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Privacy Issues in Cyberspace: Balancing Rights and National Security Concerns

This paper delves into the concept of privacy, right to privacy in India, international initiatives regarding privacy rights, data protection, privacy issues on the Internet, and national security concerns. Explore the origins of the right to privacy, legal framework in different countries, and the balance between privacy rights and national security. Learn about privacy threats, protection mechanisms, and the importance of safeguarding personal data online. Discuss the impact of privacy concerns on e-commerce, freedom of speech, and individual liberties in the digital age.

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Privacy Issues in Cyberspace: Balancing Rights and National Security Concerns

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  1. CYBERLAWSPaper-IILecture VIII- Karnika Seth, Partner, Seth Associates, 3-Oct-05/ILI • Concept of privacy • Right to privacy in India • International initiatives –Right to privacy • Privacy rights in U.K ,U.S • Data protection Rights • Privacy issues and the internet • National Security concerns • Threats to privacy • Protecting the right to privacy


  3. Right to Privacy-origin-ancient athens-Right to private property • U.K –Albert v Strange, Kaye v robertson-indicated the need to have privacy rights • Louis Brandeis and Samuel Warren in 1890 proposed a new tort for violation of privacy rights-followed by Roe v wade, Grisworld v Connecticut • Right of privacy-vis avis govt, personal, workplace, digital • The right extends over collection, retention, use and disclosure of personal information. • Internet privacy to facilitate e-commerce • Right to privacy connected with Freedom of Right to speech and expression • Right to privacy is not absolute

  4. The Concept of privacy • Unreasonable intrusion upon a person’s seclusion • Public disclosure of private facts • Publicity that places a person in false light • Appropriation of a person's name or likeness invoked

  5. Right to privacy in India • Article 21 of the Constitution of India-Right to life and personal liberty by necessary implication confers right to privacy – • Kharak singh v State of U.P AIR 1963 SC 1295 • Gobind v State of M.P 1975 SCC 468 • PUCL v UOI (1997) 1 SCC 318 • R.Rajagopal v State of Tamil Nadu (1994)6 SC 632-autoshanker case • Article 19-freedom of speech and expression • Article 19(2) –Reasonable restrictions • One of the restrictions/conditions is National Security • Privacy vs national security balancing competing interests

  6. India and privacy /national security protection • India –Article 21 of the constitution of India • Common law-action for damages for unlawful invasion of privacy exists -2 exceptions-publication relates to public record, discharge of official duties by public servant • India-IT Act,2000 Cryptography provisions, Section 69-power to intercept, Section 72-Breach of confidentiality and privacy, section 80-power to search, seize ,section 44- failure to furnish information, etc • India-Tort of defamation –Section 499 I.P.C • The Right to Information Act,2005-national security and individual privacy concerns see Section 8 • Prevention of terrorism Act 2002 chap V –interception of e-mail communications

  7. International initiatives • Universal Declaration of Human Rights,1948- Article 12 recognizes right of privacy • Article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,1996-Right to privacy • Article 8 of the European Convention on Human rights-Right to privacy • Council of Europe Convention on human right in securing privacy protection in the context of information technology came into force in 1985-now 20 states ratified convention • Basic ples for data protection, trans border flow of information ,establish consultation committee and procedure for future amendment of convention • European Union Data protection directive 1998-reaffirms principles introduced in the EU Convention

  8. Guidelines –OECD -1980-On protection of privacy and trans border flow of personal info • Collection of personal data with consent • Relevance of data to subject under investigation • Specify purpose of collection • No further use except with consent +legal use • Safeguards to prevent leakage • Accountability is high of persons collecting info • A Person’s Right of access, rectification • Collection Limitation

  9. PERSONAL DATA PRIVACY in U.K & U.S • UK- Data Protection Act 1998 • Processing of data legitimate if person gives consent, legal obligation, public sector interest • Sensitive personal data not processed till granted express consent • Section 13-Right to compensation if data controller contravenes any provisions of the Act • US • Children’s online privacy protection-U.S-in force since 2000. • U.S Freedom of Information Act, The privacy Act of 1974-Department of justice v reporters committee for freedom of press • U.S-Electronic communication privacy Act-prohibits unauthorised interception, disclosure of electronic comm- violation subject to civil, criminal liabilities ,applies to govt, private persons both • U.S-Daniel Bernstein V U.S Deptt of State 922 F Supp1426(ND Cal 1996) • Anti-terrorism ACT ,2001-SUNSET REVIEW DEC05.

  10. Threats to privacy • Hacking • Cookies • HTTP • Information provided voluntarily • Browsers • E-mail • Websites • Spam • Softwares to check employee behavior • Satellite vigilance

  11. Protecting privacy • Encryption • Trust mark-webtrust, truste,etc • Anonymity • Cookie guards-cookie cop, siemen’s webwasher, cookie crush,etc • Privacy policy of website-p3p-platform for privacy preference • Secure system for electronic money transfer- e.g SSL • Need for legislation and enforcement • Establish effective dispute resolution

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