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International Workshop on Physics in Intense Field

International Workshop on Physics in Intense Field. November 24 – 26, 2010. T.Takahashi Hiroshima Univ. June 10 2009 ATF2 meeting. Background. We want program for the ATF after 2012. Recent laser technology: 100TW/10Hz system is on a commercial base

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International Workshop on Physics in Intense Field

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  1. International Workshop onPhysics in Intense Field November 24 – 26, 2010 T.Takahashi Hiroshima Univ. June 10 2009 ATF2 meeting T.Takahashi Hiroshima

  2. Background • We want program for the ATF after 2012 • Recent laser technology: • 100TW/10Hz system is on a commercial base • 1PW with a low rep. rate system is also on a commercial base. • 1PW/10Hz system could be possible with improving 100TW/10Hz system. • 10^22 W/cm^2 has been already achieved

  3. Physics background Origin of our univserse Motication Energy frontier Intensity frontier Intense Field particle interaction Field interaction well testednot tested Quantum Field Theoty Technique EM field progress on laser getting ready to explore field where field srrenghth plays crucial role QCD field RHIC,ALICE

  4. What we possibly can do Laser Accelerator many experiences and technique ultra low emittance beam sophisticated controll Laser ×Accelerator ATF/ATF2 is a good place to plan scientific program by merging the two

  5. We already have some histrory • JFY 2008 • Budget proposal to JSPS but not successful • December 2008 • started discussion to organize new working group • making attractive scenario in high intense field • makke reliable project plan • Febrauray 2009 • Visited UK to discuss possible plan • JFY 2009 • series of local meeting at KEK organizing a international workshop

  6. example of topics vac. discharge Heavy Ion collider RHIC, LHC->laser driven QGP QED vacuum non lin. optics in Vacc gluon field photon-photon scatt. EM field vacc. pol Quantum Effect gravity horizon un known effect Exa Watt acceleration non linear effect radiation friction non linearQED,multi parcilce linear QED Peta Watt Tera Watt

  7. Hawking – Unruh effect See Tauchi san for detail of the feasibility at ATF/ATF2

  8. Vacuum polarization lasers, e plarization, ,,

  9. Probing semi-macroscopic vacua by high fields of lasersK. Homma, D. Habs, and T. Tajima (Dated: June 24, 2010) arXiv:1006.4533

  10. propose of the workshop • Clarify physics cases • particle physics, astro physics , nuclear physics • experiment,theory • feasibility • experiment, theory,lasers,facility(such as ATF) • trend, status of comunities (ELI, Bella) • extend , stimulate comunity • physics • laser acceleration • ,,,,,,,,

  11. general plan • date:Nov. 24 – 26 2010 • place: Kobayashi Hall at KEK • Jointly held with, KEK,U Tokyo, JAERI,Hiroshima U, LMU • Organizing Committee • chair S. Iso(KEK)chair,co-chair T.Takahashi,, • J. Urakawa(KEK),K. Yokoya(KEK),,,,, • Scientific Advisory Committee • T.Tajima(LMU),H.Hasechi(ILE),G. Mourou (CNRS), • K. Ueda(EMU),A. Asuzki(KEK),F. Takahashi(KEK) • International Program Committee • chairK. Itakura(KEK),co-chairK. Homma(広島大), • T.Takahashi(広島大),K. Kori(KEK),K. Kondo(JAERI)

  12. Contents • Tutorial • Overview • QED,QCD,exp.,Laser acc.,Laser technology, • talks • Invited speaker • Toshiki Tajima (LMU) • Gerald Mourou(CNRS) • Dietrich Habs(LMU) • Pisin Chen(SLAC) • KirillTuchin (BNL) • Ralf Schutzhold (Essen) • Bill Unruh (British Columbia) • MattiasMarklund (Umeå) • ,,,,,,, Comfirmed as of June 30

  13. slide for DG suzuki 2010/5/6 Background of the workshop Light sources Intense lasers universe, matters, life physics in intense filed Laser Acceleration realization of intense field in laboratory • extend community coherent R&D • physics out put in shorter time scale intense gluon, EM field Heavy Ion

  14. general plan • date:Nov. 24 – 26 2010, (coincides w/ the U.S. holiday) • place: Kobayashi Hall at KEK • Jointly held with, KEK,U Tokyo, JAERI,Hiroshima U, LMU • Organizing Committee • chair S. Iso(KEK)chair,co-chair T.Takahashi,, • J. Urakawa(KEK),K. Yokoya(KEK),,,,, • Scientific Advisory Committee • T.Tajima(LMU),H.Hasechi(ILE),G. Mourou (CNRS), • K. Ueda(EMU),A. Asuzki(KEK),F. Takahashi(KEK) • International Program Committee • chairK. Itakura(KEK),co-chairK. Homma(広島大), • T.Takahashi(広島大),K. Kori(KEK),K. Kondo(JAERI)

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