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Evolution of Management: From Ancient Times to Modern Approaches

Explore the history and major approaches to management from ancient practices to contemporary systems theory and contingency approach. Learn about significant figures like Taylor, Fayol, and Weber, and how management has evolved over centuries. Discuss the impact of technology on the managerial role and the importance of adapting to change in today's dynamic environment. Delve into topics such as scientific management, general administrative theory, behavioral approaches, and the role of economics, psychology, and accounting in management. Enhance your understanding of management as an evolving discipline shaping organizations worldwide.

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Evolution of Management: From Ancient Times to Modern Approaches

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  1. When you surround an enemy, leave an outlet free.—Sun Tzu 管 理 學第二章 管理學的演進Management History 圍師遺闕,窮寇勿迫,此用兵之法也。

  2. Today is ok, 何不跳過 Yesterday, 直接研討 Tomorrow? 讀資治通鑑:溫故知新,鑒往知來。 學歷史,應知今日事:解釋現在,開拓視野。 社會科學的發展:Economics, Psychology, Management (Science), Accounting, Marketing……

  3. 綱要 1. Historical Background 2. Classical Approach: Scientific Management, General Administrative Theory 3. Quantitative Approach 4. Behavioral Approach 5. Contemporary Approach: Systems Approach, Contingency Approach How many major approaches to Management? 3

  4. 1. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND • Ancient Management • Egypt (pyramids), China (Great Wall) • Venetians (assembly lines, Accounting systems) • Adam Smith • The Wealth of Nations (1776), division of labor • Industrial Revolution • Substituted machine power for human labor • Created large organizations (factory management)

  5. 兩百年來幾次技術革命 1700, 蒸汽機, Lancashire (矽谷), Watt (Bill Gates)。 1830, 鐵路,輪船。 1900, Mass Production: 鋼鐵, 電力, 重工程, 石油, 汽車, Carnegie, Edison, Rockefeller, Ford (dot.com)。 1940, 電腦 (1971, Information & Telecommunication) 上一波: 石器時代 4000BC, 銅 3000BC, 鐵 1000BC, 矽 1968AD.下一波?Biotechnology, Nanotechnology & Bioelectronics…… * Technology and privacy. * How is IT changing the managers job?

  6. MAJOR APPROACHES TO MGT 1. Scientific Management, 科學管理 2. General Administrative Theory, 一般管理理論 3. Quantitative Management, 數量方法 4. Organizational Behavior, 組織行為 5. Systems Approach, 系統途徑 6. Contingency Approach, 權變途徑 Management is an evolutional discipline. 涓涓細流,匯成江河!

  7. 2. Classical Approach: 2.1 SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT • Fredrick Winslow Taylor (p.42) • The “father” of scientific management • Principles of Scientific Management (1911) • Mental revolution: Using scientific methods to define the “one best way” for a job to be done. • E.g. 21 lb. (pig iron) • Perform vs. plan, control

  8. TAYLOR’S 4 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT • Develop a science for each element of an individual’s work, which will replace the old rule-of-thumb method. • Scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the worker. • Heartily cooperate with the workers so as to ensure that all work is done in accordance with the principles of the science that has been developed. • 4.Divide work and responsibility almost equally between management and workers. Management takes over all work for which it is better fitted than the workers.

  9. Frank and Lillian Gilbreth (P.44) • Reduction of wasted motion • Developed the microchronometer to time worker motions and optimize work performance • therbligs


  11. HOW DO TODAY’S MANAGERS USE SM? 1. Use time and motion studies to increase productivity 2. Hire the best qualified employees 3. Design incentive systems based on output 討論: 1. Cast away, UPS vs. Federal Express, 北極特快車 2. 王董,王教授,成校長 3. SOP: McDonald, 鼎泰豐(18, 5+16g),Toyota,高鐵清潔作業,太陽劇團,The Phantom of the Opera

  12. 2. Classical Approach: 2.2. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE THEORY • Henri Fayol • practice of management was distinct from other organizational functions • Developed fourteen principles of management that applied to all organizational situations

  13. Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management • Remuneration. • Centralization. • Scalar chain. • Order. • Equity. • Stability of tenure of personnel. • Initiative. • Esprit de corps. • Division of work. • Authority. • Discipline. • Unity of command. • Unity of direction. • Subordination of individual interests to the general interest.

  14. Max Weber • Developed a theory of authority based on an ideal type of organization (bureaucracy) • Emphasized Division of labor, Authority hierarchy, Formal selection, Formal rules and regulation, Impersonality, Career orientation 比較: bureaucracyvs.adhocracy

  15. 3. Quantitative Approach • Operations Research / Management Science • to solve WWII military logistics and quality control problems • improving managerial decision making by applying: Statistics, optimization models, computer simulations, DSS

  16. 比較: 賭場 (Black Jack, 決勝21點 ), 戰場 (二次大戰), 商場(台糖養豬,號誌連鎖,圓環殺手) 討論:LP, 限制?

  17. QUALITY MANAGEMENT, 品質管理 • A philosophy of management driven by continual improvement in the quality of work processes and responding to customer needs and expectations • Inspired by the total quality management (TQM) ideas of Deming and Juran • Quality is not directly related to cost • Poor quality results in lower productivity 討論:* The devil is in the details. * W. Shewhart, Edwards Deming 17

  18. What is Quality Management? Intense focus on the customer. Concern for continual improvement. Process-focused. Improvement in the quality of everything. Accurate measurement. Empowerment of employees. 18

  19. 4. BEHAVIOR APPROACH • actions of people at work • people are the most important asset of an organization • Early OB Advocates: Robert Owen, Hugo Munsterberg, Mary Parker Follett, Chester Barnard • organizational behavior (OB)

  20. THE HAWTHORNE STUDIES (E. MAYO) • A series of productivity experiments conducted at Western Electric, 1927~1932. • Experimental findings • Productivity unexpectedly increased under imposed adverse working conditions. • Social norms, group standards and attitudes more strongly influence individual output and work behavior than do monetary incentives.

  21. 討論: 1. Hawthorne Effect 2. Dale Carnegie的著作(Human Relation)

  22. 5. Contemporary Approach: 5.1 SYSTEMS APPROACH • Defined: A set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole. • Basic Types of Systems • Closed systems: Are not influenced by and do not interact with their environment (all system input and output is internal). • Open systems: Dynamically interact to their environments by taking in inputs and transforming them into outputs that are distributed into their environments. • Subsystem vs. Supra System

  23. Environment System Inputs Transformation Outputs Raw materials Human resources Capital Technology Information Products and services Financial results Information Human results Employee’s work activities Management activities Technology and operations methods Environment Feedback

  24. Implications of the SA • Coordination of the organization’s parts is essential for proper functioning of the entire organization. • Decisions and actions taken in one area of the organization will have an effect in other areas of the organization. • Organizations are not self-contained and, therefore, must adapt to changes in their external environment.

  25. System Thinking 補充: 1. General System Theory (K. E. Boulding), 2. Living System (J. G. Miller), 3. System Dynamics (J. W. Forrester) 4. The Limits to Growth (D. H. Meadows) 5. The 5th discipline (P. M. Senge)

  26. 5. Contemporary Approach: 5.2 THE CONTINGENCY APPROACH • situational approach. It depends on the situation. • There is no one universally applicable set of management principles (rules) by which to manage organizations. • Organizations are individually different, face differentsituations (contingency variables), and require different ways of managing.

  27. Popular Contingency Variables • 1. Organization size, 組織規模 • 2. Routineness of task technology, 技術例行性 • 3. Environmental uncertainty, 環境不確定性 • 4. Individual differences,員工個別差異 • 5. 其他,如策略…… • 組織理論(OT)

  28. 1. Case study: a manager’s dilemma (p.40) 2. Thinking critically about ethics (p.47) 3. Internet-based exercise (p.56) *3. read business articles: relates to 4 approaches *4. choose a task that you do regularly: applying SM principle Do your assignment: 1~4組

  29. 1. 比較:Taylor VS. Fayol 的貢獻 2. 區分: *Scientific Management VS. Management Science *Organizational Behavior (OB) VS. Organization Theory (OT) *人群關係運動 VS. 行為科學研究; *Systems VS. Contingency Approach 回 顧

  30. 1. 君王論,戰爭論,國富論。 聖經故事,金字塔,羅馬帝國興亡史,天主教。 2. 論語,孫子,韓非子。 戰國策,楚漢、三國、隋唐演義。 (秦公司興亡史,北宋危機管理) 討論:釋道立身,儒墨處世,孫韓治事。 討論:經史合參學管理?

  31. TERMS TO KNOW • closed systems • open systems • contingency approach • quality management • division of labor • Industrial Revolution • scientific management • therbligs • general administrative • principles of mgt • bureaucracy • quantitative approach • OB • Hawthorne Studies • system

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