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Topic D a dding and subtracting decimals

Topic D a dding and subtracting decimals. STANDARD - 5.NBT.2, 5.NBT.3, 5.NBT.7. Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 9. Objective: A dd decimals using place value 
strategies and relate those strategies 
to a written method. MATERIALS NEEDED FOR THIS LESSON. Student. P ersonal White Boards

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Topic D a dding and subtracting decimals

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  1. Topic D adding and subtracting decimals STANDARD - 5.NBT.2, 5.NBT.3, 5.NBT.7

  2. Grade 5 Module 1 Lesson 9 Objective: Add decimals using place value 
strategies and relate those strategies 
to a written method.

  3. MATERIALS NEEDED FOR THIS LESSON Student Personal White Boards place value disks Student Pages Sprint A & B Problem Set Exit Ticket Homework Teacher Teacher Pages

  4. Fluency Practice(14 minutes)

  5. Round to the Nearest One 8 minutes 5.NBT.4 SPRINT A 1 minutes Do as many problems as you can. Do your personal best. Take your mark! Get set! THINK!

  6. Round to the Nearest One 5.NBT.4 SPRINT B 1 minutes Do as many problems as you can. Do your personal best. Take your mark! Get set! THINK!

  7. Decompose the Unit 2 minutes 5.NBT.1 6.358 Say the number How many tenths? _____ tenths _____ hundredths

  8. 7.354 Say the number How many tenths? _____ tenths _____ hundredths

  9. Round to Different Place Vlaues 2 minutes 5.NBT.4 2.475 Say the number? Round to the nearest tenth Round to the nearest hundredth

  10. 2.987 Say the number? Round to the nearest tenth Round to the nearest hundredth

  11. One Unit More 2 minutes 5.NBT.7 Say the decimal that's one tenth more .. 5 tenths 5 hundredths 5 thousandths

  12. Say the decimal that's one tenth more .. 8 hundredths 3 tenths 2 thousandths

  13. What is one more thousandth 0.052 What is one more tenth more than 35 hundredths What is 1 thousandth more than 35 hundredths

  14. What is one hundredths more than 438 thousandths

  15. Application Problem (5 minutes) Ten baseballs weigh 1,417.4 grams. About how 
much does 1 baseball weigh? Round your 
answer to the nearest tenth of a gram. Round to 
the nearest gram. If someone asked you, "About 
how much does a baseball weigh?" which anser 
would you give? Why?

  16. Concept Development (31 minutes)

  17. Problem 1 adding decimals 2 tenths + 6 tenths ones tenths thousandths hundredths

  18. Problem 2 adding decimals 2 ones 3 thousandths + 6 ones 1 thousandths ones tenths thousandths hundredths

  19. Problem 3 adding decimals 2 tenths 5 thousandths + 6 hundredths ones tenths thousandths hundredths

  20. Problem 4 adding decimals 1.8 + 3 tenths ones tenths thousandths hundredths

  21. Problem 5 adding decimals 1 hundred 8 hundredths + 2 ones 4 hundredths hundreds ones tens tenths thousandths hundredths

  22. Problem 6 adding decimals 148 thousandths + 7 ones 13 thousandths hundreds ones tens tenths thousandths hundredths

  23. Problem 7 adding decimals 0.74 + 0.59 hundreds ones tens tenths thousandths hundredths

  24. Problem 8 adding decimals 7.048 + 5.196 hundreds ones tens tenths thousandths hundredths

  25. Problem 9 adding decimals 7.44 + 0.774 hundreds ones tens tenths thousandths hundredths

  26. Problem Set (10 minutes) Do Your Personal Best (Complete independently!)

  27. Student Debrief (10 minutes) How is adding decimal fractions the same as 
adding whole numbers? How is it different Did you recognize a pattern in the digits used 
in #2? Look at each row and column. What are some different words you have used through 
the grades for changing 10 smaller units for 1 of the 
next larger units or changing 1 unit for 10 of the next 
smaller units? What do you notice about the sum in #2f? What 
are some different ways to express the sum? What do you notice about the addends in letters b,d 
and f in #1? Explain the thought process in solving 
these problems.

  28. EXIT TICKET (3 minutes) Complete the exit ticket and turn in...


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