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Welcome!. Welcome to my quiz, This quiz will be about maintaining a healthy lifestyle and how to enjoy your healthy life style. Having a healthy lifestyle is necessary for many people as most people are always on there feet ! Hopefully you will enjoy !. Go to question 1.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome! Welcome to my quiz, This quiz will be about maintaining a healthy lifestyle and how to enjoy your healthy life style. Having a healthy lifestyle is necessary for many people as most people are always on there feet ! Hopefully you will enjoy ! Go to question 1 Just click anywhere on the page to get going. While navigating through questions you will have to click the box that you believe is right within the multiple choice questions.

  2. Question 1 What is a calorie ? A measurement of fat Ingredient in all food Unit of heat energy

  3. Fact A calorie is the measurement of heat needed to raise 1g of water. Correct ! Next question

  4. Wrong ! Try again ?

  5. Question 2 What is the RDA of calories for men 19-50 ? 2550 2000 2750

  6. Fact Men that are 19-50 need the most calories as there body's are usually bigger and they have a busier lifestyle Correct ! Next question

  7. Wrong ! Try again ?

  8. Question3 The average exercise people should do a day for 20-40 year olds? 30 minutes 60 minutes 10 minutes

  9. Fact 30 minutes of mild exercise a day should keep a 20-40 year old in shape depending on their diet. Correct ! To question 4 !

  10. Wrong ! Go back

  11. Question 4 How many pieces of fruit and/or vegetables should you eat daily ? 1 5 10

  12. Correct ! Next question !

  13. Wrong ! Go back !

  14. Question 5 When is the best time to exercise ? Mid-day Morning Night

  15. Correct ! To question 6

  16. Wrong ! Go back !

  17. Question 6 How can you make sure you consume your GDA of calories ? Check the amount of calories in each piece of food you eat Don't eat anything at all Do exercise

  18. Fact Most food labels in the UK state how many calories are in there and what percentage of your GDA it contains Correct ! Next question

  19. Wrong ! Go back !

  20. Question 7 What does the word stamina mean ? How long you can endure exercise ? A certain type of exercise ? A measurement of strength

  21. Correct ! Next question

  22. Wrong ! Go back !

  23. Question 8 Which of the following pieces of fruit are yellow ? Banana Apple Mango

  24. Correct ! To final slide

  25. Wrong ! Go back

  26. Well done ! I hope you enjoyed the quiz and learnt some very fascinating facts about keeping healthy and dieting .

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