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Overpopulation. By Matt Dennis. Overview. The Human population has been growing for the past couple of centuries and studies show that it will continue to grow into unmanageable proportions, that we will not be able to sustain on our current resources. Overpopulation Today.

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  1. Overpopulation By Matt Dennis

  2. Overview • The Human population has been growing for the past couple of centuries and studies show that it will continue to grow into unmanageable proportions, that we will not be able to sustain on our current resources.

  3. Overpopulation Today • We are already struggling to sustain the 7 billion people on Earth. • Our medicine advancements (The less people sick the more people we will have) • Countries populations are constantly increasing

  4. Growth of Human Population

  5. United Nations projections of population growth (in millions)

  6. Causes • Industrial Revolutions • More access to food • Advancements on medicines • Birth rate exceeding the death rate

  7. Industrial Revolution • This contributed greatly in the growth of our population due to a great many things such as • Improvement of agricultural methods which meant more food to feed people (less starving) • More Jobs contributed to people being able to afford food. • Advancements in medicines • Social interaction, more children

  8. Food • Overall the more access of food that we have the less people that will die of starvation, meaning more people on earth • These people now have a chance to reproduce, this also means even more people we have to now sustain

  9. Medicine • Medicine has and will continue to advance • Less sick people we have the more will live • More lives saved means chance to also produce offspring • Back then we had little medicine therefore we had less human beings living, this proves that medicine advancements will continue to be play a huge role in overpopulation.

  10. Birth Rate exceeding Death Rate • The birth rate continues to rise which means that we will have more people being born faster than people dying which will cause populations to slowly start to increase • If the birth rate steadily continues to rise populations will grow faster and faster.

  11. Effects • Overconsumption • Increased pollution • Animal extinction • Crime • Starvation

  12. Overconsumption • The major and most dangerous effect of overpopulation will be overconsumption. • We will begin to use all of our natural resources • Will contribute in the loss of ourecosystem • Animals will start to go extinct as we need more food • Food shortages due to less animals • Crime rate will increase due to people needing to survive • Starvation due to overconsumption of food

  13. Ways to avoid • Overpopulation is inevitable, there are no humane ways that we can just shrink populations to sustainable numbers, the best thing we can do is prepare and be ready that way when we start to have vast numbers we are able to maintain them without having the effects of overconsumption.

  14. How to prepare • Renewable recourses • Equally distribute

  15. Renewable Resources • Using renewable energy sources will create a better environment that can help sustain a vast amount of people by decreasing pollution and global warming • While not helping to shrink populations it will greatly improve living conditions so that we can support a crowded world if necessary.

  16. Equally distribute • Equally distribution no matter how it is done will help sustain the many people that we are projected to have in the years to come, like renewable energy sources this won’t shrink our population but will help us maintain it.

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