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Chapter 22. The Mwindo Epic. Introduction to the Mwindo Epic. An oral epic told by the Nyanga people from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in central Africa. Our version was performed by Candi Rureke and recorded by Daniel Biebuyck in 1969.
Chapter 22 The Mwindo Epic
Introduction to the Mwindo Epic • An oral epic told by the Nyanga people from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in central Africa. • Our version was performed by Candi Rureke and recorded by Daniel Biebuyck in 1969. • There are four different versions of the story of Mwindo. • In each version: • The hero has an unusual birth and performs mighty deeds. • Mwindo’s greatness is achieved primarily through wit, trickery, singing, dancing, and dice-playing rather than the physical prowess of a fighter. • In most versions: • The Pygmies and the hero’s paternal aunt are his supporters and advisors. • In our version: • He is born against his father’s will. • The gods themselves are unable to conquer him.
The Courtship of Mukiti and Iyangura • The chief Shemwindo builds a village called Tubondo in the state of Ihimbi. He is born with a sister called Iyangura. • Shemwindo has seven wives and demands they give birth only to girls. • There is a river in which there is a pool, and in this pool there is a water serpent, master of the unfathomable. This serpent Mukiti courts Shemwindo’s sister. • Iyangura goes to live with Mukiti, under the protection of his headman called Kasiyembe. • No one is to walk downstream against the flow.
Mwindo’s Unusual Birth and His Brief Early Years • One of Shemwindo’s wives, the seventh and the Preferred One, lags behind in giving birth. • Her child, still in the womb, brings her firewood. • When she finally gives birth, it is to a boy, Mwindo. • His father tries to kill him with a spear thrown into the birth hut, but it is always deflected. • Mwindo is born with a conga scepter, and carrying an adze and a bag with a long magic rope. • “Mwindo was born laughing and also speaking, already a man among men.” • His father has him put in a grave, but he climbs out. His father then has him put in a drum and sent downriver. • Mwindo reaches Iangura despite the efforts of Musoka, Mukiti’s sister, and Kasiyembe, Mukiti’s head man, to prevent him. He is helped by Mukei the hedgehog. • Nkuba the lightning tries to kill Mwindo, but it is unable to strike him. • Mwindo sets fire to Kasiyembe’s hair.
Mwindo’s Campaign against Shemwindo • The Baniyana, Mwindo’s maternal uncles, make armor for Mwindo. • Mwindo calls upon all his father’s possessions to come to him. • Mwindo’s uncles are defeated by the people of Tubondo. • Nkuba, the god of lightning, becomes Mwindo’s ally. • Tubondo and all who dwell in it are turned to dust by lightning. Shemwindo runs away. • Mwindo resuscitates his uncles and gives chase to Shemwindo.
Mwindo’s Campaign against Shemwindo, 2 • Sparrow shows Mwindo that his father has gone to the Underworld, the realm of Muisa. • Kahindo, the spirit of good fortune and daughter of Muisa, helps Mwindo in his encounter with Muisa. • Muisa gives Mwindo a series of tasks: • Cultivate bananas. • Gather honey. • Gamble with Sheburungu, the creator god. • Muisa offers Mwindo Kahindo’s hand, but he refuses. • Mwindo returns home to Iyangura and tells the story of his adventures to her. • Mwindo heals those who had been killed in Tubondo.
The Royal Presentation • Mwindo and his father become reconciled: • Iyangura accuses Shemwindo of behaving badly to Mwindo. • Mwindo says he does not hold a grudge. • Shemwindo declares Mwindo his successor and installs him as chief. • Mwindo receives four wives.
Confronting the Dragon and Being Punished for His Deeds • Dragon kills three of four of Mwindo’s Pygmies, whom he has sent to hunt meat. • When Dragon attempts to swallow him, Mwindo beats him with his scepter. • The Pygmies emerge from the body of Dragon. • Nkuba inhales the smell of his friend Dragon, and descends on the spot to take Mwindo on a journey to show him that he did wrong. • The journey lasts a year, and on it, Mwindo meets cold and icy wind and rain and sun and stars. • On that trip, Mwindo learns that he must not kill any animal or he will die.