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Subrecipient Monitoring Webcast

Join HRSA's Program Integrity Team to learn about monitoring subrecipients, federal regulations, and reporting requirements to safeguard program integrity. This session aims to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse in federal programs.

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Subrecipient Monitoring Webcast

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SubrecipientMonitoringWebcast Presenters Pat O'Rourke, Irene St. Croix, Bridget Ware Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration Program Integrity Team

  2. Agenda • Program Integrity • Why Monitor Subrecipients • Funding Subrecipients • Definitions • Characteristics of a Subrecipient • Sub-Award Agreement • Federal Regulations • Pre-Award Monitoring • Post-Award Monitoring • Wrap Up

  3. Program Integrity • This session is part of HRSA’s Program Integrity series • Program Integrity aims to help: • ensure programmatic compliance, efficiency, and accountability • identify vulnerabilities that can adversely affect the integrity of the program • detect and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse

  4. Why Monitor Subrecipients? • For program integrity assurance • To meet Federal regulations reporting requirements It’s the law!

  5. Funding Subrecipients • Government Agency • (HRSA) • Prime Recipient • Funding vehicle can either be a grant or contract • Subrecipient

  6. Definitions • Prime Recipient – Entity who receives a direct award from the agency to carry out a Federal program • Subrecipient- Non-Federal entity that expends Federal awards on behalf of the prime recipient to carry out a Federal program

  7. Definitions • Subaward- A legal instrument to provide support for the performance of any portion of the substantive project or program for which the recipient received the funds and then awards to an eligible subrecipient. http://www.hrsa.gov/grants/ffata.html

  8. Who Is Not a Subrecipient? • A vendor is not a subrecipient • A dealer, distributor, merchant, or other seller providing goods or services that is required for the conduct of the sponsored program

  9. Characteristics of a Subrecipient Has responsibility for making programmatic decision Has its performance measured against program objectives Uses funds to carry out a program as compared to providing goods or services for a program Has responsibility for adherence to applicable programs compliance requirements

  10. Sub-Award Agreement • Inform subrecipients of: • Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number • Award information • Notice of Award (NoA) terms and conditions • Reporting requirements • Circular A-133 requirement if expending $500K or more in Federal awards

  11. Sub-Award Agreement • At a minimum, the sub-award agreement must include the following: • Programmatic roles and responsibilities of individuals at the subrecipient’s organization • Procedures for directing and monitoring the programmatic effort • Procedures to be followed in providing funding to the subrecipient • Applicable policy that meets HRSA’s requirement http://www.hrsa.gov/grants/hhsgrantspolicy.pdf

  12. Federal Regulations • Cost Principles: • 2 CFR part 220 • 2 CFR part 225 • 2 CFR part 230 • Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) • OMB Circular A-133

  13. Federal Cost Principles Sub-award to State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments, 2 CFR part 225 shall apply Sub-award to a college or university, 2 CFR part 220 (Circular A–21) shall apply Sub-award to a commercial organization, FAR Subpart 31.2 the cost principles applicable to commercial organizations shall apply Sub-awardto some other non-profit organization, 2 CFR part 230, Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations (Circular A–122), shall apply Sub-award to a hospital, 45 CFR 74 (Appendix E)Principles for Determining Cost Applicable to Research and Development under Grants and Contracts with Hospitals, shall apply

  14. The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) • The Act was signed on September 26, 2006 • Requires information on Federal awards (Federal financial assistance and expenditures) to be made available to the public via a single, searchable website, which is http://www.USASpending.gov/ https://www.fsrs.gov/

  15. FFATA Sub-Award Reporting System (FSRS) • Reporting tool Federal prime awardees use to meet FFATA reporting requirements • i.e., prime contractors and prime grants recipients • FSRS captures and reports sub-award and executive compensation data regarding first-tier sub-awards https://www.fsrs.gov/

  16. FFATA Requirements • As of October 1, 2010, new Federal grants and contracts with an initial award that is equal to or over $25,000, must report sub-award and executive compensation data • If the initial award is below $25,000, but subsequent grant and contract modifications result in a total award equal to or over $25,000, the award will be subject to the reporting requirements, as of the date the award exceeds $25,000 $25,000

  17. FFATA Requirements when Funds Reduce If an initial award equals or exceeds $25,000 …but is subsequently de-obligated and falls below $25,000 The award continues to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Transparency Act

  18. Reporting Timeline for Prime Recipients The prime recipient is required to file a FFATA sub-award report by the end of the month following the month in which the prime recipient awards any sub-grant or subcontract greater than or equal to $25,000 https://www.fsrs.gov/

  19. Executive Compensation An executive is an officer, managing partner, or any other employees in management positions Total compensation includes cash and noncash dollar value earned by the executive during the subrecipient’s preceding fiscal year (17 CFR 229.402(c)(2)) http://www.hrsa.gov/grants/ffata.html

  20. Executive Compensation • 80% 80% or more of prior year annual gross revenues are from Federal awards; and $25 million or more in annual gross revenues are from Federal awards; and the public does not have access to compensation information filed under SEC and IRS requirements • Names and total compensation of the five most highly compensated officers are required • $25M • No access periodic reports

  21. Costs Associated with Sub-Awards • Audit costs and related services • The costs of audits required by Circular A-133 • Other audit costs included in a cost allocation plan or indirect cost proposal • Settlement expenses • Accounting, legal, clerical, and similar costs reasonably necessary for: • The termination and settlement of sub-awards

  22. Pre-Award Monitoring Verify the subrecipients have not been debarred or suspended from receiving Federal funds at https://www.sam.gov/portal/public/SAM// Determine whether the applicant is a subrecipientor a vendor

  23. Pre-Award Monitoring Request agreement documents to be returned at a reasonable deadline Verify subrecipientwritten agreement has been completed with all required information Review the budget to ensure the correct rates are being used

  24. Post-Award Monitoring • Review • Review all documentation • Ensure the correct indirect cost rate and fringe benefit rate have been used • Ensure the budget is reasonable and only allowable costs have been included • Document • Repeat

  25. Post-Award Monitoring • Review • Review ongoing programmatic effort and expenditures • Log communications with the subrecipient • Maintain a Risk Assessment Log - include entities with A-133 findings or have been written off for non-payment • Document • Repeat

  26. Wrap Up • Program Integrity is key to meet program objectives • Federal regulations require subrecipientmonitoring • The Prime recipient must report sub-award data in the FFATA Sub-Award Reporting System (FSRS)

  27. Resources • Public Law 109-282 FFATA Legislation • Public Law 110-252 FFATA Legislation • Federal Acquisition Regulation • OMB Guidance on Subaward and Executive Compensation Reporting

  28. Contact Information • You may contact the Program Integrity Team if you have questions • Email your questions to integrity@hrsa.gov • Questions specific to grant policy should be sent to DGP@hrsa.gov

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