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Presented by: Mike Paque Executive Director The Ground Water Protection Council

Presented by: Mike Paque Executive Director The Ground Water Protection Council. VS. Source: www.newseek.com/id/154394. BANANA. Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything. NOPE. Nowhere on Planet Earth. WHY IS HYRAULIC FRACING A CONTINUING PROBLEM?.

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Presented by: Mike Paque Executive Director The Ground Water Protection Council

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Presented by: Mike Paque Executive Director The Ground Water Protection Council

  2. VS.

  3. Source: www.newseek.com/id/154394

  4. BANANA Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything

  5. NOPE Nowhere on Planet Earth

  6. WHY IS HYRAULIC FRACING A CONTINUING PROBLEM? • Exploration in new geographic areas • Severed Minerals Estates • Highly Technical Process • Misinformation from Press • Incomplete water well testing • Lack of Information • Trade Secrets from Service Companies


  8. INSIDE THE DC BELTWAY Legislatively The “FracAct” is Dormant Administratively DOE, EPA and BLM are very active

  9. EPA • Regulate HF under the UIC Program • Issue Guidance for wells using Diesel • Guidance on Seismic Sensitive Areas • Review of Potential EPA Jurisdiction Areas • SDWA • RCRA • CWA

  10. Joint Leadership Initiative of the GWPC and IOGCC

  11. FracFocus Elements • Hydraulic Fracturing: How it Works • Groundwater Protection • Regulations by State • Chemical Use • Frequent Questions • Find a Well by State

  12. FracFocus Statistics as of August 22, 2013 • Participating companies = 663 •  Reporting Companies = 502 •  Disclosures reported = 52,446 •  Website visits = 596,186 •  Unique visitors = 401,995

  13. Disclosures Reported By Month

  14. Wells Reported By State*

  15. Company Growth By Month

  16. Click on pdf Icon to open the record

  17. Click on pdf Icon to open the record

  18. FracFocus 2.0 Review Complete & Ongoing Work

  19. The Future of FracFocus • Easier search and record access capability • Administrative tools to help operators upload and manage their records • Communication with state database systems • State required search ability • Bi-Directional Data Flow • RBDMS/Non RBDMS States • Improved public searchability • Additional Background Information

  20. Find Chemical Record

  21. Educate Users


  23. Questions ? mpaque@gwpc.org

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