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Difference Between Egypt

Difference Between Egypt. and. Europe. Main Topics. 1. Unemployment 2.Cleanliness of the streets 3.Architecture 4.Productivity. Many people after being graduated from college don’t look for a job and as you see in the following picture those people are sitting in cafes while unemployed.

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Difference Between Egypt

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Difference Between Egypt and Europe

  2. Main Topics 1.Unemployment 2.Cleanliness of the streets 3.Architecture 4.Productivity

  3. Many people after being graduated from college don’t look for a job and as you see in the following picture those people are sitting in cafes while unemployed. Unemployment

  4. Even this ant works harder

  5. But in this picture people are working hard while focusing on their job and doing it in a good shape.

  6. Unemployment Difference between unemployment in Egypt And unemployment in France Egypt France

  7. Main Topics 1.Unemployment 2.Cleanliness of the streets 3.Architecture 4.Productivity

  8. Cleanliness of the streets A street in Egypt A street in Europe In the street in Egypt, many rubbish is thrown on the ground. However, in Europe rubbish is thrown in bins and bags to make the streets clean.

  9. Main Topics 1.Unemployment 2.Cleanliness of the streets 3.Architecture 4.Productivity

  10. Architecture In this picture, there are randomly built buildings without any order from the government. They are built by peasants who can’t find a job in their city so they illegally built this place with no electricity or clean water supply.

  11. Architecture But in this street in Europe buildings are built by order in clean streets with clean buildings.

  12. Main Topics 1.Unemployment 2.Cleanliness of the streets 3.Architecture 4.Productivity

  13. Productivity in the 1st picture there are the top 10 producing countries, but in the 2nd picture there are the ten countries that Egypt is between (Egypt is the 82nd rank).

  14. Thank you Very much. I hope That you have enjoyed the presentation • Youssef Mohammed Al Awwa • Mobile number:0129587091 • E-mail:youssefalawwa99@yahoo.com • Mohanned Wael Kotb • Mobile number:0187889098 • E-mail:scout_man@live.com • Ali Khaled Mounir • Mobile number:0169495117 • E-mail:akmmmy@gmail.com

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