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C lostridium perfringens. Enteric Clostridial infections ( Enterotoxaemia ). Presented By : AhmEd KhalEd Ahmed Hanafy. Diseases Of C.perfringens. Sudden Death Story . RIP.
Clostridium perfringens • Enteric Clostridial infections ( Enterotoxaemia ) Presented By : AhmEd KhalEd Ahmed Hanafy PM activity
Sudden DeathStory RIP PM activity
Large gram positive straight or slightly curved spore forming bacilli • Obligate anaerobic • capsulated ( the only one of this family )
* Action of C.perfringens exotoxins: α toxin: act on cell membrane & cause hemolysis or cell necrosis. βtoxin: Causing necrotizing enteritis & paralyzing effect on intestine. E & i toxin: Produced as protoxin which get activated by proteolytic Enzymes. PM activity
Type C ( Struck ) * Affects : Adult sheep, goat & feed lot cattle. * Causitive Agent : C.perfringens type ( C ) * Symptoms: suddendeath * PM lesions: Hemorrhagic enteritis ( jejunum & ilium) with toxemia. PM activity
Microscopical Picture • Marked mucosal hemorrhage, • submucosal edema and loss of mucosal architecture are seen in this H & E-stained section of intestine with clostridial enterotoxemia. • Similar microscopic lesions occur in antibiotic-associated enterocolitis. • In chronic clostridial enterotoxemia, cecal and colonic mucosal hyperplasia is common and cholangiohepatitis and amyloidosis of multiple organs may occur
Type B ( Lamb dysentery ) • * Affects: lambs 10-14 day, calves less than 10 days and foals 2 days * Symptoms: - Sudden death • - Abdominal pain • - Passage of semi fluid feces mixed with blood. * Caustive agent : C.perfringens type ( B ) • * P.M lesions : -Extensive hemorrhagic enteritis. • - Single then confluent ulceration intestinal perforation peritonitis. • - Congestion and edema of mesenteric lymph nodes. • - Signs of toxemia.* Microscopic appearance : • Hemorrhagic enteritis and necrosis which extends to muscular layer and peritoneum PM activity
Type D (Pulpy kidney-overeating disease) • * Definition : • - Disease of sheep , Goat and sometimes calves. • - Usually associated with overload or sudden change • in diet to grains or C,H,O.* Caustive Agent : C.perfringens type ( D ) • * Symptoms : 3 forms can be recognized: • - Per acute Sudden death. • - Acute Salivation and coma. • - Subacute Neurological signs. PM activity
* Pathogenesis : - Over feeding with carbohydrates fermentation Acidosis (favorable media for the organism to proliferate) Epsilon toxin circulating blood Endothelial injury Edema & hemorrhage in brain and kidney. • * PM lesions : - Edema in serous cavities. • - Subendocardial hemorrhage of left ventricle, • - Kidney congested and soft (pulpy) due to degeneration and rapid autolysis ( NOT IN ADULT) • - SYMMETRIC Encephalomalacia (not in goats). PM activity
* Microscopic appearance : • Kidney : • - Degeneration and necrosis of proximal convoluted tubules. • Brain: • - Edema and hemorrhage around capillaries symmetric encephalomalacia PM activity