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Slides for Introduction to Stochastic Search and Optimization ( ISSO ) by J. C. Spall. CHAPTER 10 E VOLUTIONARY C OMPUTATION II : G ENERAL M ETHODS AND T HEORY. Organization of chapter in ISSO Introduction Evolution strategy and evolutionary programming; comparisons with GAs

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  1. Slides for Introduction to Stochastic Search and Optimization (ISSO)by J. C. Spall CHAPTER 10EVOLUTIONARYCOMPUTATIONII: GENERAL METHODS AND THEORY Organization of chapter in ISSO Introduction Evolution strategy and evolutionary programming; comparisons with GAs Schema theory for GAs What makes a problem hard? Convergence theory No free lunch theorems

  2. Methods of EC • Genetic algorithms (GAs), evolution strategy (ES), and evolutionary programming (EP) are most common EC methods • Many modern EC implementations borrow aspects from one or more EC methods • Generally: ES generally for function optimization; EP for AI applications such as automatic programming

  3. ES Algorithm with Noise-Free Loss Measurements Step 0 (initialization)Randomly or deterministically generate initial population of N values of  and evaluate L for each of the values. Step 1 (offspring)Generate  offspring from current population of N candidate  values such that all  values satisfy direct or indirect constraints on . Step 2 (selection)For (N+)-ES, select N best values from combined population of Noriginal values plus  offspring; for (N,)-ES, select N best values from population of  > N offspring only. Step 3 (repeat or terminate) Repeat steps 1 and 2 or terminate.

  4. Schema Theory for GAs • Key innovation in Holland (1975) is a form of theoretical foundation for GAs based on schemas • Represents first attempt at serious theoretical analysis • But not entirely successful, as “leap of faith” required to relate schema theory to actual convergence of GA • “GAs work by discovering, emphasizing, and recombining good ‘building blocks’ of solutions in a highly parallel fashion.” (Melanie Mitchell, An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms [p. 27], 1996, paraphrasing John Holland) • Statement above more intuitive than formal • Notion of building block is characterized via schemas • Schemas are propagated or destroyed according to the laws of probability

  5. Schema Theory for GAs • Schema is template for chromosomes in GAs • Example: [* 1 0 * * * * 1], where the * symbol represents a don’t care (or free) element • [11001101] is specific instance of this schema • Schemas sometimes called building blocks of GAs • Two fundamental results: Schema theorem and implicit parallelism • Schema theorem says that better templates dominate the population as generations proceed • Implicit parallelism says that GA processes >> N schemas at each iteration • Schema theory is controversial • Not connected to algorithm performance in same direct way as usual convergence theory for iterates of algorithm

  6. Convergence Theory via Markov Chains • Schema theory inadequate • Mathematics behind schema theory not fully rigorous • Unjustified claims about implications of schema theory • More rigorous convergence theory exists • Pertains to noise-free loss (fitness) measurements • Pertains to finite representation (e.g., bit coding or floating point representation on digital computer) • Convergence theory relies on Markov chains • Each state in chain represents possible population • Markov transition matrix P contains all information for Markov chain analysis

  7. GA Markov Chain Model • GAs with binary bit coding can be modeled as (discrete state) Markov chains • Recall states in chain represent possible populations • ith element of probability vector pk represents probability of achieving ith population at iteration k • Transition matrix: The i, j element of P represents the probability of population i producing population j through the selection, crossover and mutation operations • Depends on loss (fitness) function, selection method, and reproduction and mutation parameters • Given transition matrix P, it is known that

  8. Rudolph (1994) and Markov Chain Analysis for Canonical GA • Rudolph (1994, IEEE Trans. Neural Nets.) uses Markov chain analysis to study “canonical GA” (CGA) • CGA includes binary bit coding, crossover, mutation, and “roulette wheel” selection • CGA is focus of seminal book, Holland (1975) • CGA does not include elitismlack of elitism is critical aspect of theoretical analysis • CGA assumes mutation probability 0 < Pm < 1 and single-point crossover probability 0  Pc 1 • Key preliminary result: CGA is ergodic Markov chain: • Exists a unique limiting distribution for the states of chain • Nonzero probability of being in any state regardless of initial condition

  9. Rudolph (1994) and Markov Chain Analysis for CGA (cont’d) • Ergodicity for CGA provides a negative result on convergence in Rudolph (1994) • Let denote lowest of N (= population size) loss values within population at iteration k • represents loss value for  in population k that has maximum fitness value • Main theorem: CGA satisfies (above limit on left-hand side exists by ergodicity) • Implies CGA does not converge to the global optimum

  10. Rudolph (1994) and Markov Chain Analysis for CGA (cont’d) • Fundamental problem with CGA is that optimal solutions are found but then lost • CGA has no mechanism for retaining optimal solution • Rudolph discusses modification to CGA yielding positive convergence results • Appends “super individual” to each population • Super individual represents best chromosome so far • Not eligible for GA operations (selection, crossover, mutation) • Not same as elitism • CGA with added super individual converges in probability

  11. Contrast of Suzuki (1995) and Rudolph (1994) in Markov Chain Analysis for GA • Suzuki (1995, IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cyber.) uses Markov chain analysis to study GA with elitism • Same as CGA of Rudolph (1994) except for elitism • Suzuki (1995) only considers unique states (populations) • Rudolph (1994) includes redundant states • With N = population size and B = no. of bits/chromosome: unique states in Suzuki (1995), 2NB states in Rudolph (1994) (much larger than number of unique states above) • Above affects bookkeeping; does not fundamentally change relative results of Suzuki (1995) and Rudolph (1994)

  12. Convergence Under Elitism • In both CGA case (Rudolph, 1994) and case with elitism (Suzuki, 1995) the limit exists: (dimension of differs according to definition of states, unique or nonunique as on previous slide) • Suzuki (1995) assumes each population includes one elite element and that crossover probability Pc = 1 • Let represent jth element of , and J represent indices j where population j includes chromosome achieving L() • Then from Suzuki (1995): • Implies GA with elitism converges in probability to set of optima

  13. Calculation of Stationary Distribution • Markov chain theory provides useful conceptual device • Practical calculation difficult due to explosive growth of number of possible populations (states) • Growth is in terms of factorials of N and bit string length (B) • Practical calculation of pk usually impossible due to difficulty in getting P • Transition matrix can be very large in practice • E.g., if N = B = 6, P is 108108 matrix! • Real problems have N and Bmuch larger than 6 • Ongoing work attempts to severelyreduce dimension by limiting states to only most important (e.g., Spears, 1999; Moey and Rowe, 2004)

  14. Example 10.2 from ISSO: Markov Chain Calculations for Small-Scale Implementation • Consider L() =  = [0,15] • Function has local and global minimum; plot on next slide • Several GA implementations with very small population sizes (N) and numbers of bits (B) • Small scale implementations imply Markov transition matrices are computable • But still not trivial, as matrix dimensions range from approximately 20002000 to 40004000

  15. Loss Function for Example 10.2 in ISSOMarkov chain theory provides probability of finding solution ( = 15) in given number of iterations

  16. Example 10.2 (cont’d): Probability Calculations for Very Small-Scale GAs

  17. Summary of GA Convergence Theory • Schema theory (Holland, 1975) was most popular method for theoretical analysis until approximately mid-1990s • Schema theory not fully rigorous and not fully connected to actual algorithm performance • Markov chain theory provides more formal means of convergence—and convergence rate—analysis • Rudolph (1994) used Markov chains to provide largely negative result on convergence for canonical GAs • Canonical GA does not converge to optimum • Suzuki (1995) considered GAs with elitism; unlike Rudolph (1994), GA is now convergent • Challenges exist in practical calculation of Markov transition matrix

  18. No Free Lunch Theorems (Reprise, Chap. 1) • No free lunch (NFL) Theorems apply to EC algorithms • Theorems imply there can be no universally efficient EC algorithm • Performance of one algorithm when averaged over all problems is identical to that of any other algorithm • Suppose EC algorithm A applied to loss L • Let denote lowest loss value from most recent N population elements after nN unique function evaluations • Consider the probability that after n unique evaluations of the loss: NFL theorems state that the sum of above probabilities over all loss functions is independent of A

  19. Comparison of Algorithms for Stochastic Optimization in Chaps. 2 – 10 of ISSO • Table next slide is rough summary of relative merits of several algorithms for stochastic optimization • Comparisons based on semi-subjective impressions from numerical experience (author and others) and theoretical or analytical evidence • NFL theorems not generally relevant as only considering “typical” problems of interest, not all possible problems • Table does not consider root-finding per se • Table is for “basic” implementation forms of algorithms • Ratings range fromL(low),ML(medium-low), M(medium), MH(mediumhigh), andH(high) • These scales are for stochastic optimization setting and have no meaning relative to classical deterministic methods

  20. Comparison of Algorithms

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