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ISA 201 Intermediate Information Systems Acquisition

Learn about Initial Capabilities Document, Analysis of Alternatives, Acquisition Models, Risk Assessment, Compliance, and Program Measures. Understand key components of TEMP and SEP. Practicum guides through DoD RM Guidance application, IT systems management, and decision information requirements. Apply Program Protection Plan and measures. Use the Practicum as a threaded exercise to track program progress and reinforce course concepts.

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ISA 201 Intermediate Information Systems Acquisition

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  1. ISA 201Intermediate Information Systems Acquisition

  2. Lesson 7Practicum 1

  3. Today we will learn to: (1 of 2) Explain the contents of an Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) with respect to an IT/SIS system and the JCIDS contribution to the Alternate Systems Review (ASR) in preparation for Milestone A. Demonstrate how the Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) guides the Program Planning. Given a scenario, choose the appropriate acquisition model for inclusion in the Acquisition Strategy (AS). Describe the key components of a TEMP and Systems Engineering Plan (SEP). Complete a simple cost estimate using the provided exercise scenario. Demonstrate the compliance of the exercise system with the Clinger-Cohen Act (CCA) criteria. Demonstrate how a risk assessment is used early in the lifecycle. Analyze an IT/SIS life-cycle support plan for the exercise scenario. Practicum 1

  4. Today we will learn to: (2 of 2) Correctly apply Department of Defense (DoD) RM Guidance to a sample IT System Acquisition project. Given a DoD acquisition scenario, apply laws and DoD directives to ensure successful IT systems management throughout the acquisition life cycle. Given a description of an IT acquisition need, assess documentation to ensure specific information provides a clear understanding of the intended IT acquisition objectives from program outset. Given a scenario, identify program IT decision information requirements. Create a set of program IT measures that are linked to the program decision information requirements. Apply the measurement results to support IT program decisions. Apply the Program Protection Plan to an IT Acquisition Scenario. Practicum 1

  5. Lesson Plan • Pre-Systems Acquisition Activities Review • Practicum Instructions • Joint Training and Maintenance System (JTAMS) Introduction • We will use JTAMS throughout both weeks as we walk the Defense Acquisition Life-Cycle for Information Technology Software Intensive Systems (IT/SIS) • Marching Orders Practicum 1

  6. Pre-Systems Acquisition User Need JCIDS Capabilities— Based Assessment (CBA). Initial Capabilities Document (ICD). MDD: Materiel Development Decision (MDD) is the decision that a new product is needed. Activities to analyze alternative solutions will occur. Practicum 1

  7. Materiel Solution Analysis PURPOSE: to conduct the analysis and other activities needed to choose the concept for the product that will be acquired Practicum 1 ENTER: Approved ICD, study guidance for conducting the Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) and an approved AoA plan. ACTIVITIES: Assign Program Manager (PM), Conduct AoA, user writes draft CDD, develop initial: Acquisition Strategy (AS), Test & Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP), Systems Engineering Plan (SEP), Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP), Cyber Security Strategy (CSS.) EXIT: Completed the necessary analysis and activities to support a decision to proceed to the next decision point and desired phase in the acquisition process.

  8. Lesson Plan Status • Pre-Systems Acquisition Activities Review • Practicum Instructions • Joint Training and Maintenance System (JTAMS) Introduction • We will use JTAMS throughout both weeks as we walk the Defense Acquisition Life-Cycle for Information Technology Software Intensive Systems (IT/SIS) • Marching Orders Practicum 1

  9. Overall Practicum Overview (1 of 2) The Practicums are a threaded exercise that track the progress of a notional program throughout the lifecycle. The overall intent of the 4 Practicums is to reinforce the Major Takeaways (MT) of each lesson in keeping with the ELO’s and to assess the level of knowledge of the students. The hands-on Practicums provide you with a deeper understanding of the IT systems acquisition Life Cycle process by applying concepts we are learning throughout the course. Each Practicum includes an update to the scenario surrounding the notional program that allows you to reassess the status of the program in keeping with certain acquisition milestones. Practicum 1

  10. Overall Practicum Overview (2 of 2) • The First Three (3) Practicums require two team members to brief. All presentations will be in PowerPoint slideshow format. Briefers earn up to 50 points for their presentation. (NOTE: We are not grading presentation style or ability to speak/present.) • Practicum #4 will be a team project where any number can brief. Up to 50 points will be awarded based on your team work. • For each Practicum, there will be a Job Aids folder to help minimize any outside research. You must use the Job Aids provided to you on your Student CD. Everything you need should be in this folder. You DO NOT need to read entire documents. Use the Table of Contents and find what you need. • Overall, the Practicums are worth 100 of a possible 300 points. Practicum 1

  11. Practicum 1 Overview • During this exercise, each team will be required to perform Level II Information Technology/Software Acquisition Management tasks that would typically be conducted in a government program office. • Understand and identify the different documents required by DoDI 5000.02 to stand up an IT/SIS program prior to MS A. • Role of the Alternate Systems Review (ASR) and contents of the ICD and IS ICD. • Role of the AoA and how it guides program planning. • The importance of assessing measures in a program. • Role of the Acquisition Strategy (AS), Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP), and SEP in preparation for Milestone A. • Importance of doing a Program Protection Plan and Cybersecurity Strategy • Title 40/CCA Compliance. • Software Cost Estimation. • Role of the Life Cycle Sustainment Plan and the Business Case Analysis. Practicum 1

  12. Practicum 1 Instructions • The workload is split amongst all team members. • The PM and Deputy PM (designated within your teams) will each have a sub-team to work with. There are five sections within the PM portion and five sections within the DPM portion. Your instructor will assign your team two sections to brief. • There is a Briefing Template already assembled for you to use to build your presentation. You can add to the template slides for your presentation. • One team will use the DAU Cost Estimator application found in the Practicum tools folder to do simple cost estimations. • You will have at least 2 hours to research each section. After 30 minutes, the Instructor will tell you which 2 sections your team will be required to brief out. You will prepare these sections and then insert them into the Practicum 1 Folder on the shared drive. You will present your briefings. Practicum 1

  13. Scope of Presentation PART II—Deputy, PM JTAMS PART I—PM JTAMS 1) Description of JRATS and JTAMS 2) JTAMS Operational Concept 2) Results of JTAMS AoA 3) IS ICD 4) JTAMS Organizational Structure and Risk 5) Acquisition Model Selection Team assignments will be made after you have had about 30 minutes to read the basic student instructions and reviewed the Job Aids folder. Practicum 1 6) Affordability Analysis 7) Title 40, CCA Compliance Status/PPP 8) Measures (Info Needs) 9) TEMP and SEP Overview 10) Life Cycle Supportability Strategy / BCA

  14. Lesson Plan Status • Pre-Systems Acquisition Activities Review • Practicum Instructions • Joint Training and Maintenance System (JTAMS) Introduction • We will use JTAMS throughout both weeks as we walk the Defense Acquisition Life-Cycle for Information Technology Software Intensive Systems (IT/SIS) • Marching Orders Practicum 1

  15. JRATS and JTAMS Background (1 of2) • Joint Reconnaissance and Targeting System (JRATS): • Remember Firebird? • Firebird is now a part of a System of Systems; The USMC Joint Unmanned Ground Vehicle (JUGV) and the Army Firebird Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (FUAV) are working together to support the warfighter. They are controlled by the Air Force’s Joint Command and Control System (JCCS) and monitored logistically by the Joint Training and Maintenance System (JTAMS). Practicum 1

  16. JRATS and JTAMS Background (2 of2) • Our Focus will be on the IT/SIS—JTAMS: • JTAMS is an ACAT IAM program (because of the Joint ICD that made all programs under it JROC Special Interest) • JTAMS events will precede or synchronize with JRATS • JRATS is a PEO and JTAMS is one of four major programs • JTAMS has four (4) major subsystems: • Onboard Diagnostics (OBD), Part and Maintenance (PAMS), Training and Help (THS) and Mission REhearsal System (MRES) Practicum 1

  17. JTAMS—MRES Background • JTAMS—MRES (Mission REhearsal System) • Will be handled within an IT Box capability because: • MRES is an Unprecedented System with Stable Requirements. • The JROC wants to ensure the IT programs have the flexibility to “plan for and incorporate evolving technology” throughout the program’s lifecycle. • MRES is a new technology that is rapidly evolving • Validation authority for managing requirements can be pushed down to the lowest level to allow for rapid changes/decisions; we can minimize JROC oversight using IT Box. Practicum 1

  18. JTAMS Life-Cycle Model Students will identify an Acquisition Model Practicum 1

  19. Joint Training and Maintenance System (JTAMS) Increment 1—Government Roadmap Schedule Practicum 1

  20. Lesson Plan Status • Pre-Systems Acquisition Activities Review • Practicum Instructions • Joint Training and Maintenance System (JTAMS) Introduction • We will use JTAMS throughout both weeks as we walk the Defense Acquisition Life-Cycle for Information Technology Software Intensive Systems (IT/SIS) • Marching Orders Practicum 1

  21. Marching Orders • You are members of the JTAMS PMO. Select a PM and DPM for JTAMS. • Go to your Student CD and open the folder for this Practicum. • Start by reading the Practicum #1 Student Instructions found in the Practicum 1 directory. • You have 2 hours to research and develop your presentation. • Spend the first ½ hour reviewing the scenario and the documents in the Job Aids Folder. • You will have approximately 1.5 hours to prepare the briefings assigned by the instructor. • Put your final briefings into the Practicum 1 Folder on the Shared Drive. You will then present the consolidated briefing. Practicum 1

  22. Today we will learned to: (1 of 2) Explain the contents of an Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) with respect to an IT/SIS system and the JCIDS contribution to the Alternate Systems Review (ASR) in preparation for Milestone A. Demonstrate how the Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) guides the Program Planning. Given a scenario, choose the appropriate acquisition model for inclusion in the Acquisition Strategy (AS). Describe the key components of a TEMP and Systems Engineering Plan (SEP). Complete a simple cost estimate using the provided exercise scenario. Demonstrate the compliance of the exercise system with the Clinger-Cohen Act (CCA) criteria. Demonstrate how a risk assessment is used early in the lifecycle. Analyze an IT/SIS life-cycle support plan for the exercise scenario. Practicum 1

  23. Today we will learned to: (2 of 2) Correctly apply Department of Defense (DoD) RM Guidance to a sample IT System Acquisition project. Given a DoD acquisition scenario, apply laws and DoD directives to ensure successful IT systems management throughout the acquisition life cycle. Given a description of an IT acquisition need, assess documentation to ensure specific information provides a clear understanding of the intended IT acquisition objectives from program outset. Given a scenario, identify program IT decision information requirements. Create a set of program IT measures that are linked to the program decision information requirements. Apply the measurement results to support IT program decisions. Apply the Program Protection Plan to an IT Acquisition Scenario. Practicum 1

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