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ȘCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ „MIRON CRISTEA” TOPLIŢA, HARGHITA Str. Avram Iancu, nr. 4, Toplita, Jud. Harghita Tel./Fax: 0266342647     E-mail : mironcristea888@yahoo.com. Erasmus + schimbă vieți, deschide minți.

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  1. ȘCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ „MIRON CRISTEA” TOPLIŢA, HARGHITA • Str. Avram Iancu, nr. 4, Toplita, Jud. Harghita • Tel./Fax: 0266342647     • E-mail : mironcristea888@yahoo.com

  2. Erasmus + schimbă vieți, deschide minți. Proiect de parteneriat strategic pentru susținerea schimbului de bune practici în domeniul școlar, proiecte doar între școli; Acțiunea cheie KA2 Proiect co-finanțat de Uniunea Europeană Disclaimer: Conținutul acestui material nu reprezintă, în mod necesar, poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene.


  4. C3 TOPIC:Refugees

  5. A Refugee is a Person who….Is out side their countryHas a well founded fear of persecution for reasons of …… Is unable or unwilling to return home

  6. Refugee, Migrant, Displaced Person, Asylum Seeker? • Refugee: • Forced to flee a country due to persecution • Internally displaced: • Forced to flee but does not cross a border to leave their country • Asylum seeker: • A refugee who is seeking protection, but no country has ‘determined’ whether or not the person meets the definition of a refugee • Migrant : • A person who moves, usually voluntarily, to live or work, either temporarily or permanently.May or may not cross a border.

  7. Forcibly Displaced People: 2015

  8. Refugees in the World Todaymid 2015(UNHCR)

  9. Who are the refugees? That are people who are forced to leave their homes and country because of persecution.

  10. WhatIS responsibility-sharing?Protect the Rights of Refugees RESPONSIBILITY-SHARING

  11. 1. Refugees and Resettlement

  12. 2015 main resettlement countries • 30 countries currently run some kind of refugee resettlement programme, • USA 52,583 • Canada 10,236 • Australia 5,211 • Norway 2,220 • Germany 2,097 • Sweden 1,808 • UK 1,768

  13. 2. Safe and legal routes • Provide refugees with visas to travel safely and apply for asylum when they arrive. • Enhance family reunification; enables people to reunite with relatives who are already in a country. • Develop and improve asylum systems to guarantee access to fair and efficient asylum processes

  14. Countries of Focus

  15. Countries that receive refugees Turkey-1,9 millions of immigrants Remarkably, Turkey hosts almost half of Syrian refugees. Libya-1,1 millions of immigrants With the arrival of refugees in Libya ,the population of 4,4 millions people increased by 25%. Jordan-629000 immigrants Irak-250000 immigrants Egypt- 133000 immigrants

  16. Countries for which refugee asylum applications have been filed • Germany: 98700 requests • Sweden: 64700 requests • France: 6700 requests • UK: 7000 requests • Denmark: 11300 requests • Hungary: 18800 requests

  17. Refugees have also made many asylum applications elsewhere in Europe, such as: • Romania • Spain • Netherlands • Austria • Switzerland • Bulgaria • Italy • Greece

  18. The refugee route in Europe

  19. Refugees in Romania ManyrefugeeswanttogothroughRomaniaandreachWesternEurope. In Romania there are refugee centers,as Bucharest, Timișoara, Giurgiu, Galați, Rădăuți, Șomcuta Mare.

  20. Thank you!

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