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This systematic approach guides in identifying gaps, developing solutions, and setting performance objectives for effective instruction. Analyze problems, domains, and data to create tailored instruction. Evaluate risk, success estimates, and implementation pragmatics for solutions.
Needs Analysis:(Leshin, Pollock & Reigeluth, 1992). • Analyze the problem • Figure out the purposes for instruction, if any • Analyse the domains • Figure out the specifics about the kinds of problems you have, the tasks that are involved in the learning problem, and set performance objectives to create instruction that will solve the problem (close the gap) If this all seems terribly systematic, well.. It is a systems approach. The research is developing in many ways, depending on the research approach and philosophical approach used (see Jan 30 notes!).
Needs Analysis: (Leshin, Pollock & Reigeluth, 1992). • Analyze the problem • Define the problem • Describe the nature of the (training or education) problem • Training: find the performance gap • Education: find the knowledge gap • Identify the source of the problem • Is the cause of the gap organizational or individual? • Education: What is the rationale for the learner to acq. Knowledge? • Training: What might be causing the gap? What is expected? • Data gather: Focus groups, observation, surveys.. • Interpret the data to find problem elements • Determine possible solutions • Find a way to answer the questions asked in 1.2 (above) • From the data: decide if instruction can solve the problem (or not) • From the data: Is instruction needed with other solutions? • Analyse the risk, success est., cost, development pragmatics and implementation pragmatics for these solutions. • Communicate the results: • Identify problem areas, alternatives where inst. Could help. Support your findings with your data, descr. Of solutions, rationale for your decisions, a comparison of benefits and costs, & give alternate solutions
Needs Analysis: (Leshin, Pollock & Reigeluth, 1992). • Analyze the Domains (job or subject areas) (if you have determined that instruction would help (fill the gap), you want to identify and precisely state what the learner should be able to do or accomplish at the end of the instruction or task. Here performance objectives are written to provide the foundation for: • Determining what skills and mental models need to be used • Selecting the tasks to be taught • Developing measures that indicate whether the desired learning has taken place The steps can be: • Identify the tasks comprising each domain • Define the domain. Training: Welder, artist/Educ: “understands economics” • Identify all tasks that comprise the domain: • Training: Responsibilities, job descriptions / Job Analysis • Education: Subject area content and mental models recommended (curriculum) • Identify the performance deficiencies associated with each task • Training: observe output deficiencies / interview target learners • Education: Interview masters, interview teachers, administrators • Write the performance objectives for each task • Gives you a focus for selecting content, media, and instructional tactics • Gives you a focus for assessing knowledge / skill acq. After the learning event. • Alerts learners to the task at hand within instruction itself. • Develop the performance measures for each task
Gagne/Briggs Analyzing Learners & Contexts Jonassen/ Gardner/ Gagne/Briggs Rossett/ Tessmer/ Smith&Ragan/ Reigeluth/ Kazanas/ Shaumbagh &Magliaro/ Dick & Carey/ Kazanas/Rothwell Leshin, Pollock & Reigeluth/
PERFORMING JOB, TASKAND CONTENTANALYSISOnce the Need is Known, we figure out the processes and tasks that may or may not allow the sub-optimal or “GAP” learning / performance situation(focus on the Task Analysis, the rest is extra information for your resource library)A Yellow Bar at the bottom means this is a resource page only • Most of the information in this section is summarized from a collection of the following sources: • Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco:Jossey-Bass. • Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
Update: EDER 673 History of ID ID Terminology Instructional Design Philosophies SMCR/Feedback Communication Model Context based designs Learners and Learning Theories ID Models: A peek Needs Analysis Media Selection Task Analysis Ordering Content (elaboration) Evaluation Motivation
Workplace Setting Analysis Tasks occur in an organization… how well do designers know that which surrounds our prospective instruction…. Ed Admin. 700 on one slide • Is the administration / work flow integrated or hierarchical? • Bureaucratic - or less than bureaucratic? • Division of labor • Technocratic - or less technocratic? • Division of expertise and related power regimes • Is the organization open or closed? • Is the organization pro-change or change averse? • Is this a learning community or a “production” community? • Is there a cultural component that is important? • Do clear values support the mission/goals/policies? • Who leads? • Employees • Supervisors • Committees After Sergiovanni, 1990, Drucker, 1997 Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
Workplace Setting Analysis The Main Instructional Development Concern about the Work Environment is.. Optional Reading “The total surrounding context for the person or subject of interest”. Because The instructional design process is a change effort that is intended to meet or avert deficiencies in knowledge, skills or attitudes. (Kazanas, 1998, p. 103). Considering Organization resource constraints (time, money, people, $) and culture affect: • The length of time a project can take • Which media can be used • Which instruction & testing strategies can be used Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
Workplace Setting Analysis Workplace Setting Analysis: How to Identify which factors matter.. Optional Reading • Environments affecting ID development, delivery and application matter - especially if you are have a constructivist / inquiry designer epistemology. Focus on 3 environments: 1. Development Environment 2. Delivery Environment 3. Application Environment Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
Workplace Setting Analysis Organization / ID Environment Assessment Characteristics Optional Reading Some High Performance Workplace Characteristics for Instructional Development (Work) • Training and continuous learning • Information sharing • Employee participation • Organization Structure • Worker - Management partnerships • Rewards systems exist and are understood • Employee job security • Supportive Work Environment (Dubois and Rothwell, 1996) Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
Workplace Setting Analysis Setting AnalysisQuality Check:As a Developer, Did I Get it Right? Optional Reading • Was the analysis conducted? • Was the analysis conducted at the proper time? Place? • SWOT Analysis: Is instruction right for this organization? • Strengths of this org for T & D • Weaknesses of this org for T & D • Opportunities for T & D • Troubles foreseen with T & D in this context Designer Competency Check: Is the designer capable of explaining why they conducted a setting analysis and the reasons they chose to focus on certain features of the design, delivery and application environments? Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
Work Analysis in Context:Job, Task and Content Analysis in a Training Setting Optional Reading Needs Assessment (finds the gap) Learner Analysis (finds learner Characteristics) Organization Analysis (Identifies Training Constraints) Work Analysis (procedures in the Org.) Identify what worker does, how they do it, what mental and physical Requirements exist,what kinds of tasks are done, what Constitutes mastery or low performance, Create Perform. Objectives Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
Job analysis Job Analysis (Planning for one)(good for job-specific training/instruction needs) Optional Reading • Who will do conduct it? • Why do it? • How will the results be used? • Who depends on these results? • What data collection & analysis methods should be used? Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
Job analysis Job Analysis (Implementing the Plan or Doing It)(good for job-specific training/instruction needs) Optional Reading • Do the plan steps (previous) to collect info. About jobs under investigation • THE RESULTS • A Job description • A job specification • A task listing Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
TASK analysis Task Analysis: Task Language 2 Types of Tasks: • Cognitive Task: (Mental performance). Unobservable performance. (Knowing cannot be observed by Kazanas… Do not follow a prescribed order. IE: Choose a personal computer. • Also called a “transfer task” • Goal: Find a personal computer. • Action Task: (physical performance). Observable performance. Action causes change. Often a prescribed order. IE: Change a light bulb. • A series of behaviors involving person/person or person/object interaction • A series of behaviors that changes the person in some way • A series of behaviors that accomplishes a goal. • CRITERIA for evaluating an action task • Task has a beginning and an end • Task is performed in relatively short time periods • Task can be observed • Task can be measured • Task is independent of other actions Task: A discrete unit of performance by an individual (typing a letter). Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
TASK analysis Task Analysis • Knowing what they do, • how they do it, • why they do it… A task analysis is an intensive examination of how people perform work activities. Tasks: A discrete unit of work performed by an individual, it has a beginning and an ending. Subtasks : the smallest step into which a work activity can be divided. Elements: a step within a step… separate time-motions Task listing: A list of actions done in work. Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
TASK analysis Task Analysis: The Results • To determine the components of competency (competent performance) • To identify activities that may be SIMPLIFIED or IMPROVED • To determine exactly what a worker must • KNOW • FEEL • DO … to learn a specific work activity • To clarify resources /conditions needed for job competency • To establish minimum standards (expectations) for each task appearing in a job description. There are many techniques for Task Analysis: See: Leshin & Pollock, Riegeluth, Dick and Carey, Smith and Ragan, Kazanas…. And so on… Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
TASK analysis Task Analysis: 5 Steps • Identify Jobs or tasks to be analyzed • Clarify the desired results • Prepare a Plan to do the Analysis • Implement the Plan • Analyze the results • Break down the Task into component parts if need be. • Restructure the parts if necessary to achieve (learning / skills) outcomes Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
TASK analysis Step One: Identify the Task to be Analyzed by identifying the KIND of task • Procedural: observable action processes (people & machines) • Example: Filling a gas tank • Process: partly observable, bound to a particular process (people & people) • Example: Equitable hiring practices • Troubleshooting: observe an outcome & trace it back to the observable action that led to the outcome ( people & machines or people & people) • Example: I always get 2 copies of email from her. • Mental: Unobservable cognitive tasks (abstraction, compare/contrast). Sequences may be predictable. (person) Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
TASK analysis Step 2: Clarifying the Desired Results Ask yourself: What do you want from this task analysis? Watch that your level of detail is not too fine. Jackson (1986) suggests: 1. Find a task input 2. Find a task output 3. Figure out the steps between! Results can be: application of an intellectual skill (comparison), a cognitive strategy (memory), verbal information, motor skill or attitude. Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
TASK analysis Step 3: PLAN to do the Task Analysis • 3 Questions to guide your Task Analysis Plan • 1. Who will do it? • 2. What task performance will be examined? • 3. How will I collect & Analyze data? • Remember the TIME and $$ it will take to analyze a task. • Will INSIDE ID people or EXTERNAL ID people do the analysis? Sources of Information to consider when Planning a Task Analysis • Performers (master, average, low) • Nonperformers (managers, people affected, resource people, SMEs, future performers) • Documents (reference by performers to do tasks (manuals, online guides often list the tasks quite well…often…) • Environmental features: The conditions of instruction and learning Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
TASK analysis Steps 4 and 5: IMPLEMENTING the Task Analysis • 1. Break the job down into its component parts • 2. Compare the parts with correct performance criteria. • 3. Restructure the parts to create an improved task performance • OUTLINE THE TEACHING AND LEARNING REQUIREMENTS • To summarize: To design OJT, • Do a task list • Analyze the task list • Use the task list to become the basis for performance objectives • Generate the instructional intervention to improve GAP tasks. Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
CONTENT analysis Another approach to Task Analysis: CONTENT Analysis Optional Reading • We are still looking for a way to design instructional interventions that improve performance or learning…. • This is the process of braking large bodies of subject matter or tasks into smaller instructionally useful units. Can be called “Chunking”. • Focuses on the information or knowledge requirements rather than on sequences or procedures --- FOCUSES ON EXPERTISE OR EXCELLENT PRACTICE, then “backs out” the criteria for an optimal task: • Åssumptions: • Learners must know before they can do • Work tasks might not be a good basis for instruction-- do all tasks boil down to a single set of tasks? • Different instructional content might apply for different tasks. Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
CONTENT analysis A 6 Step Content Analysis Optional Reading • Identify the subject • Identify what subject experts know • See how people perform the mental activity by: • Asking them • Observing work related activity • Using other methods • Conduct a lit search on the subject • Develop a model of the subject • Describe the subject There is an idea that if you study the content of a mental process or job, you will likely find an order or sequence that dictates what part of the content must be known before others, and known well for subsequent learning to occur. Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
CONTENT analysis Content Analysis Optional Reading Step 1: Identify the Subject (ie: teaching writing skills). use databases Step 2: Investigate what Expert performers (master teachers) know use interviews, questionnaires, observations, docs, internet to explain what a subject is and how it relates to the work, and how they would orient a new person to the work. Step 3: Investigate how people perform the activity Check mental performance by job shadowing, other methods (see Leshin). Clarify what knowledge is applied in what setting, how people organize that knowledge.. Sit with performers while they work. Step 4: Conduct a lit search on the subject: ID research too. Step 5: Create a model that fits the subject onto a performance plane… flowcharts, events networks, graphic models organize information visually. You want to know what is done, when, and how well it must be done to design interventions for performance improvement. (Dick and Carey, 1994). Step 6: Describe the subject in a way that will facilitate learning by others. Present what must be known my experts. THIS IS GROUND FOR SETTING PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES. NEXT. Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
Optional Reading Competency AssessmentAnother kind of Thinking about PerformanceParticularly skills-based performance • Supplants Task Analysis today at times • Competency can mean • Knowledge • Skills • Attitude • Competency is a degree of excellence in performance, using exemplars as excellence criteria. • Competency assessment is the process of discovering the competencies of exemplars. • Competency models are derived from competency assessment. They can be created for job categories, departments or organizations. • Organizational competencies can be defined too. Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
Optional Reading Competency Assessment • Is popular as it is a more holistic way to approach training, as minute tasks and processes are less of a focus. • A focus on knowledge, skills and attitudes is thought to be enough for the complex work world today. • It is a model of intangibles (Kazanas & Rothwell, 1998). • Approaches include borrowed (from another org.), process driven (doing a content and task analysis on a specific org. unit), isolating characteristics of exemplar performers and … verifying the model. • MINIMUM competencies are assessed via focus groups with both expert and non experts. • There are trends driven approaches, and rapid assessment approaches where outputs, competencies roles and quality requirements from work functions, responsibilities and behaviors emerge. Gaps are filled by working on the gestalt by using behavioral interviewing in the group. (Delphi). Kazanas, W., & Rothwell, W. (1998). Mastering the Instructional Process, (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction. (4th Ed.). New York: Harper-Collins
Adieu for this week, EDER 673 !Instructional Design (iD) Next Week (March 6- March 13)Ordering and sequencing content: Elaboration Theory (blueprinting)Readings due for Next Class (March 6, 2003):1. The Elaboration Theory: Guidance for Scope and Sequence Decisions. In C. Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional Design Theories and Models - An Overview and Current Status (pp.425-454).2. Read / Use The Interactive Powerpoint on this topic, available from the Course Home Page.From, Culnan, A. (2003). Elaboration Theory. Unpublished M.Ed. Ed Technology Assignment.See the Home Page by Friday, 7 PM Feb. 28th for more detail and reading resources on this topic -- beyond the class material covered tonight.See the New Discussion Thread (Groups) in WebCT for your ID Model Peer Feedback(Rubrics are attached in your email and in the new Thread)http://www.ucalgary.ca/~ekowch/673/673home.htmlEugene G. KowchAssistant Professor of Educational Technology