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HSM Applications to Rural Multilane Intersections. - Session #7. Prediction of Crash Frequency and Application of CMFs for Rural Multilane Intersections. Predicting Crash Frequency and Application of CMFS for Rural Multilane Intersections.
HSM Applications to Rural Multilane Intersections - Session #7 Prediction of Crash Frequency and Application of CMFs for Rural Multilane Intersections
Predicting Crash Frequency and Application of CMFS for Rural Multilane Intersections • Describe the models to Predict Crash Frequency for Rural Multilane Intersections • Calculate Predicted Crash Frequency for Rural Multilane Intersections • Describe CMFs for Rural Multilane Intersections • Apply CMFs to Crash Frequency for Rural Multilane Intersections Learning Outcomes:
Safety Performance of Rural Multilane Expressway Intersections *NCHRP 650
Safety Performance of Rural Multilane Expressway Intersections *NCHRP 650
Safety Performance of Rural Multilane Expressway Intersections 1. 87% of the right-angle crashes were due to the inability of minor road drivers to recognize oncoming expressway traffic and/or select safe gaps in the expressway traffic stream; 2. 78% of the right-angle crashes were “far-side” collisions [i.e., right-angle crashes involving left-turning or crossing minor road vehicles that successfully cross the first (near-side) set of expressway lanes, but collide with expressway traffic in the second (far-side) set of lanes after traversing through the median (the concept of near and far-side intersections is illustrated in Figure 8) *NCHRP 650
Safety Performance of Rural Multilane Expressway Intersections *NCHRP 650
Safety Performance of Rural Multilane Expressway Intersections 3. Intersection recognition (i.e., running of the STOP sign) by drivers on the minor, stop-controlled approaches was not a contributing factor in any of the right-angle crashes at these intersections. Similarly, Burchett and Maze (14) found that the ratio of far-side to near-side collisions at 30 TWSC rural expressway intersections with the highest crash severity indices in Iowa was 62% to 38%; however, at 7 of these intersections where horizontal curves were present along the expressway, far-side and near-side collisions were nearly equally distributed at 51% and 49%, respectively. Therefore, horizontal curves on the mainline seem to create a unique hazard for minor road *NCHRP 650
Safety Performance of Rural Multilane Expressway Intersections *NCHRP 650
Limitations of Methodology • Methodology incorporates the effects on safety of many -but not all- geometric and traffic control features. • Only includes geometric design elements: • whose relationship to safety are well understood • associated data is available • The Statistical Model: • treats the effects of individual geometric design element and traffic control features as independent of each other • Ignores any potential interactions between them.
Predicting Crash Frequency of Rural Multilane Highways Separate Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) for: • Homogeneous highway segments • Intersections • Sum of Individual Intersection Calculations
Definition of Segments and Intersections A - All crashes that occur within this region are classified as intersection crashes B – Crashes in this region may be segment or intersection related, depending on the characteristics of the crash
Definition of Intersections: “the general area where two or more roadways join or cross, including the roadway and roadside facilities for traffic movements within the area.” Intersections may be: • signalized, • stop controlled, and • roundabouts
Definition of Intersections: • An at-grade intersection is defined by both: • its physical and • functional areas”
Definition of an Intersection The functional area “extends both upstream and downstream from the physical intersection area and includes any auxiliary lanes and their associated channelization.” • the functional area on each approach to an intersection consists of three basic elements: • Decision distance; • Maneuver distance; and, • Queue-storage distance.
Functional Area of an Intersection • Decision Distance • Maneuver Distance • Queue-Storage Distance
Predicting Crash Frequency for Rural Multilane At-Grade Intersections Procedure for safety prediction for At- Grade Intersections: 1stApply SPF Model for base conditions, 2ndApply CMFs and calibration factor Nspf int = exp(a + b ln(AADTmaj) + c ln(AADTmin)) Npredicted int = Nspf int x(CMF1i x CMF2i x …. CMFni)Ci
Predicting Crash Frequency for Rural Multilane At-Grade Intersections SPF Models and Adjustment Factors addresses three types of Intersections: Three-leg intersections with STOP control on the minor road approach (3ST) Four-leg intersections with STOP control on the minor-road approaches (4ST) Four-leg signalized intersection (4SG) • Used for both divided and undivided rural four-lane highways
Predicting Crash Frequency for Rural Multilane At-Grade Intersections SPF Model for Rural Multilane Intersections (Applies to BOTH Divided and Undivided): Where: • Nspf int = expected number of intersection-related crashes per year for base conditions • AADTmaj = average daily traffic volume for the major road (vpd) • AADTmin = average daily traffic volume for the minor road (vpd) • a, b, and c = regression coefficients from Table 11-7 Nspf int = exp(a + b ln(AADTmaj) + c ln(AADTmin))
Base Conditions for Rural Multilane Intersections Stop-Controlled Intersections: • Intersection Skew Angle: 0odegrees • Presence of Left-Turn Lanes: none • Presence of Right-Turn Lanes: none • Lighting: none
Predicting Crash Frequency for Rural Multilane Stop-Controlled Intersections Nspf int = exp(a + b ln(AADTmaj) + c ln(AADTmin))
Predicting Crash Frequency for Rural Multilane Signalized Intersections Nspf int = exp(a + b ln(AADTmaj) + c ln(AADTmin))
Safety Prediction for a Rural Multilane Intersection: EXAMPLE • Four-Leg Stop-Controlled Intersection: • 10,000 AADT and 2,500 AADT • From Table 11-7: a = -10.008, b=0.848, c=0.448 Nspf int = exp(a + b ln(AADTmaj) + c ln(AADTmin)) N = exp(-10.008 +0.848ln(10,000)) + 0.448ln(2,500) = exp(-10.008 + 7.810 + 3.505) = exp(1.3075) = 3.7 crashes per year (base conditions)
Severity of Rural Multilane Intersections: • For example, for Rural 4-approach Signalized intersection with AADTs of 37,000 and 16,100: • Predicted Total Crashes = 39.52 crashes/yr • Predicted Injury + Fatal Crashes = 13.0 crashes/yr • Predicted Severity Index = 13.0/ 39.52 = 32.9%
Predicting Crash Frequency for Rural Multilane At-Grade Intersections Procedure for safety prediction for At- Grade Intersections: 1stApply SPF Model for base conditions, 2ndApply CMFs and calibration factor Nspf int = exp(a + b ln(AADTmaj) + c ln(AADTmin)) NEXT: Npredicted int = Nspf int x(CMF1i x CMF2i x …. CMFni)Ci
Effect of Angle or Skew Skew Angle @ 90 degrees • studies show adverse effect of skew • Skews increase exposure time to crashes; increase difficulty of driver view at stopped approach • SKEW = Intersection Angle (degrees) as difference (absolute value) between 90 degrees and actual intersection angle
Rural Multilane Intersection CMF for Intersection Skew Angle 3- legged Intersections (Stop-Control) on Minor Approach: CMF1i = 1 + (0.016 x Skew) (11-18) (0.98 + 0.16 x Skew) 4- legged Intersections (Stop –Control) on Minor Approach: CMF1i = 1 + (0.053 x Skew) (11-19) (1.43 + 0.53 x Skew) • CMF1i = CMF for the effect of intersection skew on total crashes • SKEW = Intersection Angle (degrees) as difference (absolute value) between 90 degrees and actual intersection angle
Safety Prediction for Intersection Skew Angle at a Rural Multilane Intersection: EXAMPLE • 3-Leg Stop-Controlled Intersection: • Skew Angle = 35 degrees CMF1i = 1 + [(0.016 x Skew)/(0.98 + 0.16 x Skew)] CMF1i = 1 + [(0.016)(35)/(0.98 + (0.16)(35) = 1 + (0.56/6.58) = 1 + 0.0851 = 1.085
Left Turn Lanes for Multilane Highways • Left turn lanes remove stopped traffic from through lanes • mitigate rear-end conflict • enable selection of safe gap • “Capacity” is generally not the issue *NCHRP 500, Strategy 17.1 B1 – Provide Left-Turn Lanes
CMF3i for Right-Turn Lanes at Rural Multilane Intersections:
CMF4i for Lighting at Rural Multilane Intersections: CMF4i = 1 - 0.38Pni Where: CMF4i = CMF for the effect of lighting on total crashes Pni = proportion of total crashes for unlighted intersections that occur at night
CMF4i for Lighting at Rural Multilane Intersections: Replace default values with local values if available *Note the lack of a value for 4SG signalized intersection
CMF4i for Lighting at a Rural 2-Way Stop Multilane Intersection: EXAMPLE CMF4i = 1 - 0.38Pni CMF4i = 1 - 0.38 x 0.273 = 1 – 0.10374 = 0.896
Safety Prediction for a Rural Multilane Intersection: Example • 4-Leg Rural Unsignalized Intersection: • 10,000 AADT and 2,500 AADT, • 35 Deg Skew, • left-turn lane • Right-turn lane on major road, • lighting NPredicted int = Nspf int (CMF1i x CMF2i x …. CMFni) Ci
Safety Prediction for a Rural Multilane Intersection: Example • 4-Leg Rural Unsignalized Intersection: • 10,000 AADT and 2,500 AADT, • 35 Deg Skew, left-turn lanes + right-turn lanes on major road, lighting Nspf int = 3.70 CMF2i(lt-trn) = ? 0.520 CMF1i(skew) = ? 1.092 CMF4i(lighting)= ? 0.896 CMF3i(rt-trn) = ? 0.740 NPredicted int = Nspf int (CMF1i x CMF2i x …. CMFni) Ci = 3.70 x (1.092 x 0.52 x 0.74 x 0.896) = 1.39
CMF’s for Rural Multilane Intersections • There are no CMF’s in the 1st edition of the HSM for Signalized Rural Multilane Intersections included in Chapter 11 of Part C
Rural Multilane Intersections • Additional CMF’s: • Increase median opening width • Convert minor road Stop control to All-Way Stop • Convert Stop Control to Signal Control
CMFs for Converting Minor-Road Stop Control to All-Way Stop Control:
Rural Multilane Intersections • Additional CMF’s beyond the HSM 1st Edition: • Positive Offset Left Turn Lanes • Access Density • “J” Turns July 2010
Rural Multilane Intersections • Additional CMF’s beyond the HSM 1st Edition: • Positive Offset Left Turn Lanes NCHRP 650: Before and After studies of crashes identified up to a 100% reduction in left turn crashes; one study found an increase in rear-end crashes; typical crash reduction in left turn crashes is 70%.
Positive Offset Left Turn Lanes • Angled positive offset • Parallel positive offset Florida DOT – very wide offsets Ohio DOT