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Explore the nuances of passive and active fixed-income portfolio management strategies, including laddered and barbell portfolios, duration, bond convexity, and interest rate and default risk considerations.
Outline • Introduction • Passive versus active management strategies • Duration re-visited • Bond convexity
Introduction • Fixed-income security management is largely a matter of altering the level of risk the portfolio faces: • Interest rate risk • Default risk • Reinvestment rate risk • Interest rate risk is measured by duration
Passive Versus Active Management Strategies • Passive strategies • Active strategies • Risk of barbells and ladders • Bullets versus barbells • Swaps • Forecasting interest rates • Volunteering callable municipal bonds
Passive Strategies • Buy and hold • Indexing
Buy and Hold • Bonds have a maturity date at which their investment merit ceases • A passive bond strategy still requires the periodic replacement of bonds as they mature
Indexing • Indexing involves an attempt to replicate the investment characteristics of a popular measure of the bond market • Examples are: • Salomon Brothers Corporate Bond Index • Lehman Brothers Long Treasury Bond Index
Indexing (cont’d) • The rationale for indexing is market efficiency • Managers are unable to predict market movements and that attempts to time the market are fruitless • A portfolio should be compared to an index of similar default and interest rate risk
Active Strategies • Laddered portfolio • Barbell portfolio • Other active strategies
Laddered Portfolio • In a laddered strategy, the fixed-income dollars are distributed throughout the yield curve • For example, a $1 million portfolio invested in bond maturities from 1 to 25 years (see next slide)
Laddered Portfolio (cont’d) Par Value Held ($ in Thousands) Years Until Maturity
Barbell Portfolio • The barbell strategy differs from the laddered strategy in that less amount is invested in the middle maturities • For example, a $1 million portfolio invests $70,000 par value in bonds with maturities of 1 to 5 and 21 to 25 years, and $20,000 par value in bonds with maturities of 6 to 20 years (see next slide)
Barbell Portfolio (cont’d) Par Value Held ($ in Thousands) Years Until Maturity
Barbell Portfolio (cont’d) • Managing a barbell portfolio is more complicated than managing a laddered portfolio • Each year, the manager must replace two sets of bonds: • The one-year bonds mature and the proceeds are used to buy 25-year bonds • The 21-year bonds become 20-years bonds, and $50,000 par value are sold and applied to the purchase of $50,000 par value of 5-year bonds
Other Active Strategies • Identify bonds that are likely to experience a rating change in the near future • An increase in bond rating pushes the price up • A downgrade pushes the price down
Risk of Barbells and Ladders • Interest rate risk • Reinvestment rate risk • Reconciling interest rate and reinvestment rate risks
Interest Rate Risk • Duration increases as maturity increases • The increase in duration is not linear • Malkiel’s theorem about the decreasing importance of lengthening maturity • E.g., the difference in duration between 2- and 1-year bonds is greater than the difference in duration between 25- and 24-year bonds
Interest Rate Risk (cont’d) • Declining interest rates favor a laddered strategy • Increasing interest rates favor a barbell strategy
Reinvestment Rate Risk • The barbell portfolio requires a reinvestment each year of $70,000 par value • The laddered portfolio requires the reinvestment each year of $40,000 par value • Declining interest rates favor the laddered strategy • Rising interest rates favor the barbell strategy
Reconciling Interest Rate & Reinvestment Rate Risks • The general risk comparison:
Reconciling Interest Rate & Reinvestment Rate Risks • The relationships between risk and strategy are not always applicable: • It is possible to construct a barbell portfolio with a longer duration than a laddered portfolio • E.g., include all zero-coupon bonds in the barbell portfolio • When the yield curve is inverting, its shifts are not parallel • A barbell strategy is safer than a laddered strategy
Bullets Versus Barbells • A bullet strategy is one in which the bond maturities cluster around one particular maturity on the yield curve • It is possible to construct bullet and barbell portfolios with the same durations but with different interest rate risks • Duration only works when yield curve shifts are parallel
Bullets Versus Barbells (cont’d) • A heuristic on the performance of bullets and barbells: • A barbell strategy will outperform a bullet strategy when the yield curve flattens • A bullet strategy will outperform a barbell strategy when the yield curve steepens
Swaps • Purpose • Substitution swap • Intermarket or yield spread swap • Bond-rating swap • Rate anticipation swap
Purpose • In a bond swap, a portfolio manager exchanges an existing bond or set of bonds for a different issue
Purpose (cont’d) • Bond swaps are intended to: • Increase current income • Increase yield to maturity • Improve the potential for price appreciation with a decline in interest rates • Establish losses to offset capital gains or taxable income
Substitution Swap • In a substitution swap, the investor exchanges one bond for another of similar risk and maturity to increase the current yield • E.g., selling an 8% coupon for par and buying an 8% coupon for $980 increases the current yield by 16 basis points
Substitution Swap (cont’d) • Profitable substitution swaps are inconsistent with market efficiency • Obvious opportunities for substitution swaps are rare
Intermarket or Yield Spread Swap • The intermarket or yield spread swap involves bonds that trade in different markets • E.g., government versus corporate bonds • Small differences in different markets can cause similar bonds to behave differently in response to changing market conditions
Intermarket or Yield Spread Swap (cont’d) • In a flight to quality, investors become less willing to hold risky bonds • As investors buy safe bonds and sell more risky bonds, the spread between their yields widens • Flight to quality can be measured using the confidence index • The ratio of the yield on AAA bonds to the yield on BBB bonds
Bond-Rating Swap • A bond-rating swap is really a form of intermarket swap • If an investor anticipates a change in the yield spread, he can swap bonds with different ratings to produce a capital gain with a minimal increase in risk
Rate Anticipation Swap • In a rate anticipation swap, the investor swaps bonds with different interest rate risks in anticipation of interest rate changes • Interest rate decline: swap long-term premium bonds for discount bonds • Interest rate increase: swap discount bonds for premium bonds or long-term bonds for short-term bonds
Forecasting Interest Rates • Few professional managers are consistently successful in predicting interest rate changes • Managers who forecast interest rate changes correctly can benefit • E.g., increase the duration of a bond portfolio is a decrease in interest rates is expected
Volunteering Callable Municipal Bonds • Callable bonds are often retied at par as part of the sinking fund provision • If the bond issue sells in the marketplace below par, it is possible: • To generate capital gains for the client • If the bonds are offered to the municipality below par but above the market price
Properties of Duration • We already saw that the concept of duration can be seen as a time-weighted average of the bonds discounted payments as a proportion of the bond price, or as a weighted average of the cash flows “times”. • Duration can also be interpreted as a risk measure for bonds, however.
Example: Bond A has a 10-year maturity, and bears a 7% coupon rate. Bond B has 10 years left to maturity, and a coupon rate of 13%. The current market interest rate is 7%. The price of bonds A and B are $1,000 and $1,421.41 respectively. What happens to these prices if the market rate changes from 7% to 7.7% ?
Duration of a Portfolio • The duration of a portfolio is the weighted average of the durations of the individual assets making up the portfolio. • Proof: suppose you hold N1 units of security 1 and N2 units of security 2. Let P1 and P2 be the prices of the two securities, and let D1 and D2 be their respective durations.
Bond Convexity • The importance of convexity • Calculating convexity • General rules of convexity • Using convexity
The Importance of Convexity • Convexity is the difference between the actual price change in a bond and that predicted by the duration statistic • In practice, the effects of convexity are relevant if the change in interest rate level is large.
The Importance of Convexity (cont’d) • The first derivative of price with respect to yield is negative • Downward sloping curves • The second derivative of price with respect to yield is positive • The decline in bond price as yield increases is decelerating • The sharper the curve, the greater the convexity
The Importance of Convexity (cont’d) Greater Convexity Bond Price Yield to Maturity
The Importance of Convexity (cont’d) • As a bond’s yield moves up or down, there is a divergence from the actual price change (curved line) and the duration-predicted price change (tangent line) • The more pronounced the curve, the greater the price difference • The greater the yield change, the more important convexity becomes
The Importance of Convexity (cont’d) Error from using duration only Bond Price Current bond price Yield to Maturity
Calculating Convexity • The percentage change in a bond’s price associated with a change in the bond’s yield to maturity: