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NYTDA The NY Trucking & Delivery Association

NYTDA The NY Trucking & Delivery Association. BEST PARKING PRACTICES For Commercial Drivers Operating in NYC. This guy’s sole job is to issue tickets.

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NYTDA The NY Trucking & Delivery Association

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  1. NYTDAThe NY Trucking & Delivery Association BEST PARKING PRACTICES For Commercial Drivers Operating in NYC

  2. This guy’s sole job is to issue tickets. Traffic Enforcement Agent’s goal is issue at least as many tickets as they are expected to, based on performance expectations, what we know as quotas. You have a route and so do they each day and they know where you will be every day. They will find you once, maybe twice, maybe many times today. The question is, how much will it cost?

  3. Parking Tickets Some of you may see more of these in one day than most people see in a year! The fact is, it may not be how many tickets you get, but what kind of violations you get, that make the difference in how much actually ends up being paid!

  4. Some Facts Given the state of the economy and what is expected in the year to come, here are some things you should consider: • Trucking is Expensive • NYC has over 3000 Traffic Enforcement Agents • Fuel Costs are out of control • Insurance Costs in Trucking exceed the average of most other businesses • Stable Corporate Health = Stable Employment • Unprofitable companies cannot: • Pay increased salaries or benefits • Cannot properly maintain or purchase new equipment • Compete against profitable companies for new business • Ensure employment growth

  5. How do you compare?Individual drivers parking practices directly impact the type of tickets and post adjudication company cost. • Of 400 companies sampled, that run trucks daily in the 5 boroughs of NYC, the average savings on commercial parking tickets realized after adjudication is approximately 60%. Some do as low as 35% off original ticket prices and others as high as 86%. Our top 25 companies save on average over 75 percent. Our top 25 individual drivers average in excess of 85%. Not all companies, routes, delivery schedules or load sizes are the same. A company that delivers small packages using vans will have more legal or better parking opportunities that a company delivering large loads from a tractor trailer, these facts are true, but there are choices any driver may make, on enough occasions, to make a difference. Many drivers make an effort to avoid high cost tickets but drivers that consistently get non-amenable tickets can and need to improve. • Individual Drivers will vary based on the route they serve and the parking practices they employ. Where do you stand? • You can control to a small extent how many tickets you get but what you can control to a much larger extent is: • Driver Parking Practices! Everyone gets tickets, how and where you park is often under your control and directly effects the ultimate cost.

  6. Where you should be • Regular Meter • Double Parked (Except Midtown) • No Standing Except Trucks Loading & Unloading • No Parking Signs • Daytime Limits and Street Cleaning Signs OK (except handicap permit) • Commercial Metered Parking (receipt must be in window)

  7. Where you should not beThese are safety violations and will subject you to violation tows, and tickets are minimally adjudicated. • Fire Hydrants (In an emergency the Fire Dept. may destroy your truck, see picture) • No Parking Except Handicap Permit ($185.00 each ticket) • Pedestrian Ramps ($165.00 each ticket)Pedestrian ramps are curb ramps installed by NYC to promote pedestrian safety and provide access to the streets and sidewalks. The ramp itself is notice of the parking regulation at the site; signs are not required. No part of a vehicle may be parked within a pedestrian ramp. • Bus Stops (Violates disabilities access laws) • No StandingDaytime Limits • Sidewalk (Please explain this one to me!) • Crosswalks (Move up!) • Wrong Way (Lazy)

  8. Bike Lanes • For whatever reason this city has decided that bike lanes should be everywhere. We don’t agree, but it is one of the hottest issues in the city and consumer bike advocates have gotten their wish with Mayor Bloomberg. It is illegal to park in a bike lane. Either park curbside or outside the bike lane. This looks as stupid to me as it does to you but this is what the city instructs you to do. Yes you will be obstructing traffic and will get a traffic lane ticket but it will cost less. Please note: if instructed by a officer to move, do so, or he will have you towed. These pictures and many more are on a public website: www.mybikelane.com

  9. Driver got a Bus Stop Ticket when there were other better choices. Here, instead of parking at a meter or double parking if spaces were full, the driver parks in the bus stop because it is 50 feet closer.

  10. Summary • There is a phrase that is used all of the time to describe getting tickets in NYC; that phrase is “Cost of Doing Business”. Remove that phrase from your mind unless, of course, you are paying the tickets yourself. An increasing number of companies are charging their drivers for certain tickets. • It is true, many tickets you cannot avoid. • It is also true, some tickets you can avoid. • More often, by choosing the better parking alternative, you can control the type of violation you receive and ultimate cost. Being a professional driver, you can assess the parking situation as you get close to your stop. Making the right choice, while sometimes takes a little more effort, will help stem the ever increasing number and cost of tickets you receive each week.

  11. NYTDAThe NY Trucking & Delivery Association OUR MISSION: • To bring our members fully managed solutions and time saving programs and services at the best price. • Represent our members interest with government. NYTDA - Your Other Back-Office!

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