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Enhancing Collaboration Through College Preparatory Courses in Texas

Explore the development and impact of College Preparatory Courses in Texas, focusing on collaboration opportunities and regional initiatives in education. Learn about the AVATAR model and Vertical Alignment Teams fostering student success.

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Enhancing Collaboration Through College Preparatory Courses in Texas

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  1. College Preparatory Courses: Opportunities for CollaborationNorth Texas Community College Consortium, Developmental Education Regional ForumMarch 27, 2019

  2. College Preparatory Courses: Origin and Recent Developments, Mary Harris College Preparatory Courses: Fostering Collaboration, Jean Keller Exemplary Collaborative Practice in Region 20, Ravae Shaeffer Q&A, “How could we do this North Texas?” Presentation Overview Ntrp-16.org

  3. College Preparatory Courses: Origins and Recent Developments

  4. House Bill 5 (2013)changed the state-mandated high school curriculum in Texas. Ntrp-16.org

  5. Changes Included College Preparatory Courses • Districts must partner with at least one IHE to develop college prep courses in math and ELA for 12th grade students who do not meet college readiness standards or whose performance indicates they are not ready for entry-level college coursework. • Effective 2013-2014 (with courses to be provided no later than 2014-2015) • High school and IHE faculty must meet regularly as necessary to ensure courses are aligned with college readiness expectations. Ntrp-16.org

  6. Provide highly qualified and vested instructors, • Provide professional development and resources • Working with Education Service Center specialists, if needed, • Provide rigorous, aligned instruction, • Identify students, • Identify course(s) on transcripts, • Administer common assessments, • Follow local grading policy, • Support efforts to assist students with college enrollment, • Share data. • In TX, MOU Expectations for ISDs or Charters Ntrp-16.org

  7. Provide professional development and resources, Identify course(s) on transcripts, Recognize TSI exemption status, Allow students to enroll in college-level coursework without requiring additional developmental coursework. Share data. • In TX, MOU Expectations • of IHEs Ntrp-16.org

  8. Status of College Preparatory Courses for 20 Regions CPC Survey Results, Harris and Keller, December, 2014

  9. Offered in 39 states as part of the secondary curriculum. Of these, 17 states require a statewide curriculum and 22 provide for local development, with statewide initiatives on the increase. As for delivery format: 18 provide for computer-mediated formats; 34 use traditional, lecture-based instruction; 17 provide multiple options. In 22 states, successful completion of the transition course means automatic matriculation to at least one college. Course goals include 1) test preparation, 2) exempting developmental education, 3) college and career readiness, 4) introduction to meta-majors and pathways, 5) “college knowledge” National scene: TX CPC Is an Example of Transition Course • Fay, Barnett, & Chavarin (2017). How States Are Implementing Transition Curriculum. CCRC.

  10. College Ready • Meet criteria of 3 on AP or 4 on IB examinations • Meet TSI criteria (SAT/ACT/TSIA/College Prep course) in reading and mathematics • Complete a course for dual credit (9 hours or more in any subject or 3 hours or more in ELAR/ mathematics) • Earn an associate’s degree • New Texas School Report Card: A Gamechanger Ntrp-16.org

  11. College Preparatory Courses: FosteringCollaboration through AVATAR Model

  12. Regional P-16 Councils 4 Year IHEs High Schools 2 Year IHEs Regional ESCs Scaffolding Student Success AVATAR is a Partnership of Regional Leaders from these Institutions Ntrp-16.org

  13. Vertical Alignment Teams (VATs): Educators and leaders representing AVATAR partners who are committed to addressing discipline specific course needs to create environments where students can make successful transitions between and among regional educational systems. AVATARVertical Alignment Teams Ntrp-16,org

  14. Creates and builds relationships through ongoing critical conversations • Uses regional data to make alignment decisions • Develops shared understanding of college and career readiness and success for students • Identifies and implements intentional actions • Evaluates, sustains, and shares vertical alignment work • The AVATAR Process Ntrp-16.org

  15. AVATAR Enables Critical Conversations Post-Secondary Secondary Graduate Career Ready Graduate College/Career Ready Impact of Developmental Education and Texas Success Initiative Dual Credit, Early College High Schools Student Support Services Educational Policies & Practices Classroom Instruction, Textbooks Grading, etc. Discipline Reference Course Profiles College & Career Readiness Standards Student Success Assessments Dual Credit, Early College High Schools Student Support Services Educational Policies & Practices Classroom Instruction, Textbooks Grading, etc. Discipline Specific Course Curriculum Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Ntrp-16.org

  16. An example: 39 ISDs, five Alamo Community Colleges, and UTSA (TAMUSA Fall 2020) Ntrp-16.org

  17. University of Texas at San Antonio San Antonio& Palo Alto Colleges Harlandale ISD P-16+ of Greater Bexar County Region 20 ESC How, why, and with whom did you develop the CPCs in in Region 20? Region 20: Strengthening the Pipeline Ntrp-16.org

  18. How and why did you get started? Ntrp-16.org

  19. How would you describe your development of the CPCs in the early years and now? Year 1 Critical Conversations = Year 2 Product Outcomes Interactive Notebook for Math Concepts College Readiness Survey College Readiness Outreach Literacy Support Guide for Math Teachers Professional Development Training for AVATAR in Region 20 Vertical Alignment Team • Secondary Math teachers & district specialist • Secondary English Language Arts & Reading teachers & specialist • Postsecondary Math Professors – UTSA & ACCD • P16+ of Bexar County • UTSA P-20 Initiatives • ESC-20 Coordinator Ntrp-16.org

  20. What are your syllabi like? Your assessments? Your MOUs? CP ELAR – PEIMS #110100 CP Math – PEIMS #111200 Ntrp-16.org

  21. Looking back, what are the most successful aspects of your work? Ntrp-16.org

  22. What were the hardest parts of your implementation and why? Ntrp-16.org

  23. What is your advice as North Texas contemplates a common MOU? Ntrp-16.org

  24. Questions and Reactions http://untavatar.org

  25. Fay, M. P., Barnett, E.A., Chavarin, O. (December, 2017). How states are implementing transition curricula: Results from a national scan. Research Brief. Community College Research Center, Teachers College, Columbia University. Harris, M., & Keller, J. (2015).  Results of AVATAR Regional College Preparatory Course Survey. Texas College and Career Readiness Network Digest, 13, March-April. Available at http://bit.ly/1KoYuQS Harris, M., Keller, J., & R. Shaeffer. (2014). Partnerships for college success: Vertical alignment through CCRS. 2014 TASA Midwinter Conference, Austin, TX. References • Ntrp-16.org

  26. Presenters Mary Harris Ravae Shaeffer Jean Keller Professor, College of Education, UNT Convener, North Texas Regional P-16 Council Jean.Keller@unt.edu 940-565-9724 Professor Emeritus, College of Education, UNT Co-convener, North Texas Regional P-16 Council Mary.Harris@unt.edu 940-367-3026 Coordinator III, Strategic Partnerships and Innovation, ESC-20 Guiding Pathways to DC, strategic lead Ravae.Shaeffer@esc20.org 210-370-4392 Ntrp-16.org

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