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Promoting Human Rights and Intercultural Understanding in Journalism Education

Enhancing journalism education through human rights, ethics, and intercultural understanding. Partnerships, courses, and materials developed in Norway and Russia since 2008. Expert-led sessions cover various aspects of journalism and human rights. Aims to improve journalism ethics, diversity, and reduce stereotypes.

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Promoting Human Rights and Intercultural Understanding in Journalism Education

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  1. Human rightsacademy Lillian Hjorth, Director

  2. Human Rights Academy Ideal foundation (2008). Aims: strengthening democratic citizenship and respect for human rights. Promote dialogue and intercultural understanding Tools: Education in demo-cratic citizenship, human rights, intercultural under-standing. Participatory methods. Expert activity Framework: UN Declaration on human rights education and learning, CoE Charter on eduation for democratic citizenship and HRE Target groups: teachers, students, journalists, youth, minorities, asylumseekers Activities in Norway and abroad Networks

  3. Russia: HRE, democraticcitizenship, interculturalunderstanding for teachers 9 regions since 2008: Partners: NGOs, Competence Centers for TeachersHuman Rights ombudsmen, Moscov State PedagogicalUniversity and others 5+5+5, study trips to Norway, Council of Europe, developingeducational materials More than 1000 teachers have got in-deptheducation. Reachingthousandsofpupils Relations Norway/Russia

  4. Education for journalism students Since 2008: Human rights, interculturalunderstanding and ethics in journalism 5 dayscourses, study trips to Russia/Norway, innovative methods Norwegian partners: Volda University College, Oslo and Akershus University College, HRA Russian partners: Media departements at universities in St. Pet, Nizhny Novgorod, Kalinin-grad, Jekaterinburg, Aims: Better journalismwithfocuson human rights; creatingmeetingplacesreducing stereotypes

  5. Interculturalunderstanding, human rights and ethics in journalism A training online manual for educators Authors: professors and lecturers at universities in Russia (St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kaliningrad, Jekaterinburg) and Norway (Volda University College, Oslo and Akershus University College) as well as HRA Sessions:- Journalism in multiculturalsocieties- The international human rights system - The European human rights system - The philosophicalfoundationoffreedomofspeech- Freedomofexpression as a human right - New media: Irreversablechanges in journalism- Representation, identity and discrimination in journalism- Journalism and diversity- Accountabilityof journalists- The ”others” throughhistory and today. The roleof media in masscommunication- Journalism and gender https://www.journalism-edu.org

  6. A training manual for educators • Interculturalunderstanding, human rights and ethics in journalism • https://journalism-edu.org

  7. Portugal 1. We stand for human rights!Developing HRE in LisabonAims: Enlargethe range of stakeholders and promotegreatercooperationbetweenacademia and CSOs in HREActivities: Needsanalysis, workshops, Compass etc..Partners: Dinamo, Lisbon School ofEducation, DARE, HRA 2. How to teach human rights to children? Seminar for teachers and socialworkersPartners: ARISCO, HRA EEA grants EEA grants

  8. Bulgaria National StudyonDomestic and GenderBasedViolance and ElaborationofVictims Support Model Objective: contribute to the prevention of DGBV and to improve the situation of the victims. A special focus has been on Roma women/ girls. The study has included a national representative survey, a survey among Roma, semi-structured questionnaires among police officers and social workers, focus-group discussions with Roma community representatives, and interviews with social workers at crisis centers for children and adults, as well as interviews with victims. Partners: Partners Bulgaria Foundation, Centre for theStudyof Democracy, HRA Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.

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