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Global Health Threats A Hospital and District Perspective/Preparedness

Global Health Threats A Hospital and District Perspective/Preparedness. Vickie VanDeventer MPH, BSN, RN, CIC Infection Control Practitioner. Review. How Diseases are Spread - Chain of Transmission Hospital Preparedness District Hospital Preparedness Infection Prevention.

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Global Health Threats A Hospital and District Perspective/Preparedness

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  1. Global Health ThreatsA Hospital and District Perspective/Preparedness Vickie VanDeventer MPH, BSN, RN, CIC Infection Control Practitioner

  2. Review • How Diseases are Spread - Chain of Transmission • Hospital Preparedness • District Hospital Preparedness • Infection Prevention

  3. It’s all about the chain…………


  5. Chain of Infection • Causative Agent- any bacteria • Reservoir- where bacteria can survive • Portal of Exit- a way out of the carrier • Mode of Transmission- method of travel • Portal of Entry- a way agent enters host • Susceptible Host- anyone

  6. 2003 Emerging Infectious Diseases

  7. March 2003

  8. May 2003 • Mad Cow Disease in Canada (Bovine spongiform encephalopathy)

  9. June 2003

  10. Monkeypox Indiana- 7 cases Total- 37 cases in six states.

  11. July 2003 – West Nile Virus

  12. Hospital Preparedness

  13. Hospital Grants (2002) • Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) • Health Resource & Services Administration (HRSA)

  14. Hospital Grant • Allowed hospitals to purchase items to improve their emergency preparedness. • Example of items purchased; • Personal Protective Equipment • 800 MHz Radios • Evacuation Equipment • Ventilators • Conversion of Rooms to Negative Airflow • Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) • Staff Education • Decontamination Training and Equipment

  15. District Involvement

  16. Public Health District 8 • Monroe, Orange, Lawrence, Bartholomew, Washington, Brown, and Jackson • 8 hospitals

  17. District Involvement • Participate in District Hospital Planning • District Hospitals meet monthly • Develop district plans • Participate in District Planning • District meets quarterly • Includes several disciplines- hospital, health department, emergency management, fire, police, Indiana state department of health, and red cross.

  18. Hospital/District Capabilities • Assessed Individual Hospital Capabilities • Assessed District Capabilities • Developed District Hazardous Vulnerability Analysis • Developed District Emergency Operations Plan • Developed CHEMPACK Policy • Developed District Fatality Management Plan • Developed District Evacuation Plan • Developed District Gap Analysis • District Communication Plan – Test radios monthly

  19. District 8 • District Tabletop exercise completed in 2005, 2006, and 2007. • District Full Scale exercise in 2008.

  20. Other State Initiatives • List serve for hospital contacts. • Epidemiologist for each public health district. • Mass prophylaxis plan for each county/hospital. • Syndromic Surveillance. • EWA Phoenix Bed Tracking System. • Indiana Health Alert Network. • Health departments • Hospitals

  21. Prevention is key!

  22. Infection Prevention

  23. Infection Prevention • Frequent Hand washing is important to prevent the spread of infection. • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. • Try to avoid close contact with sick people.

  24. Summary • It will take all of us working together to care for our community during any type of event. • We can all make a difference by following these simple rules; • Get back to the basics • Wash your hands • Cover your cough • Get immunized!


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