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M igrating D esktop

M igrating D esktop. Graphical Framework for Interactive Grid Applications. Marcin Płóciennik marcinp@man.poznan.pl. Kick-off Meeting , Santander , 20 -2 3. 06. 2006. Outline. Product timeline General concepts of the Migrating Desktop

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M igrating D esktop

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  1. Migrating Desktop Graphical Framework for Interactive Grid Applications Marcin Płóciennik marcinp@man.poznan.pl Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  2. Outline • Product timeline • General concepts of the Migrating Desktop • User’s perspective: Migrating Desktop functionality overview • Current technical status • Developer’s perspective: Plug-ins: idea and architecture • Plans for development The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  3. Product timeline • Migrating Desktop timeline • 2002: Start of development within EU CrossGrid Project and national Progress project (Proof of concept) • 2005: Chosen as key component of the CrossGrid • Nov 2005: Start of deployment in EU BalticGrid project • Feb 2006: Selected for deployment in local Gridge project • May 2006: Continuation of development in EU int.eu.grid project • …plans for deployment in EGEE2 ??, future developments and deployments The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  4. General concept • General concept of Migrating Desktop • Intuitive user’s working environment • Product independent of a hardware platform and the operating system • Advanced user-friendly Java application based on web services • A flexible personalised environment available independently of the user location, • Easily extendable framework The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  5. Supporting Grid Applications • Preparation of input • Intuitive file management • Availability of tools for processing input files • Job submission • Easy definition of job parameters • Simple specification of job files • Submission of parallel jobs (MPICH, MPICH-G2, etc) • Running batch and interactive job • Running multiply (interdependent) jobs • Job monitoring • Easy tracking of submitted jobs • Processing the output • Possibility of presenting partial results • Visualising output files • Processing results The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  6. MD functionality overview • Processing input files • GridCommander – intuitive file manager • Easy access to grid resources • Transparent support for various protocols • Built-in file viewers and editors The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  7. MD functionality overview • Job submission • Selecting job type • Specifying job definition • Choosing requirements • Deciding on ranking policy • Picking input and/or output files • Defining specific job parameters (plug-in!) • Pre-processing job parameters (plug-in!) The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  8. MD functionality overview • Job monitoring • Tracking status of the job • Checking job parameters • Tracing job logs • Examining detailed job status • Possibility of interaction with user The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  9. MD functionality overview • Processing job output • Presenting partial results (plug-in!) • Visualising job output files (plug-in!) • Processing results (plug-in!) The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  10. Current technical status • Migrating Desktop is based on: • Java 1.4.2 ( 1.5 in the way) • Axis 1.1 (-> 1.2.1 in the way) • Tomcat 4, 5 or 5.5 • MySQL 4.1, or 5 • OpenLDAP • OSGi R4 framework specification bundles (new!) • Grid Middleware: • LCG 2.6/2.7 - Client part and most server parts • LCG 2.3 – JobSubmission part of server • CrossBroker or EGEE brokers • Support for VOMS (in latest development version) The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  11. MD plug-ins • Motivations • Easy extension of the framework • Standardization of integration with „third party” modules • Integration points between Migrating Desktop and applications • To give to integrated modules easy access to resources • Migrating Desktop plug-ins • Set of OSGi bundles with well-defined interface, described by XML file and loaded „on demand” from a network The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  12. OSGi • OSGi • Open Services Gateway Initiative  OSGi™ Alliance • More than 35 companies from various areas (Sun, IBM, Ericsson, Nokia, Philips, BMW, etc.) • Technology designed to provide a general-purpose, secure, and managed Java framework supporting the deployment of extensible and downloadable modules known as bundles that usual provide services - a collection of interfaces and their implementations. • Standard with several implementations (Equinox, Knoplerfish, etc) • Used as engine for open source Eclipse IDE The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  13. OSGi • OSGi bundles • A bundle is a JAR file that contains: • The resources necessary to provide some functionality. • A manifest file describing the contents of the JAR file and providing information about the bundle. • Bundles can be remotely installed, started, stopped, updated or uninstalled on the fly • Bundles can share Java packages among an exporter bundle and an importer bundle in a well-defined way. • OSGi services • OSGi service is a java object instance, registered into an OSGi framework with a set of properties. • Any java object can be registered as a service, • Service implements a well-known interface • Bundles can register services, search for them, or receive notifications when their registration state changes. The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  14. Plug-in architecture • Plug-in • independent module providing well-defined API that can be easy implemented and integrated with Migrating Desktop • Container • graphical component in which plug-in (implementing java panel) is nested. • Toolkit • interface defining set of auxiliary methods that can be used by plug-in for gaining access to local or remote resources, etc. The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  15. Plug-in „step-by-step” • Do I need a plug-in? • What kind of plug-in shall I choose? • Job input plug-in - defining job specific parameters • Job process plug-in - pre-processing job input parameters • Job viewer plug-in - visualisation of job results • File viewer plug-in - viewing files of different formats • Tool plug-in - integration of any type of java applet or application within Migrating Desktop framework The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  16. Plans for development (1) • Integrate interactive oriented middleware and services like visualization and prioritization that will be developed or extended by other tasks in this activity; • Evaluate and develop new features according to the requirements of the interactive applications • Guarantee interoperability with the existing large eInfrastructures like EGEE, in terms of supporting batch jobs - sequential or MPI; • Prepare a mechanism for load balancing of the main interactive services. This feature would increase availability, scalability and reliability of the whole system; The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  17. Plans for development (2) • Change to Java 1.5 (in next steps maybe to 1.6) • Change to Axis 1.2.1 (in next steps to 1.4) • Move from LDAP to MySQL • Support for Application - OSGi bundles • Grid Middleware – move to gLite 3.0 mixed with LCG: • Follow CrossBroker changes • Add support for gLite WMS • support LFC commands in order to combine functionality of File Catalog with Virtual Directory The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  18. MD Tutorial • Migrating Desktop tutorial: • During this Kick-off meeting - 21Jun, Monday • Next tutorial in BalticGrid Summer School will be held at the Tartu University, Estonia, from 4 July to 8 July, 2006 The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  19. Additional information • Int.eu.grid • http://www.interactive-grid.org • PSNC • http://www.man.poznan.pl • Product homepage • http://desktop.psnc.pl • CVS Repository • http://ras.man.poznan.pl/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi • The OSGi Alliance • http://www.osgi.org • The World Wide Web Consortium • http://www.w3c.org The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

  20. Questions Thank you for your attention! Any questions? if you need further information : marcinp@man.poznan.pl The First int.eu.grid Kick-off Meeting, Santander, 20-23. 06. 2006

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