole (D.S.). Field of vision: norm, pathology (see the scheme) Intraocular pressure. Carried out manipulations. The diagnosis: Examination: Administrations: Sick-list № Active visiting (terms) Polyclinic attendance:

  7. СХЕМА ИСТОРИИ БОЛЕЗНИ THE CASE RECORD SCHEME of patients’ treatment by the medical faculty students 1. The general data of the patient. FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL, LAST NAME Sex Age Occupation Nationality Residence 2. Complaints of the patient. 3. The anamnesis. History of the onset of the given disease The family anamnesis The general data 4. Objective examination of eyes:

  8. ВОЗРАСТНАЯ ДИНАМИКА РОСТА ГЛАЗА AGE DYNAMICS OF THE EYE DEVELOPMENT Diameter of the corneaNewborn9,0-9,5 mmBy 1 year10,0-10,5 mm2-3 years10,5-11,0 mmBy 6 years11,5 mm Anterior–Posterior Axis (APA)Newborn16,2 mmby 1 year19,2 mmby 3 years20,5 mmby 7 years21,5 mmby 11 years22,0 mmby 15 years23,0 mmby 25 years24,0 mm

  9. МЕДИКАМЕНТОЗНЫЕ СРЕДСТВА, ПРИМЕНЯЕМЫЕ В ОФТАЛЬМОЛОГИИ THE MEDICAMENTS APPLIED IN OPHTHALMOLOGY ANTIINFLAMMATORY DRUGS Rp.: Sо1. Zinci sulfatis 0,25 - 0,5 - 1 % - 10 ml D.S. Eye drops. Instill 2 drops 3 - 4 times a day into both eyes. Rp.: Sо1. Kalii iodidi 3 % - 10 ml D.S. Eye drops. Instill 2 drops 3 - 4 times a day into both eyes. Rp.: Sоl. Furacilini 1:5000 - 20 ml D.S. Eye drops. For treating of ciliary edge of eyelids of both eyes. Rp.: Sо1. Sulfacyli-natrii 20-30 % - 10 ml D.S. Eye drops. Instill 2 drops 3 - 4 times a day into both eyes

  10. EXAMINATION CARD № 1 1. Anatomy and topography of an orbit of the adult person. List the basic apertures and neurovascular formations. 2. The formula for visual acuity definition. Decipher this formula. Calculate visual acuity from 2 metres, 3 metres. 3. Hordeolum. Aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, treatment, prevention. Tactics of the general practitioner. Write out an appointment card for the ophthalmologist. 4. Write out the prescription for Sulfacylum-natrium in instillations. 5. Write out the prescription for eyeglasses to the patient of 45 years old. Утверждены заседанием кафедры офт. 19.12.2008 г. Протокол № 5. Зав. каф. офт. Проф .EXAMINATION CARD № 2 1. An eyeball structure, blood supply, innervation. Anterior-posterior axis of the newborn and 25-year-old person. 2. Examination methods of lacrimation organs and lacrimal ducts. 3. Blepharitis. Aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, treatment, prevention. Name the factors promoting occurrence of blepharitis. Write out an appointment card for the ophthalmologist. 4. Write out the prescription for chloramphenicol in instillations. 5. Write out the prescription for eyeglasses to the patient of 55 years old with myopia 1,0 D.Утверждены заседанием кафедры офт. 19.12.2008 г. Протокол № 5. Зав. каф. офт. проф.



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