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Technologies for Vocational Training. Project 2 Technologies for learning by writing in project-based scenarios. Team members : Mireille Bétrancourt, Daniel K. Schneider Monica Gavota, Urs Richle. DUAL-T. http://dualt.epfl.ch/. Context Research questions and learning issues
Technologies for Vocational Training Project 2 Technologies for learning by writing in project-based scenarios Team members : Mireille Bétrancourt, Daniel K. Schneider Monica Gavota, Urs Richle DUAL-T http://dualt.epfl.ch/
Context • Research questions and learning issues • Studies and results • Planning and publications
Context Context Apprentices : Apprentices in the domain of health and social affairs Schools involved : CEFOPS - Centre de Formation Professionnelle Santé-social School of dentist assistants in Geneva Profession : Dentist assistant
Context Computer equipement
ELGG Social software Context Web 2.0 E-Portfolio Export / Print Presentations Files / photos management Social network Messages Learning environment Blog system Friendscommunities Blog / Community-forum Profil Personal/professionalexperiences, activities, interests… MediaWiki Visualization (other extensions…) Export / Print
Context • Research questions and learning issues • Studies and results • Planning and publications
Lg issues Learning Issues…
Lg issues Learning Issues
Reasearch issues Research questions Computer-supported collaborative writing to learn procedures Do collaborative writing activities promote the acquisition of procedures? How to design the computer-supported writing activities to improve objective and subjective learning outcomes? Type of activities : peer-assisted writing, collaborative knowledge base Design issues: Computer support features and scripting choices
Reasearch issues Research plan
Context • Research questions and learning issues • Studies and results • Planning and publications
Studies Study 1: Investigation of the population • Objective: to know the population better • educational and personal profile • familiarity with computer technologies • working place (functioning, technologies, working journal, etc.) • Method: interview, equivalent questionnaire for all second year population • Population: 2nd year dental assistants • Results: descriptive and relational analyses
Studies Study 1- skill mastery Branch course preference -.52 1.00 other Skill mastery How many dentists .50 .97 -.85 Practice size .73 How many dental assistants -.47 e1 Structural Equation Model
Studies Study 1- computer attitude .61 e1 Internet access at home .78 .00 Computer attitude .79 .89 e2 Computer access at home .59 d .35 Computer utilisation time e3 Structural Equation Model
Studies Study 1- liking the training .41 e1 Future plans .64 .21 e2 .46 Liking branch course .25 -.50 Liking the training e3 Liking general culture .40 .16 e4 Liking English .61 .37 e5 Homework in time Structural Equation Model
Studies Teacher’s feedback Oral presentation Teacher’s feedback on the platform Co-drafting aboutprocedure and instruments Study 5 - Class activity in branch course Hypotheses: • Collaborative writing to learn activities support subject matter comprehension by the means of reflexive thinking, epistemic monitoring and planning, translation, revision. • Collaborative knowledge-building activities are associated with good perceived satisfaction and learning from the students as well as good quality productions. Design:
Study 5 - Conjecture Map Explanation Constructor Theory Embodiment Processes Outcomes Activity Structure Tools Indices
Studies Study 6 - Home activity in branch course Hypothesis: • Peer tutoring fosters the evolution of the written productions and reflexivity on the subject topic, resulting in a greater perceived self efficacy. Design: Distance Presence Distance • critical incident procedure writing - revise • revise A read, discuss read,comment procedure writing • critical incident • revise B - revise
Study 6 - Conjecture Map Explanation Constructor Theory Embodiment Processes Outcomes Activity Structure Tools Indices
Studies Study 7 - Home long term « journal » activity Hypothesis: • Peer tutoring fosters the evolution of the written productions, a reflexive attitude, a greater perceived self efficacy and a developed professional identity. Design: • Analyze text quality, text evolution, shared ideas, ideas that disappeared.. 4X revision of the first entry self efficacy and professional identity critical incident A self efficacy and professional identity comment B critical incident revision of the first entry 4X
Studies Watch the video and write the procedure Watch the video and do the procedure Watch the procedure Study 8 - Out of school experiment Hypothesis: • Writing activities can foster procedural knowledge/skills acquisition because they support the “declarativisation” step Design: • 2 experimental groups • 1 control group
Context • Research questions and learning issues • Studies and results • Planning and publications
Side issues of DBR Managing the collaboration with the schools Hours of meetings and discussion Collaboration agreement Project management Shared collaborative platform Project journal http://tecfax.unige.ch/egw/login.php
Publications so far Gavota, M., Bétrancourt, M. Schneider, D. K., & Richle, U. (2007). Favoriser l’apprentissage en mutualisant l’expérience pré-professionnelle: étude et conception préliminaires. Communication à la treizième journée d'étude sur le traitement cognitif de systèmes d'informations complexes, JETCSIC 2007, Metz, 6 juillet 2007. (http://www.labpsylor-etic.univ-metz.fr/Images/JETCSIC/GAVOTA.pdf) Gavota, M., Schneider, D. K., Betrancourt, M., & Richle, U. (submitted). A technology-enhanced learning environment to support learning by sharing professional experience in writing, Paper submitted in December 2007 to EdMEdia 2008, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. Richle, U., Schneider, D. K., Gavota, M., & Betrancourt, M. (submitted) Social software in the context of vocational training, poster submitted in December 2007 to EdMEdia 2008, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. Gavota, M., Bétrancourt, M. Schneider, D.K., & Richle, U. (submitted). Computer supported collaborative writing (CSCWr) in vocational education, Paper submitted in November 2007 to the EARLI SIG Writing conference 2008.