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Explore the link reaction & Krebs cycle in cellular respiration. Understand hydrogen carriers' role, experiment with coenzymes, and follow the stages. Learn key concepts, locations, and products of each process.

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  1. RESPIRATION 4.2 Link Reaction and Krebs Cycle

  2. Learning Objectives Success Criteria • Describe what the link reaction is • Describe what happens during the Krebs cycle • Explain the role of hydrogen carrier molecules in the Krebs cycle • Produce accurate notes on the link reaction • Summarise in a diagram the key events in the Krebs cycle • Carry out an experiment and analyse the results to demonstrate the role of coenzymes in respiration

  3. Starter • Write down the word equation for Glycolysis • What is used up in glycolysis? • What else is produced in glycolysis?

  4. Glycolysis NAD+ + 2H  NADH + H+(oxidised form ) (reduced form) NB Rather then write NADH, examiners often simply refer to it as reduced NAD or reduced coenzyme You start with glycogen. Glycogen 2 ATP 4 ATP 4 ADP + 4Pi Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (3C x 2) Pyruvate (3C x2) Glucose (6C) 2H x 2 NAD Reduced NAD 2 ADP Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide = So it gains electrons You finish with Pyruvate

  5. Respiration The process of respiration can be split into 4 stages. • Glycolysis • Link reaction • Krebs Cycle • Electron Transport Chain

  6. What Happens Where? • Glycolysis = Cytoplasm of the cell. • Link reaction = Matrix of the mitochondria. • Krebs cycle = Also in the matrix. • Electron transfer chain Utilises proteins found in the membrane of the christa.

  7. The Fate of Pyruvate? Products of Glycolysis • 2 reduced NAD (NADH + H+) • 2 Pyruvate • 2 ATP THIS DEPENDS ON THE AVAILABILITY OF OXYGEN!!!

  8. Aerobic Respiration • If O2 is present 3C pyruvate passes into mitochondria. • Here it is completely oxidised forming CO2 and H2O. • The second stage of aerobic respiration is the link reaction.

  9. The Link Reaction Cytoplasm Mitochondria The Link reaction The Krebs Cycle Glycolysis • Links Glycolysis to the Krebs Cycle. • The end product of the link reaction can enter the Krebs Cycle.

  10. NAD+ NADH + H+ Coenzyme A Acetyl coenzyme A (2C) Pyruvate (3C) Acetate (2C) CO2 Coenzyme A now combines with the Acetate to form Acetyl coenzyme A The Pyruvate is decarboxylated (CO2) It is also dehydrogenated (H+ removed) Start with Pyruvate produced in Glycolysis This produces Acetate The Acetyl coenzyme A now enters Krebs cycle

  11. Link Reaction Pyruvate(3C) • One carbon atom is removed from pyruvate in the form of CO2. • The remaining 2-carbon molecule combines with coenzyme A to produce Acetyl Coenzyme A (acetyl CoA). • Another oxidation reaction occurs when NAD+ collects more hydrogen ions. This forms reduced NAD (NADH + H+) • No ATP is produced in this reaction. Decarboxylation CO2 (1C) NAD+ Oxidation Reduction NADH + H+ Coenzyme (CoA) Acetyl CoA (2C)

  12. The Link Reaction occurs Twice for every Glucose Molecule • For each glucose molecule used in glycolysis, two pyruvate molecules are made. • But the link reaction uses only one pyruvate molecule, so the link reaction and the Krebs cycle happen twice for every glucose molecule which goes through glycolysis. Overall equation for one link reaction and Kreb cycle: Pyruvate + NAD + CoA acetyl CoA + reduced NAD + CO2

  13. The Products of the Link Reaction go to the Krebs Cycle and the ETC So for each glucose molecule: • 2 acetyl coenzyme A (go into the Krebs cycle) • 2 Carbon dioxide (released as a waste products) • 2 Reduced NAD (go to the electron transport chain)

  14. Krebs Cycle • Sir Hans Krebs in 1937 • AKA Citric acid cycle or the Tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) • Takes place in the matrix.

  15. Krebs Cycle • From one glucose molecules you get 2 pyruvate molecules. (GLYCOLYSIS) • So Krebs cycle goes around twice per glucose molecule.

  16. The Krebs Cycle Acetyl Coenzyme A (2C) Coenzyme A 2C NAD Reduced NAD Oxaloacetate (4C) Citrate (6C) (6C) (4C) NAD (4C) CO2 FAD Reduced NAD Reduced FAD CO2 (5C) (4C) NAD ADP + Pi (4C) Reduced NAD ATP

  17. DeNa DeNa A Fa... Na • This little tune will help you to remember the Krebs Cycle. • Remember, respiration is all about releasing energy from your food. • Oxidation releases energy. • When a carbon compound is oxidised, coenzymes are reduced. • The coenzymes involved are: NAD and FAD. • Decarboxylation is the removal of CO2. • Remember this: 665 and five 4’s.

  18. DENA DENA A FA... NA • DENA: Decarboxylation and production of reduced NAD • DENA: Decarboxylation and production of reduced NAD • A: Production of ATP • FA... : Production of reduced FAD (The ‘...’ means a gap) • NA: Production of reduced NAD

  19. The Krebs Cycle: DENA DENA A FA... NA Acetyl Coenzyme A (2C) Coenzyme A 2C NAD NA Reduced NAD Oxaloacetate (4C) Citrate (6C) (6C) (4C) NAD (4C) DENA CO2 FAD Reduced NAD FA Reduced FAD CO2 (5C) (4C) DENA NAD A ADP + Pi (4C) Reduced NAD ATP

  20. Krebs Cycle Summary Each Acetyl CoA entering the cycle results in: • 2 CO2 molecules • 1 ATP molecules (S.L.P) • 4 pairs of H atoms (Later used in the E.T.C to produce ATP) Used to reduce NAD and FAD. Three reduced NAD are produced and 1 reduced FAD per cycle. NAD = Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide FAD = Flavine adenine dinucleotide

  21. Coenzymes in Respiration • Coenzymes are complex organic molecules that are used by enzymes to accept or donate molecules involved in a reaction. • They are often referred to as ‘Helper’ molecules as they carry chemical groups or ions about, e.g. NAD removes H+ and carries it to other molecules. Now carry out the practical about Coenzymes in respiration

  22. Homework Complete the questions on the practical sheet Read ‘coenzymes in respiration’ on page 55 of the textbook then answer questions 1-5

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