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A Quality Framework for Official Statistics of Sweden

Explore the evolution of the Swedish quality framework for official statistics, key components, international comparisons, quality concept, documentation, evaluation process, and the cyclical procedure in support of fitness for purpose. Learn what constitutes official statistics in Sweden.

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A Quality Framework for Official Statistics of Sweden

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  1. A Quality Framework for Official Statistics of Sweden Joakim Malmdin, Director of Quality Management, Statistics Sweden

  2. Background to the QualityFramework for officialstatistics • Former qualityconcept– a recommendation for officialstatistics (2001-2016) • Sufficientquality and criteria for officialstatistics – guidelines (2006-2014) • Governmentinquiry: Review ofStatistics Sweden and System ofofficialstatistics– proposal for qualitycriteria in OfficialStatisticsAct (2012) • Governmentmeasures to signal the importanceofquality in officialstatistics (2013-2016)

  3. International qualityframeworksrelated to fitness for purpose • Eurostat – ”fit for purpose”, continuousoptimisation, differential qualityassurance for different kinds ofstatistics • UKSA – qualitymeans fit for theirintendeduses, consistency in information to allowusers to judge on quality and appropriateuses • ONS – statisticsgenerallyrecognised as fit for purpose, continuouslyimproveengagementwithcustomers, understand quality, establishhow far the qualitymeetstheirneeds • ABS – qualitygenerallyaccepted as fitness for purpose, implies an assessmentof output withspecificreference to the intendedobjectives

  4. The Swedish qualityframework for officialstatistics • Qualityconceptwithfivemainqualitycomponents. The purposeof the statisticsrefers to the primaryobjective and area ofuseof the disseminatedstatistics • Quality documentation • Evaluationof the qualityofofficialstatistics • Guidelines on whatconstitutesofficialstatistics

  5. The Quality Concept • Fivemainqualitycomponents, corresponding to the Code of Practice’sfiveprinciples: 1. Relevance 2. Accuracy 3. Timeliness and punctuality 4. Accessibility and clarity 5. Comparability and coherence • Regulated by law 2016

  6. The Quality Documentation • Statisticalproductsareaccompanied by qualitydeclarations at the time for publication • Regulated by law 2016

  7. Evaluation of the quality of officialstatistics • Annually for all publishedproducts and for all statistical areas • The statisticalauthoritiesareresponsible for theirownself-evaluation • Compiled and analyzed by Statistics Sweden • Report to the government • Regulated by law 2017

  8. The cyclicalprocedure in support offitness for purpose

  9. The cyclicalprocedure (continued) • Reflected in the evaluationof the qualityofofficialstatistics • Follows the Plan-Do-Check-Act approach and therebyencouragesproducers to continuouslyassess the statistics in relation to the mostimportantusesreflected in the purpose • Betterequips the producers to be able to describe the qualityoftheirstatistics • Usersreceivemore support in theirownassessmentsoffitness for purpose

  10. Whatconstitutesofficialstatistics? • Recurrent and financed by public means • Recurrent, European statistics • Regulated by guidelines 2018, Director General of Statistics Sweden

  11. Thankyou! joakim.malmdin@scb.se

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