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Practice Questions. 1. One characteristic that differentiated Classical Civilizations from the Early Civilizations was that they were agricultural rather than nomadic there was a higher rate of literacy they were more durable
Practice Questions 1. One characteristic that differentiated Classical Civilizations from the Early Civilizations was that • they were agricultural rather than nomadic • there was a higher rate of literacy • they were more durable • there was less warfare because of the introduction of organized religions • they created larger political structures capable of controlling more territory
Which of the following was primarily a philosophical movement, rather than a religion focusing on the supernatural? • a. Judaism • b. Zoroastrianism • c. Confucianism • d. Buddhism • In which civilization was their belief system most interwoven with other aspects of their cultural system? • a. Gupta/Maurya India. • b. Han China. • c. Classical Greece. • d. Persia.
CLASSICAL GREECE Daily Objective/Essential Questions: To Compare and Contrast the characteristics of the Classical Civilizations of China, India, Greece and Rome.
I. Geography • Unusual geography separated Greeks from other civilizations • Mountainous • Few rivers; limited agriculture • Ever-present sea; many islands, inlets, good harbors (excellent sailors) • Land travel difficult= • Fueled the development of independent city-states
II. Beginnings of Greek Culture • Minoan culture flourished from 2700 B.C.E. to 1500 B.C.E. • Based on island of Crete • Mycenaean Greeks • Emerged around 2000 B.C.E • First Greek-speaking people • Focused on dominating thesea and trade routes • Grew rich on commerce; went to war with Troy • Dorian Greeks • Beginning of Greek “Dark Ages” • Illiteracy: no written record between 1150 and 750 B.C.E. • Trade came to a stand-still • Political authority thrown into chaos
III. Political Characteristics • 750 B.C.E - the “Dark Ages” come to an end with visit of Phoenicians • Greeks begin to organize into city-states (~200 total) • Polis - a city and its surrounding countryside • Would sometimes unite into Leagues during wartime; but never under 1 government • Various forms of government used throughout Greece • Monarchy – • Aristocracy – nobles, or landowners, make decisions • Oligarchy - ruled by a few powerful people • Democracy- rule of the people; ***political achievement of Greeks • Tyrants - (not the same as today’s definition): Powerful individuals that seized control by appealing to the common people for support
IV. Athens • First city-state to rule through a democracy (by the people) • Examples: • 621 B.C.E. - legal code that says all Athenians are equal under the law • 594 B.C.E. • Debt slavery is outlawed - no citizen should own another citizen • “Town Meeting”- all free males had a voice in political actions • “Council of 500”- citizens chosen by lottery to serve for 1 year term; create town policies • Citizenship only for free males • Women, slaves, and foreigners had no political power
V. Economy • Poor soil; limited crops • Barley • Olives • Grapes • Sheep, goats, cattle, horses raised • Used the sea • Deposits of marble and clay but few metals • Formed colonies to import needed materials and for people to expand • Rise of the coin facilitated trade
VI. Society and Culture • Social Distinctions • Basic division between citizens and non-citizens • 30% population enslaved • Often well-treated personal servants or craftsmen • No political rights; could not serve military • Gender Relations • Confined to home (patriarchy) • No political rights although citizens • Could not own a business or property
VI. continued • Religion • Polytheistic • Gods not omnipotent and possessed humanlike characteristics/flaws • No priestly class • Most did not believe gods controlled human destiny • Secularism: affairs of this world • Philosophy “love of wisdom” • Socrates: studied human nature and relationships • Plato • Aristotle: studied natural and social sciences
VI. continued • Art • Drama • Usually centered on stories of the gods and their dealings with humans • Comedy and Tragedy • Epic Poetry • Iliad and Odyssey by Homer • Lyric Poetry • Musical quality; expresses personal feelings • Different from Epics= purpose to tell a story • Sculpture • Ceramics, realistic human-like sculptures • “Classical” Architecture • Very large temples to gods with columns(Parthenon)
VII. The Persian Wars • Persian Empire • Present day Iran • Peak of empire under Darius I • Superior military with political system that gave conquered areas ability to keep laws/customs as long as they paid tribute to “King of Kings” • Conflict with Greece (Battle of Marathon) • Both civilizations expanding in Anatolia (Turkey) • Greece had aided Ionians in revolt against Persia • Darius invaded Greek mainland but was defeated at Marathon in 490 BCE • 25,000 Persians def. by 10,000 Athenians • Athens had superior training and weapons
VII. continued • Thermopylae • 480 B.C.E. – Xerxes (Darius’ son) sent an invasion force to destroy Athens but again defeated • Significance of Persian Wars • The Delian League forms out of necessity: Alliance of Greek city-states with Athens as leader • Eventually drove the Persians back from areas around Greece, preventing future attacks • Led to internal conflicts between Athens and Sparta • Peloponnesian War (431-404 BCE) • Weakened city-states, made them vulnerable to conquest
VIII. The Hellenistic Synthesis • Macedonia • King Philip II conquered Greek city-states in South • About to invade Persia when he was poisoned • Alexander the Great (his son) • In 13 years conquered much of the known world to the Greeks • Anatolia, Egypt, Persia, and into Indus R. Valley • Death at 33, empire slowly fell apart • Hellenistic Age (323-30 BCE) • Spreading of Greek culture to NE Africa and W Asia • Greeks moved throughout empire and spread their culture • Hellenistic Synthesis is the blending of cultures
5-Minute Response • What connections can you make between Classical Greece and today’s world?
Thesis Work! • Analyze the similarities and difference in the social and gender structures of two of the following Classical Civilizations: Han China (206 B.C.E.–220 C.E.) Mauryan/Gupta India (320 B.C.E.–550 C.E.) • Analyze similarities and differences in methods of political control in TWO of the following empires in the Classical period. Han China (206 B.C.E.–220 C.E.) Mauryan/Gupta India (320 B.C.E.–550 C.E.)
Assignments • Pick a partner and trade your thesis statements on comparing India and China’s Political Systems • Offer one another feedback: • Does it fully answer the question? • Does it show similarities (and WHY they arose)? • Does it show differences (and WHY they arose)? • Does it include vague statements/casual vocabulary/ “I” or “we” statements?
Assignments • With your partner, go over the Greece side of the Sprite Chart to make sure you have it filled in correctly • You may work on Map Assignment #3 or the Timeline Assignment using your books • Homework: Read pp. 98-103 and create a chart comparing the Causes of Collapse to the Classical Civilizations