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This presentation highlights the vision, mission, values, and strategic goals of the Gauteng Department of Health, as well as its performance achievements and plans for the future. It also discusses the alignment of goals with the National Development Plan and the Medium Term Strategic Framework. The presentation includes details on budget allocation, expenditure, audit outcomes, and efforts to strengthen the healthcare system and roll out the National Health Insurance program.
Contents • Outline • References • Vision and Mission • Departmental Values • Alignment of NDP Goals/Priorities with MTSF • SONA • SOPA • MEC’s Performance Agreement • Accelerated Social Transformation • Alignment of Strategic Goals with MTSF • GPG 2020 Strategic planning process and outcomes • 2015/16-18 Annual Performance Plan • Unaudited Expenditure as at 31 March 2015 • 2015/16 Budget Allocation • Analysis of Improved audit Outcomes over Past 5 years • 2015/16 Budget Allocation • Root Causes for current qualifications and mitigating actions • Human Resources
Vision and Mission Daily we provide high-quality, efficient and accessible healthcare to transform people’s lives Vision Mission Create an effective public health system in Gauteng by ensuring we have the right people, skills, systems and equipment to provide the care our patients need to live healthy, quality lives
Departmental Values Patient focused Taking ownership of our responsibilities and go above and beyond and expect our colleagues to do the same to achieve the best outcome for our patients Accountability Making decisions based on facts and we are willing to explain them to those affected by our decisions Transparency Working efficiently to optimise the scarce resources to achieve more with less Efficiency • Patriotism • Integrity • Purposefulness • Passionate • Accountability • Activism Provincial Values Ensure patients benefit on everything we do
Outline 2015/16-2020 Strategic Plan • Alignment of National, Provincial and Departmental Priorities • Key Provincial Priorities ( MEC’s PA) • State of Nation Address (SONA) • State of the Province Address (SOPA) • Strategic Overview • Vision, Mission and Values • Strategic Goals • Strategic Goals and Objectives 2015/16 -18 Annual Performance Plan • Budget Programme priorities and Performance indicators and targets • Programme 1: Administration • Programme 2: District Health Services • Programme 3: Emergency Medical and Planned Patient Transport Services • Provincial Hospital Services • Central Hospital Services • Health Sciences and Training • Health Care Support Services • Health facilities Management
References Election Manifesto May 2014 National Long Term Plan Health 2030 GPG 2020 2015/16-2020 Strategic Plan Annual Performance Plan 2015-16 / 2017-18 Programme of Action 2015/16 MTSF 2014-19 SOP 2015 MEC Performance Agreement
MEC’s Performance Agreement • Implement green agenda though Tri-generation, retro-fitting gas boilers (cleaner energy technology), roof-top solar panels and green building design of all health facilities • Appointment of skilled infrastructure professionals • New clinic and hospital construction and revitalisation • Support effective maintenance system • Provincial Health Operation Centre /EMS Communications Centre • Revitalization and building new EMS Bases • Activation of Step Down Beds to replace Selby • Gauteng Health Imaging Centre (GHIC) for MRI, CT, Mammogram scanners etc. • To ensure that the Provincial Laundries: Improvement of Systems Efficiencies • Introduce UPA (Emergency medical Services) in 50 poorest wards in the province as per the Brazilian Model • Establish Maternal Home Strengthening health system and NHI Roll-out Infrastructure
MEC’s Performance Agreement • Roll out of NHI in all 5 Districts • Prepare facilities for certification by the national Office of Health Standards Compliance for NHI implementation • Expand and increase the number of clinics the meet the ideal clinic criteria • Improved performance against national core standards including waiting times, five key priorities • Improved availability of vital and essential medicines • All stable patients enrolled on centralised chronic medicine dispensing and distribution programme Strengthening health system and NHI Roll-out NHI
MEC’s Performance Agreement • Implementation of Workplace Indicators of approved Staffing Needs (WISN) in all PHC facilities • Approved organisational structure • All Hospitals and Clinics implementing Lean Management • Improved EMS response times • EMS service is integrated with hospital emergency departments • Implement Bed Beaure Management • Service providers paid within 30 days • Revenue collected • Accruals not cleared against the goods and services budget • Modernised Supply chain management and procurement • Tertiary and central hospitals implementing activity based costing in all departments • Unqualified Audit Strengthening health system and NHI Roll-out Strengthening Systems
MEC’s Performance Agreement • Primary Health Care • Improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of Primary Health Care services • Ward Based Teams in all 508 wards • Ensure functional District Clinical Specialist Teams established • Expand and increase school health services • Promote and activate communities to practice a healthy lifestyle • Fight against HIV and AIDS and TB (90/90/90 UNAIDS) • Number of men and women tested for HIV 90% • 90% of patients registered on ART • 90% of patients to have their viral load suppressed • 90% of patients screened for TB • Reduce new infections by 50% • Maternal, infant and child mortality • Maternal Homes • Provision of Post natal care for mother and baby • Implement Kangaroo mother care in hospitals • Establish fully functional breast milk banks • Address social determinants of health Prevention & reduction of burden of disease Burden of Disease
MEC’s Performance Agreement • Partnering with DED, this centre will maintain and repair health emergency vehicles, especially Ambulances and GPG Vehicles • All linen contracts awarded to women cooperatives • Procuring/buying vegetables from local farmers • Procuring/buying dairy products from local farmers • Procuring/buying bread from small medium scale Bakeries • Wheelchair Repairs: Youth, women and people with disabilities to benefit as cooperatives Transform the Economy Township Economy
MEC’s Performance Agreement • Monitor Broadband connectivity to all health facilities by GDF • Document and implement ITC Road Map • Scanning of all patient records and Implement a electronic patient records management system • Roll out of V-block infrastructure • Develop and implement Ehealth and Mhealth solutions • Upgrade health information system ensuring a complete eHealth patient record is created • Roll out of PACS to all Hospitals and interface with HIS • Implementation of a Bed Beaure Management System linking EMS and all Hospitals • Expansion of the PASOP app • Explanation of the application for the capture of data by Community Health Care Workers • Re-engineer and procurement of computer aided call taking and dispatch system • Procure Modernized Histology Equipment • Procure toxicology processing equipment Unified Health Information System Modernisation
GPG 2020 Strategic planning process and outcomes The process being followed is a key component to ensuring success of the overall project. Alignment? Alignment? Alignment? OUTPUTS GDoH 2020 Strategic plan Strategic Objectives 5/20 year review Key Driving Forces Desired outcomes GDoH APP What factors are driving change in our environment? What are game changers What are factors affecting service delivery Strategic goals Institutional strategic plans District Health Plans Vision 20202 Institutional/Directorate operational / Municipal Plans Emphasis on broad Stakeholders consultation and participation Stakeholder engagement Stakeholder engagement Expert engagement PROCESS 2015-2020 process driven by Department with support of Strategic Plan Steering Committee High-level workshops with seniormanagement and experts Internal stakeholder interviews priority programmes (HAST, MCWH) Workshops with external stakeholders Workshops, round tables & interaction with programme managers for eight Budget Programmes 16
Strategic Goals and Objectives Strategic Goal Strategic Objectives Improved health and well-being of all citizens, with an emphasis on children and women MCWH
Strategic Goals and Objectives Strategic Goal Strategic Objectives Improved health and well-being of all citizens, with an emphasis on children and women MCWH
Strategic Goals and Objectives Strategic Goal Strategic Objectives Reduced rate of new infections and burden of HIV & AIDS and TB HIV and AIDS & TB
Strategic Goals and Objectives Strategic Goal Strategic Objectives Increased equal and timely access to efficient and quality health care services, thereby preparing for roll-out of NHI Expand Primary Health Care
Strategic Goals and Objectives Strategic Goal Strategic Objectives Increased equal and timely access to efficient and quality health care services, thereby preparing for roll-out of NHI Efficient Hospital Services Quality Assurance within PHC and hospital services
Strategic Goals and Objectives Strategic Goal Strategic Objectives Expand Primary Health Care Increased equal and timely access to efficient and quality health care services, thereby preparing for roll-out of NHI EMS
Strategic Goals and Objectives Strategic Goal Strategic Objectives Excellence in our non-clinical functions Financial Management
Strategic Goals and Objectives Strategic Goal Strategic Objectives Human Resource Development Excellence in our non-clinical functions Human Resource Management
Strategic Goals and Objectives Strategic Goal Strategic Objectives Governance Structures Excellence in our non-clinical functions ICT SCM
Strategic Goals and Objectives Strategic Goal Strategic Objectives Excellence in our non-clinical functions Improving Infrastructure dev & Maintenance
2015/16 -18 Annual Performance Plan Programme 1: Administration
2015/16-18 Annual Performance Plan: Administration • Improving Quality of Health Care • Implement the Lean Management project and electronic queuing systems in all hospitals and district to reduce waiting times • Conduct gap assessment and develop quality improvement plans in all hospitals to improve quality of care • Increase performance of all facilities against the national core standards & compliance through certification by Office of Health Standards Compliance • Conduct patient satisfaction survey at all health institutions • Better management of serious adverse events Increased equal and timely access to efficient and quality health care services, thereby preparing for roll-out of NHI Strategic Goal
2015/16-18 Annual Performance Plan: Administration • Implementation of Turnaround Strategy • Engage service providers and resolve outstanding accruals, and improve procurement systems with electronic procurement implemented, exit from Section 18 • Improve financial management skills and outcomes for the Department • Ensure Department obtain an unqualified audit opinion • Activity-based costing completed and resource requirements of health services determined • Excellence in our non-clinical functions Strategic Goal
2015/16-18 Annual Performance Plan: Administration • Effective management of information system • Develop and implement efficient integrated patient based management Information System to improve decision making • Improved records management including scanning of all existing records in central, tertiary and regional hospitals • Upgrade ICT infrastructure and ensure connectivity in all health facilities • Upgrade health information system, roll out PACS and interface with HIS and NHLS, develop and implement e-health and m-health solutions • Build multi-skilled health information personnel • Excellence in our non-clinical functions Strategic Goal
2015/16-18 Annual Performance Plan: Administration • Improve Human Resource for Health • Implementation of WISN Staffing Needs in all PHC facilities • Develop, cost and publish human resource for Health plan for implementation in the Department • Strengthen Labour Relation Processes and Systems to achieve legislated turnaround times • Implement, manage and enforce the general and Commuted Overtime policies to reduce and eliminate abuse and over expenditure on CoE, including RWOPS • Ensure compliance with performance management system • Recruitment of women at SMS levels • Recruitment of people with disabilities • Improve access for people with disabilities • Excellence in our non-clinical functions Strategic Goal
Administration: Strategic Objectives, Indicators and Targets
Administration: Strategic Objectives, Indicators and Targets
Programme 2: District Health Services (DHS) 2015/16 -18 Annual Performance Plan
2015/16 -18 Annual Performance Plan: DHS • Universal coverage through implementation of National Health Insurance (NHI) • Expansion of NHI implementation beyond the Tshwane Health District • Increase doctor support at CHCs and clinics levels • Roll-out of Ideal Clinic Project to all the health districts in the Province • Increased equal and timely access to efficient and quality health care services, thereby preparing for roll-out of National Health Insurance (NHI) Strategic Goal
2015/16 -18 Annual Performance Plan: DHS • Strengthen Re-engineering of Primary Health Care • Accelerate the implementation of Primary Health care (PHC) services through PHC re-engineering’s three streams • Expansion of Ward Based Outreach Teams (WBOTs) based on Brazilian and Cuban models • Implementation of District Clinical Specialist Teams (DCST) contributing to reduction of maternal, infant and child mortality • Increased equal and timely access to efficient and quality health care services, thereby preparing for roll-out of NHI Strategic Goal
2015/16 -18 Annual Performance Plan: DHS • Implementation of District Mental Health Specialist teams will improve access and quality of mental health service delivery • Strengthen integration of all district based programmes such as Mental Health Services, Oral Health Services and Rehabilitation and Radiography into PHC services • The Department will also expand the Integrated Chronic Disease Management (ICDM) programme to more than 100 000 patients. This will ensure that patients receive medicine through the direct delivery programme and decongest PHC facilities • Ensure appropriate service delivery at all levels of care that prevent disability and restore integration of people with disability, mental health disorders and those that require psychosocial rehabilitation in hospitals and in the community • Strengthen partnerships with civil society and other external stakeholders and interdepartmental collaboration and communication Increased equal and timely access to efficient and quality health care services, thereby preparing for roll-out of NHI Strategic Goal
2015/16 -18 Annual Performance Plan Programme 3: HIV and AIDS, STI and TB
2015/16 -18 Annual Performance Plan : HIV and AIDS, STI and TB • Intensify HIV and AIDS Programme • Reduce new HIV infections: reducing mother to child transmission of HIV, expansion of medical male circumcision programme and strengthening the multisectoral response; HCT expansion, targeting vulnerable and high risk groups • Strengthen management of patient with HIV and TB co-infection • Expand ART programme and roll-out fixed dose combination • Provide training of TB staff on NIMART and NIMDR to increase uptake of ART and TB Increased equal and timely access to efficient and quality health care services, thereby preparing for roll-out of NHI Strategic Goal
2015/16 -18 Annual Performance Plan : HIV and AIDS, STI and TB • Tuberculosis (TB) prevention and management • Further improve TB cure rate and defaulter rate • Improve linkage to care following MDR diagnosis • Standardise contact tracing and hold staff accountable for conducting contact tracing • Integrate TB/HIV for DR-TB patients • Improve social support for DR-TB patients and their families • Ensure adequate TB infection control at all levels • Reduced rate of new infections and burden of HIV & AIDS and TB Strategic Goal
2015/16 -18 Annual Performance Plan : HIV and AIDS, STI and TB