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Women’s Role in Indian Agriculture: Empowering Rural Economy

Join the Faculty Development Programme at IITM Janakpuri on November 16, 2018 to learn about the economic upliftment potential of women's participation in agriculture. Discover how women can rejuvenate the Indian agricultural sector and address the challenges faced by them.

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Women’s Role in Indian Agriculture: Empowering Rural Economy

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  1. Faculty Development Programme, IITM, Janakpuri  November 16, 2018 (Friday) Economic Upliftment through Community Service: Changing Micro-Economics with Women Participation Prof. Kaushal Kumar Sharma Centre for the Study of Regional Development School of Social Sciences-III Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi-110067 Ph: 9810002953 Email: kaushalkumar@mail.jnu.ac.in

  2. Assumptions Take out “Women” from Indian Agriculture- Then see the Indian Agricultural Economy Collapsing...................... In the present scenario only “Women” can Rejuvenate Indian Agriculture India has the largest number of Women in Agriculture then why lowest number of women are Agriculture Scientists An increase in the percentage of women in the agricultural labor force relative to men, either because more women are working and/or because fewer men are working in agriculture.



  5. I am not with out work.... See my Participation Still I am "INVISIBLE WORKERS”-In the Eye of Government

  6. What our PM has to Say?

  7. A Statistical Profile of Women in Agriculture In rural India, the percentage of women who depend on agriculture for their livelihood is as high as 84%. Women make up about 33% of cultivators and about 47% percent of agricultural labourers. These statistics do not account for work in livestock, fisheries and various other ancillary forms of food production in the country. 94% of the female agricultural labor force in crop cultivation were in cereal production, while 1.4% worked in vegetable production, and 3.72% were engaged in fruits, nuts, beverages, and spice crops. Women's participation rate in the agricultural sectors is about 47% in tea plantations, 46.84% in cotton cultivation, 45.43% growing oil seeds and 39.13% in vegetable production. Women also heavily participate in ancillary agricultural activities. According to the Indian women represented a share of 21% and 24% of all fishers and fish farmers, respectively. Food and Agriculture Organization,

  8. How much Time I spend the whole Day in Uttarakhand. Where is the time for me? Colleting Fodder 1hr to 8hrs Drinking water collection 15 minutes to 3hrs Agriculture activities 4hrs to 10hrs Grazing animals 1hr to 7 hrs Livestock care 1hr to 3 Hrs and House hold activities takes more than 3Hrs per day. Women are left with very less spare time to do other activities Time devoted by ME on Farm and Non-Farm Activities is with out being paid and accounted----

  9. What do you Expect from ME - ??? Let me know Shall I leave Agriculture or Stay On!!!!!!!!

  10. Indian agriculture continues to absorb and employ 2/3rd of the female work force but fails to give them recognition of employed labour. Give me Recognition as Employed Labour Despite of the major productive women labor force in agriculture Solve my needs and problems which are somewhat ignored by the rural development initiatives. The multitasking potentiality (productive, reproductive and social) of female labour bought significant propositions for agricultural productivity, rural production, economic vitality, household food security, family health, family economic security and welfare. My other work should be valued and recognized Despite my dominance as agriculture labor force ------ Why I still face extreme disadvantage in terms of pay, land rights, and representation in local farmers organizations. Furthermore, Why I am not empowered like men Why negative externalities such as lower educational attainment for their children and poor familial health continues with me. Those who say “STAY ON” then SOLVE------

  11. The target for 2016-17 has been set at Rs. 10,00,000 crore and a sum of Rs. 7,55,995 crore has been disbursed as agriculture credit during April-September, 2016 Women would say Where is my share when I am the largest in number in agriculture- Define it

  12. Then Women can further ask you all........................... Long standing obstacles faced by ME in terms of limited access to Productive Resources like (Land, Credit, Inputs, Transport, Extension Services, Storage and Technical Assistance) prevents me from adopting new technologies or encoring them economies of scale. Find a way out for me???????? Why ??? cultural and institutional factors often limit MYaccess to land ownership, labor, and capital. Access to land is often restricted to usufruct rights; I don't get credit as I don't have legal ownership of tangible assets.

  13. What Government thought of ME ??????

  14. Let my Husband Migrate to Cities I am Still HAPPY Shifting migration patterns of an increasingly urbanized world only emphasize this point. As greater numbers of men migrate to cities in search of jobs, women are left behind to manage farms and households. The woman farmer therefore contributes significantly not only to the food and economic security of her own family, but to the agricultural productivity of our country as a whole. Forming such a necessary component of the sector, it follows then, that any intervention program which fails to account for their role or address their concerns will only be partially successful. Don’t give me Credit WE ALL will Manage Credit and savings facilities, for example, are gender biased, often because women have far less access to their families’ fixed assets to meet loan requirements. This leaves them with reduced access to formal credit and without a means to meet cultivation costs or household expenses during times of need. Though Self Help Groups and micro-credit facilities have, to a large extent, narrowed this gender gap, our experience shows that women still have little say in how that money is spent and utilized for the benefit of their families.

  15. But I am a Victim of my Husband’s Suicide I am not educated My children are small and they will remain uneducated I can’t claim any right on land of husbands share I am exploited by many at farm and at household And Many More???????????????

  16. I have Proved myself in HIMACHAL PRADESH • Women farmers at work in their vegetable plots near Kullu town, Himachal Pradesh, India. Previously the area was a major producer of high-value apples, but rising temperatures in the last few decades have forced almost all apple producers there to abandon their crop. For these farmers, switching to vegetable production has resulted in a major boost in incomes and livelihoods, illustrating that climate change adaptation can be effective and highly profitable.

  17. Changing Micro-Economics with Women Participation DeenGaon, Block Pratap Nagar, TehriGarhwal, Uttarakhand

  18. This is condition of my Agriculture

  19. This is my Condition

  20. Even Children work with me

  21. I look after animal. Who will count my contribution

  22. Non-Farm Activities

  23. Juice Making

  24. Cutting, Tailoring & Knitting Programme for Women

  25. Income Generation (Economic Empowerment • Hand Grinding of Masala by Mahila Group-DeenGaon

  26. Sanitry Napkins distribution Programme at Schools

  27. Farm Activities

  28. I am learning to plant fruit trees

  29. I grow Fodder for Animals

  30. I have learnt the art of growing hybrid seeds

  31. It does not matter I am old Learning to prepare vegetable nurseries

  32. I am undergoing Training for Developing Vermin Compost Bed

  33. I am expert in growing Vegetables

  34. Water Management for Vegetable Cultivation

  35. I change my economic conditions through Poultry



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